46. I almost did something stupid

  "Sister Fengyi, I'm sorry, I almost did something stupid." Tian Lu apologized to Liu Fengyi with some shame.

  Liu Fengyi smiled and said, "It's not as serious as you think. Even if you don't broadcast this, most people will think that you made it with a computer. It won't cause much impact. At most, it will just reduce the reputation of your TV station."

She instinctively didn't want Tian Lu to expose this video. As for why, she couldn't explain it herself.

  Tian Lu no longer had the intention to broadcast the video at this time. After hearing what Liu Fengyi said, she would not do such a thing which had no benefit at all. After all, she was working for Wanghai TV Station and did not need to rely on some weird things to increase its popularity like some small media.

  Returning to Liu Fengyi's room on the top floor, the two girls saw that it was getting late, so they decided to take a rest. They were both busy people and did not have much time to waste.

  Since graduation, they have never slept together like they did today. After lying on the bed, the two girls recalled the carefree time in school at the same time. They felt a little emotional for a moment, and unknowingly, they started chatting again.

  Liu Fengyi smiled and said, "Remember that time? We've been known as lesbians for more than half a year."

When they were in school, the two girls were well-deserved campus beauties, so naturally there were a lot of people chasing after them. However, they only focus on becoming successful, so they didn't have any boyfriends.

Later on, many guys who had chased after them in vain saw that they were almost inseparable, so they maliciously speculated that they were a lesbian couple. The two girls didn't care about these things, but after hearing so much, they sometimes even began to doubt themselves. Although it was later proved that they didn't have such intentions, it was still a bit ridiculous to think about it.

  "Yeah, now that I think about it, we were really alike back then." Tian Lu also laughed a few times, but suddenly sighed: "Sometimes, I really would rather be a lesbian."

  Liu Fengyi was stunned and asked hurriedly, "What's wrong? Is your man not treating you well?"

  Tian Lu sighed: "It's not that it's bad, but sometimes, I really feel it's boring and there's no passion at all. Sometimes he's over, but I still haven't found the feeling." It has to be said that married women are very bold and dare to tell their friends everything.

  After hearing what Tian Lu said, Liu Fengyi couldn't help but think of herself, and couldn't help but sigh on her fate which is same as her, then shook her head, not wanting to dwell on this annoying issue anymore, so she smiled and said, "We have been called lesbians for more than half a year. It's really a pity."

"Well, let's sleep now." Liu Fengyi said and pull the blanket over her body.

"Good night sister Fengyi." Tian Lu also laid down to sleep.


  Ye Fei didn't know yet that because of his two long howls in impulse how he attract the attention of those two women. At this moment, he was rubbing his numb legs with a bitter face, thinking to himself, impulse is the devil!

  Just now he jumped down in a fit of impulse without thinking, but he forgot that he had borrowed strength several times on his way up. Now he jumped from a height of more than 500 meters. Although he did not suffer any injuries after landing, his legs were numb from the shock and he even had difficulty walking for a while.

  Fortunately, the place where he fell was in the shade of a tree in a small park. It was already late at night and no one came here, otherwise they would probably be scared seeing his current appearance.

  After sitting on the ground for a long time, Ye Fei's legs finally recovered. He originally wanted to go home directly, but now he was not sleepy at all.

Moreover, it seemed that there was a strength in his body that he had not used up, and he felt a little suffocated. If he went back now, he was afraid that he would not be able to help but torment his little sister , and then she would probably not be able to bear it.

  After coming out from the shade of the trees, Ye Fei didn't dare to walk to a very spacious place. After all, his current appearance was somewhat shocking, but he was not in a hurry to change back. He had just obtained this iron body, and he wanted to get more familiar with it.

  Ye Fei walked for a long time, choosing shady places. He was almost familiar with this body and was about to go back, but suddenly he heard a cry for help not far away.

  Ye Fei walked over quietly, but saw three young men with colourful hair surrounding a boy who looked like a student at the corner of a building. Ye Fei looked around and found that this place was indeed a bit remote, because he had unknowingly walked to the southern suburbs of Wanghai.

  It seemed like this was a robbery. Ye Fei wanted to just knock these thugs out, but one of them made him pay attention. He grinned and said, "Boy, why don't you hand over all the valuables on you? This is the territory of our Black Wolf Gang. No one will come to save you!"