CHAPTER 3 Notorious Politician Bryan Rutherford

  Notorious Politician Bryan Rutherford


  Natasha heard Bryan's words and she froze. For some reason, she had a bad feeling about Bryan. "Mr Rutherford, please, have a seat." Captain Wilson spoke and gestured to Bryan to take a seat.

  "Oh no! I am here to take my bodyguard with me. I have a bunch of meetings lined up for today." Bryan replied almost instantly. His eyes were on Natasha as he spoke.

  "Bodyguard! Who is his bodyguard?" Natasha asked out of confusion. Captain Wilson was about to answer her but Bryan beat him to that.

  "You, who else, detective J Malik. Are you excited?" Bryan asked in a sarcastic tone and Natasha turned to look at her Captain.

  "Captain Wilson, I told you my problem. I…" Natasha was trying to speak up in front of Bryan but Captain Wilson stopped her.

  "Detective, would you please wait outside. I have some matters to discuss with Mr Rutherford." Captain Wilson ordered Natasha. She nodded her head and stood up. Hoping her captain would be able to do something, Natasha stepped out of his office.

  "What was that all about? Did you not tell the detective why she was suddenly promoted?" Bryan asked Captain Wilson angrily.

  "I was about to tell her but you came in early." Captain Wilson spoke in a low tone and Bryan nodded his head slowly. "Mr Rutherford, she is soon going to marry a politician's son. It will ruin her relationship with her in-laws and her husband." Captain Wilson added, trying to make Bryan understand what Natasha was going through.

  There was a careless smirk on his face as he shook his head. "Do you think I care? I got her where she is right now. Either she takes the job or she is free to go back to the pit she had been stuck in." Bryan replied to Captain Wilson carelessly.

  Captain Wilson nodded his head as he stood up from his chair. "I got your message. Give me a few minutes with her. She will take the job, I promise you that." Captain Wilson informed Bryan and he stepped out of his office.

  Captain Bryan found Natasha waking back and forth in front of his office. She was biting her nails nervously and she looked concerned. As soon as she noticed Captain Wilson, she walked toward him. "Please tell me you were able to change his mind. I can't do this." Natasha spoke in a low tone, as if almost begging him to help her.

  "Natasha, I understand your problem. But that bastard is just like his father, careless and spoiled. He won't budge." Captain Wilson replied to Natasha in a low tone and Natasha clenched her fists angrily.

  "Just tell him I won't do it." Natasha spoke firmly but she was not aware of the leverage Bryan had in her.

  "I am sorry, Natasha. But you can't reject his request. He is the very reason you are a detective at such a young age. He is the one who pulled strings to get you here." Captain Wilson replied to Natasha in a low tone and she almost lost her balance.

  "Just listen to me. In six months, there will be elections. After that, I will arrange a team for him. And get you out. For now, just accept his offer and play along." Captain Wilson added and Natasha fought the urge to glare at her Captain.

  "What if I said no?" Natasha asked and captain Wilson shook his head.

  "He will gulp your job, your career as if it was nothing but a piece of bread. Try to understand. He is a politician. Son of the most loved prime minister of this country, Angus Rutherford. He is Bryan Rutherford, worse than his father." Captain Wilson honestly replied to Natasha. She gritted her teeth angrily but surrendered later. She knew her Captain was just trying to protect her career.

  Captain Wilson and Natasha stepped back into the Captain's office. "Mr Rutherford, detective Malik is ready to be your guard until the election. I hope it's fine for you." Captain Wilson asked Bryan and he stood up from his chair. He cornered Natasha. He was staring into her eyes as he spoke:

  "Mind your own damn business. She will leave when I ask her to leave." Hearing Bryan's words, Natasha shivered.

  "If you are done staring at me, shall we leave? I am getting late for my first meeting." Bryan's voice pulled Natasha out of the oceans of her thoughts. She masked up her nervousness and nodded her head.

  The apologetic look on her Captain's face made her accept Bryan's orders. But she was not planning on sticking like a loyal officer. She was no one's dog, she reminded herself of that. Bryan covered his eyes with the shades he had in his hands as walked out of the Captain's office. Without questioning him, Natasha followed him.

  The driver opened the door of the car for Bryan. But Bryan dismissed him. "It's no longer your job. I have just the person for that job." The driver nodded his head and walked away. He knew well to never question the notorious politician Bryan Rutherford. "Would you mind, Detective Malik?" Bryan growled at Natasha as he didn't move from her spot.

  Gritting her teeth in anger, Natasha walked toward the car. She held open the door of the car for Bryan. Smirking at his victory, he walked toward the car. He hopped into his limo and gestured to her to get in. Shaking her head at his childishness, she stepped into the car. Her soul left her body for a moment as she saw a bunch of huge sized men in the same car. She looked like a little sparrow in front of all those men.

  Bryan's smirk deepened as he saw the terror on Natasha's face. He knowingly locked the car and the driver drove off. Natasha held her hand on her chest to calm herself down. "It's part of the job. It's part of the job!" Natasha kept reminding herself of the reason why she was there in the first place.


  At night, Natasha opened her eyes and groaned lazily as she heard her phone ringing again. She didn't even have to look at the screen to know that it was Bryan who had dialled her number yet again. "Now what can I do for you, Mr Rutherford? It's freaking 3 O'Clock." Natasha growled at Bryan.

  She was still half asleep while talking to him. "I am under attack. Come to my place right now." Hearing Bryan's words, Natasha's eyes were wide open.

  "I am on my way." Natasha blurted on the phone. She hopped off her bed and quickly changed her clothes. She drove as fast as she could. She parked her car and ran straight toward the elevator. The elevator carried her to the penthouse that belonged to Bryan.

  The elevator door opened and Natasha stepped out, holding her gun. She heard Bryan screaming as she proceeded to walk into the penthouse. She opened the door and screamed: "Hands where I can see them!"

  A woman screamed loudly as she tried to find anything to cover her naked body. Natasha's eyes widened in horror as she understood what was happening. Bryan looked at the clock and raised a brow at her. "You made it within fifteen minutes. Not bad, detective." Bryan complimented Natasha in a low tone. "I thought you would take a little longer. Long enough for me to finish up with this one." He added as he walked toward Natasha.

  Natasha turned around as both Bryan and that woman with him were naked. "Put some clothes on your fucking body." Natasha hissed. She was angry at the fact that Bryan abused his authority.

  "Hmmm… well, you heard the lady. Dress up and get out." Bryan spoke to the woman he brought home with him from the club.

  "What? But, baby. We were having such a good time. Can't we work something out?" Natasha heard the blonde woman trying to seduce Bryan again.

  "What are you waiting for, Miss Malik? Kick her out. And make sure she doesn't come back." Bryan growled angrily at Natasha. Gritting her teeth in anger, Natasha grabbed the blonde woman by her arm and dragged her toward the elevator.

  Natasha pushed the woman in the elevator and threw her clothes on her face. "Shame on yourself. Now get lost and don't show your face again." Natasha growled at the woman angrily. She was disgusted the way she found her with Bryan. She was kneeling before him and Bryan's crotch was inside of her mouth.

  Clenching her fists angrily, Natasha walked back toward Bryan's bedroom. She wanted to set up some boundaries for him as well. Natasha stepped into the room. She gasped loudly as she was suddenly pinned with the locked door. Natasha opened her eyes and found Bryan towering over her. He had his velvet robe on. He was no longer completely naked. But that closeness bothered Natasha.