48. Monster on streets


Ye Fei and the others didn't speak loudly and for a very short time, and the guests were all so excited watching the erotic dance on the stage that no one paid any attention to them. It was precisely because of this that they were even more surprised when such a person suddenly fell on the stage.

People who can come to such a place to have fun are naturally not rich and powerful. They are all working class people who make a living nearby.

So when everyone saw clearly who fell onto the stage in a very embarrassing posture, the originally very noisy hall suddenly became quiet. Everyone didn't even dare to look at the manager who fell on the stage, let alone laugh. Some of the timid ones even moved quietly towards the door.

The guests were quiet, but the security guards were not so quiet. They called themselves security guards, but they were actually thugs of the Black Wolf Gang. Seeing their immediate superior being beaten, although they were a little afraid of Ye Fei's scary stature, they still surrounded Ye Fei in order to show off in front of their boss.

The manager who was thrown out by Ye Fei was also quite skilled and was one of the top ones in the gang. He was only dizzy for a moment after being thrown down, but he woke up immediately.

Seeing his men surrounding Ye Fei, he hurriedly shouted, "Stop!"

From the fact that Ye Fei could throw him out without any resistance, he knew that Ye Fei was probably as difficult to deal with as he looked, but it doesn't look he had experience in the underworld.

In this case, he might as well trick him into the basement of his gang. By then, he would have more people on his side and weapons in his hands, so he could decide how to deal with him, right?

The thugs were afraid to step forward, but when their leader shouted at them, they all stopped while breathing a sigh of relief.

The manager jumped down from the stage, walked up to Ye Fei and said, "Don't you want to see our boss? Come with me."

From his flickering eyes, how could Ye Fei not know what he was thinking? However, as the saying goes, a skilled person is courageous. He now has absolute confidence in himself. Come to think of it, he can jump from a height of more than 500 meters without getting hurt. With such a strong body, it is probably impossible to damage it even with a gun.

  With a faint smile, Ye Fei said, "You lead the way!" The tone of his voice was as if he was scolding a servant.

  A murderous look flashed in the manager's eyes, but he didn't dare to say anything more. He obediently took Ye Fei to a small room next to the hall. He pressed a button somewhere, and the wall slowly opened up, revealing an elevator leading to the underground.

  Ye Fei followed the manager inside without thinking. Nothing unexpected happened on the way downstairs. However, as soon as he got out of the elevator, Ye Fei's eyes narrowed because he found several black gun muzzles pointing at him.

  Ye Fei had caused such a big commotion in the hall just now, the leader of the Black Wolf Gang naturally couldn't be unaware of it, but he didn't go out immediately because he could see that this burly guy was much more powerful than any of them, and looking at his scary muscles, his physical strength must be extremely amazing.

If he took action, he was afraid that his entire gang would not be enough for him to handle alone in fair fight, so he decided to use force to deal with him.

  Seeing Ye Fei's somewhat surprised expression, the leader of the Black Wolf Gang laughed somewhat smugly. After winking at several of his armed subordinates to signal them to keep an eye on this big man, he put his gun on his waist and said with a smile: "Brother, I wonder why you come to our Black Wolf Gang to cause trouble?"

Although he said this with a smile, the tone of the Black Wolf Gang leader was not good at all. After all, Ye Fei had just picked a fight with him. Even if it was a person with a good temper, they would get angry when encountering such a thing, not to mention the Black Wolf Gang leader who had a bad temper to begin with.

  Ye Fei was indeed a little surprised when he saw those guns just now, but he was not surprised that the other party used guns against him. Since they asked him to come down, they would definitely use guns. He just didn't expect that the other party would act so quickly and pointed at him before he even said a word.

  Looking at the black muzzles of the guns, Ye Fei couldn't help but think, why not take this opportunity to test how strong this body is? Anyway, with his current physical speed and reaction speed, these pieces of material in front of him can't hit him, and where he wants them to hit is just a matter of thought.

  Having made up his mind, Ye Fei stared at the Black Wolf Gang leader and asked, "Tell me, who have you been in contact with recently? Or, who are you working for now?"

  The leader of the Black Wolf Gang was stunned. A very mysterious person had indeed approached him before, gave him a large sum of money, and asked him to do some small moves on some of the Liu family's businesses.

Originally, he didn't dare to provoke the Liu family, who had a close relationship with the Yuntian Society. However, the mysterious person only asked him to do things like making trouble on the Liu family's construction site, which would not really offend the Liu family. Moreover, the money he gave him was more than the Black Wolf Gang's annual income, so he agreed.

He didn't expect that this was just the beginning, and the people from the Liu family didn't look for him. Instead, this big man who had never been heard of, but was a little outrageous, came.

  All these thoughts flashed through the mind of the Black Wolf Gang leader. There was no special expression on his face. He just looked at Ye Fei jokingly and said with a smile: "Do I need to tell you who I work for? Besides, what right do you have to ask me now?"

  "Just with this!" Ye Fei said as he suddenly stretched out his hand like lightning. Before anyone could react, he had already captured the Black Wolf Gang leader. He lifted him off the ground with one hand and laughed, "If you don't tell me, I'll beat you until you tell me!"

After that, he threw the Black Wolf Gang leader out like he did to the steward just now, but this time the force was a bit too strong, and the Black Wolf Gang leader flew five meters away, and hit the wall heavily, making a loud "bang" sound.

  "Ahhhh!" The Black Wolf Gang leader screamed in pain, feeling that all the bones in his body were about to be broken. He naturally hated Ye Fei in his heart.

When he could catch his breath, he shouted loudly: "What are you still standing there for? Shoot and kill this bastard!"

  The gun-wielding thugs were stunned by Ye Fei's extraordinary strength. They only reacted after their boss called them. They quickly raised their guns and started shooting at Ye Fei. For a while, there was a burst of gunfire at the elevator entrance.

  Ye Fei's body flashed lightly and was more than three meters away. However, when he dodged most of the bullets, he stretched out his forearm and caught one of them. He felt numbness on his forearm, and then a slight tingling sensation. He raised his arm and looked at it. He saw a faint red dot on his exposed forearm, which was obviously caused by the bullet.

  He gently rubbed the red dot with his fingers, but found that it disappeared quickly, as if he had never been shot at all. Ye Fei couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect that his physical strength had reached such a level before he used the barbarian's skill to increase defense.

Well, I remember that there seemed to be a skill called natural resistance. I can try it if I have time. If that works again, wouldn't I become an indestructible body that is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire?

  At this time, the thugs started the second round of shooting, but Ye Fei did not dodge again. He strode forward towards the dense bullets. The gunmen were so scared that they couldn't even hold the guns in their hands, let alone shoot again. They all ran back quickly screaming,

"Ahh! Monster!"



Liu Fengyi illustration is out at image list at top.