47. Breaking into wolf den or dog kennel alone

  It turned out that these thugs were from the Black Wolf Gang. It was true that enemies often meet each other in a narrow path. I was worried that I had nowhere to go, so I might as well take this opportunity to check out the Black Wolf Gang. Anyway, the way I looked now, even if Liu Yiru came, she wouldn't be able to recognize me, and I wasn't afraid of exposing myself.

  Thinking of this, Ye Fei suddenly jumped out. Without imitating the nonsense of those heroes who talked about doing it in broad daylight, he directly slapped the two thugs on the back of their necks and knocked them out. Only the one who spoke just now was left. However, he did not let him off easily. Instead, he reached out and grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

  The gangster who was speaking was just a low-level henchman in the Black Wolf Gang, otherwise he would not have been so untouchable as to rob a student. He had never seen any big scenes before. At this moment, he saw himself being lifted up by one hand. The man who lifted him up was so strong. Not only was he more than two meters tall, but his arms were as thick as his legs. He couldn't help but scream in fright.

"Ahhh! Help me!!"

  The student who was rescued by Ye Fei did not feel surprised. Instead, he was even more scared than before. In the dark, such a beast-like man suddenly jumped out silently, which reminded him of the movie he had just watched. He wondered if this guy was a werewolf in the movie.

  Ye Fei's second uncle is the biggest gangster boss in Wanghai, so he has usually seen some gangsters at his second uncle's place. Although those people's skills are far inferior to his mother and the others, they are all brave and skilled. In Ye Fei's mind, gangsters should all be like them. He didn't expect that this yellow-haired gangster would be so cowardly. He hadn't done anything to him yet, but he screamed like a woman.

  However, this also saved Ye Fei a lot of trouble. At least he didn't have to torture or threaten anyone. He just asked directly, "Are you from the Black Wolf Gang?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he was stunned. This was the first time he spoke after his transformation. He didn't expect that not only his body shape had changed, but his voice had also become more deep and powerful. It no longer had a teen voice like before.

  From Ye Fei's tone, the yellow-haired thug knew that he was not so friendly to the Black Wolf Gang, but he did not dare to lie to him, and said tremblingly: "I..I.. I am, but I am just a small follower, and I have not done anything bad."

  This guy is really good at talking nonsense. He was clearly robbing just now, and now he says he has never done anything bad. Who would believe him? However, Ye Fei was too lazy to argue with him. He threw him forward and shouted, "Stop talking nonsense and take me to your headquarters!"

  The yellow-haired gangster didn't expect that Ye Fei would actually ask him to the headquarters himself, and he hesitated for a moment, but after Ye Fei glared at him, he immediately nodded and agreed.


Although it was not appropriate to bring the enemy to the headquarters, and the gang leader might cause trouble for him afterwards, the big man in front of him was much more terrifying than his gang leader. His size alone was enough to scare everyone.

  The lucky student didn't expect that the big man would leave without even paying any attention to him after saving him, and it seemed that he was going to the other party's headquarters.

Although he felt something was wrong, he didn't dare to stop him. He had to take out the mobile phone that he had luckily left behind and called the police. He could only pray in his heart that the person who saved him would not have any accident before the police arrived.

  Most of the people living in the southern suburbs of Wanghai City are poor people. The headquarters of the Black Wolf Gang is in a nightclub here. Following the yellow-haired gangster to this place called Rose Nightclub, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. This place is called a nightclub, but in fact, it is just a larger bar. How could the Black Wolf Gang, who is in such a bad situation, go against the Liu family?

On the other hand, since the people behind the Black Wolf Gang dare to go against the Liu family, their power must be not small. It seems that the Black Wolf Gang is at most cannon fodder. If I want to find out some information here, I'm afraid I will be disappointed.

  But since he was here, there was no reason not to go in and take a look. Ye Fei grabbed the yellow-haired gangster by the clothes, pushed him in, and followed him.

  As soon as he entered, Ye Fei couldn't help but frowned. Because of his physical condition, he had been a good boy since childhood. He had never been to such a place before, and he never thought that such a place would be so chaotic.

There were all kinds of noises in it, which made him a little nauseated. On the stage in the middle, there were two women with only a few pieces of clothes on their bodies dancing erotically, and the people surrounding the stage were shouting loudly, as if they were doing it with the two women.

  The yellow-haired thug saw Ye Fei looking at the stage and thought that he was attracted by the two dancers. He said in a flattering way: "Brother, do you want me to call them down to accompany you?"

  Although those two women could be considered pretty int hese guys eyes, Ye Fei, who was used to seeing the beauties hundreds of time nor beautiful at home, would never be interested in them. Not only were their looks and figures very different , but they also had heavy makeup on their faces. In Ye Fei's eyes, they looked like ghosts.

  Frowning again, Ye Fei shouted, "Stop talking nonsense. Who is your boss? Tell him to come out and see me!" He didn't want to stay in a place like this any longer, so he just got straight to the point.

  Seeing that his flattery had hit the wrong target, the yellow-haired gangster didn't dare to say anything more and could only do as Ye Fei said. However, his status was not enough to allow him to meet the boss, so he could only talk to the person in charge here first.

  After listening to the report from the yellow-haired gangster, the manager knew that Ye Fei might have come with bad intentions. He first glared at the yellow-haired gangster fiercely, then came to Ye Fei and said with a smile: "Brother, I wonder what business you have in our Black Wolf Gang?"

Although there are all kinds of people in the world, he has never seen someone as big and strong looking as Ye Fei, so he did not dare to neglect him and spoke very politely.

  Ye Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and asked directly: "Are you the boss of the Black Wolf Gang?"

  The manager said, "I'm not. If you have anything to say, you can tell me first and I will tell our boss."

  "I have nothing to say to you. Tell your boss to come out and see me!" Ye Fei waved his hand impatiently.

  Even a clay figure has its own character. This manager is considered a top figure in the Black Wolf Gang and usually has some face. Now that Ye Fei spoke to him like this, he was angered and shouted, "Who are you? Can you meet our boss whenever you want?"

  "If he's not there, I'll go find him myself!" Ye Fei didn't want to pay any attention to this cannon fodder of his cannon fodder gang. He grabbed the manager's collar and threw him out, directly onto the stage in the middle.