CHAPTER 4 Doubting My Loyalty.


  I was sitting in a Cafe with my fiance, Ali. After my encounter with Mr Rutherford, I was bound to inform my fiance of what Mr Rutherford had ordered me. Every single word that came out of my mouth, made him angrier a little more. But I didn't stop. I needed to tell him everything. He was my life partner and the love of my life. He was supposed to know where I would be.

  As I finished talking, Ali stood up from his chair, glaring at me angrily. "You are about to do what?" He screamed at me without reading his surroundings. That was a busy day. And the cafe was packed with people. Almost every single head turned into our direction.

  My cheeks burned with embarrassment. With an embarrassed smile on my face, I apologized to all the people in the cafe. I turned my glare toward Ali once we were left alone again. "Keep your voice down. We are not home. We are outside. And you are supposed to respect my boundaries." I shot at him, and he sat back down.

  "I am supposed to move to his apartment. It will be only until the election. Then I will move back." I repeated myself, staring into his eyes.

  I could see a wave of rage rising inside of his eyes. But he controlled himself. He grabbed the glass of water and gulped it down in one go. "You have got to be kidding me. What about our marriage? We have been waiting for this day for so long." Ali asked me in a low tone.

  His eyes were searching for answers inside of my eyes. But I just shook my head. I placed my hands on his and he quickly grabbed my hands. "I know it's difficult for you. You know it's more difficult for me. But it's my first task. And I have to be active." I tried to explain to him why I was supposed to obey until the election.

  "I have no objections over your first task. But living in his apartment. Don't you think it's a little too much you are asking from me?" Ali asked me in an angry tone and I clenched my jaw.

  "Are you doubting me? Are you really questioning my loyalty the only time I am asking you to trust me blindly?" I asked him angrily. I kept my voice as low as possible. I didn't want the others to watch and enjoy the drama.

  My questions made him narrow his gaze all of the sudden. I saw doubts surfacing his eyes. My heart sank in the pit of my stomach as I saw his doubts in his eyes. "I don't remember questioning your loyalty when you left for America. You didn't even have to ask me to trust you." I added in a low tone, staring at him.

  I saw his jaw clenching as he heard me. His grip on my hands tightened up. He was getting angrier. "Your sister used to show me your pictures with half naked women that you sent her and asked her to never show them to me. You should have known better. She never liked me." I told him something I never told him before.

  His expressions suddenly changed. The anger in his eyes vanished instantly and a surprised look appeared on his face. "You never told me about that." He spoke, as if asking me if I was lying.

  "You know better that I don't lie. I still have the hard copies of every single image she gave me." I added in a low tone. I answered the question that I heard behind his words. His eyes widened as the realization hit him hard like a rock.

  "Your sister is a bitch. She has given you hints, hasn't she. And you are just realizing the truth of those hints just now. Am I wrong?" I asked him angrily while staring into his eyes.

  "She asked me why we were getting engaged the day I returned. She was furious and asked me if you still wanted to marry me after everything." He replied in a low tone, keeping his gaze at the table.

  I was enraged as I heard him. But I learned to mask my true feelings a long time ago. I was raised in a family where everyone hated me. I never knew the reason. But it was obvious. The only person I had ever opened up to, was Ali. He saw how unfair everyone had been toward me.

  "And here I thought you knew me better. I expected better from you, Ali." I shot at him angrily. He didn't meet my gaze. He knew he was at fault.

  "I have to go back to work. I'll see you at home." I added as I gathered my stuff.

  "He is a politician! It can ruin our relationship. And what if dad found out." Ali asked me as I stood up.

  "I remember fighting with the whole family after your sister showed everyone the picture of a petite blonde. Now, it's your turn." I replied in a flat tone. Without waiting for him to speak another word, I walked away. I didn't want to ruin our relationship but I was also not willing to give up my dreams.


  I was standing in a pub. Mr Rutherford was busy drinking. There were two sluts sitting with him. They were barely wearing any clothes. They were flirtatiously rubbing their almost naked body with Mr Rutherford's body. Mr Rutherford had dismissed all of his guards. But I was the one who got to watch over him when he was drinking.

  "Why are you so stressed, Detective Malik? Come on! Loosen up a little. Enjoy your life." Mr Rutherford spoke as he grabbed another shot glass and filled it with vodka.

  "No, thank you! I am not interested in your kind of enjoyment." I growled at him and turned around. I fought the urge to leave him there to die.

  Five minutes later, I turned my head to look at him. My eyes widened as I found his seat empty. The women he was with were also nowhere to be found. "Mr Rutherford?" I called out as loudly as I could. But against the high volume music, my voice merely sounded like a whimper.

  Gritting my teeth in anger, I started looking for him. I went toward the bar and the bartender winked at me. "What can I serve for a stunning face like you? It will be on me, hot stuff." The bartender asked me and I showed him my badge.

  "Where is Mr Rutherford? Did you see him going anywhere?" I asked him in a low tone.

  "Woah, detective! I didn't know about you. He took the ladies toward the rooms. You can find him downstairs." He replied, raising both of his hands as he saw my badge.

  I shot him a disgusted look and walked away. I went downstairs, holding my badge in my hands, I started calling his name. But there was no response. I had to open up each door and look inside. Thankfully, the rooms weren't so big. One look was enough to see if he was inside or not.

  But he was not in any of those rooms. At the end of the hall, I saw him standing. Two of the women he had with him, were on their knees in front of him. I didn't need to look twice. I knew exactly what was happening.

  I walked toward him. As he saw me walking in his direction, he smirked mischievously. He growled like an animal, as if he was showing me what he was making those two whores do to him. I grabbed both of their hair and pulled them apart.

  I heard Mr Rutherford grunting in pain as he clutched onto his genitals and fell on the ground. "Get out!" I growled at the two women, showing them my badge. The two women ran away.

  "I am supposed to guard you. Don't play games with me. I don't like games." I growled at him as I pulled my handkerchief out of my pocket and dropped it on his face.


  Mr Rutherford stepped out of the bathroom. He was still not walking straight. I gave him a smug smile as I walked further ahead of him. "Slow down!" He yelled from behind and my smirk deepened.

  "You are supposed to keep up. Anyways, I think you should call it a night. You are in no… umm… what should I say… condition! Yeah! You are in no condition to continue." I added in a taunting tone as I walked out of the pub.

  Almost everyone watched him walking in a funny way. I unlocked the car for him and helped him inside. I also hopped into the car and drove off. "He will be cautious from now on. That taught him the life lesson." I thought while smiling. While he was rubbing ice on his genitals. I got an ice pack for him from the bar while he was in the bathroom.