49. Can you answer my question now?

  How could Ye Fei's speed be compared to those little thugs? In less than ten seconds, he caught up with the six armed thugs one by one, snatched their guns and knocked them out with a kick on their neck backside, and then walked towards the Black Wolf Gang leader step by step.

  The leader of the Black Wolf Gang was just as frightened as his men. He quickly took out the pistol from his waist and shot at Ye Fei. It was not that he did not see that the bullets were useless against Ye Fei, but he was a little mentally ill now, and shooting was just an instinctive means of self-defense.

  Ye Fei ignored the bullets that were fired at him and walked straight to the Black Wolf Gang leader. He stretched out his hand and grasped the barrel of his gun. He squeezed it gently, deforming the barrel so that the bullets could no longer be fired.

  The Black Wolf Gang leader who had fallen into a semi-crazy state did not notice this at all and still pulled the trigger hard. With a loud "bang", the black pistol exploded violently, making the Black Wolf Gang leader's left hand holding the gun bleed profusely, causing him to scream in pain.


  The intense pain made the Black Wolf Gang leader a little more sober. He covered his injured right hand with his left hand, and looked at the man as tall as a god but do things like devil standing in front of him with fear in his eyes.

  "Can you answer my question now?" Ye Fei grinned, but in the eyes of the Black Wolf Gang leader and others, his smile looked like the smile of the god of death.

  The Black Wolf Gang leader was now regretting so much that he almost vomited blood. For a few million, he might even risk his life. He was not a principled person to begin with, and now he might die at any time. How could he care about his employer?

He knelt down in front of Ye Fei, crying and saying, "Master, please spare my life. If you have anything to say, just ask. I promise to tell you everything I know."

  "Okay then." Ye Fei nodded with satisfaction: "It's still the same question as before, who are you serving now?"

  "I wonder what you are asking about, master?" The Black Wolf Gang leader knelt on the ground and asked cautiously.

  Ye Fei said impatiently: "Who instructed you to do these illegal things recently?"

  The leader of the Black Wolf Gang was startled, it seemed that this man was really related to the Liu family, otherwise he would only ask about what he had done recently. He secretly swore in his heart that as long as he could survive this time, he would never go against the Liu family again.

Now the Liu family hasn't made a move yet, but a man who appeared inexplicably made his gang embarrassed. So he didn't dare to hide anything and told everyone that he had received benefits from the mysterious man and made trouble for the Liu family.

  Ye Fei couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Then do you know who that person is?"

  "I don't know. He only showed up once, and his face was covered. That time he broke into our headquarters just like you, and his skills were terrifying." The Black Wolf Gang leader said, and then hurriedly added, "Of course, not as good as you."

  Ye Fei didn't bother to care about the man's skills, and continued to ask: "Then how do you contact him?"

  The Black Wolf Gang leader said, "We have no way to contact them. Whenever there is something, they always contact us, and in various forms. Sometimes it's a phone call, sometimes an email, and sometimes just a note."

  "Oh?" Ye Fei's heart moved, and he said, "Then take out the note and let me see it."

  The Black Wolf Gang leader did not dare to hesitate. He quickly got up from the ground, ran into the inner room and took out a few pieces of paper. He was somewhat glad that he did not destroy them after reading them as the other party had said.

  Ye Fei took the paper handed over by the Black Wolf Gang leader and looked at it. He was disappointed. The words on it were all printed, and the paper used was also very ordinary printing paper. Thinking about it, it made sense. Since the other party was so cautious, how could they leave clues here?

It seemed that they also knew that the Black Wolf Gang leader could not do anything big. The reason why they came to them was probably just to cover up. It was probably impossible for him to get some information about the enemy here.

  Seeing the Black Wolf Gang leader kneeling down again after giving him the note, Ye Fei's eyes flashed with murderous intent. This Black Wolf Gang was obviously useless, so should he get rid of them? This would also serve as a warning to other small gangs, so that they would not dare to be bribed by the other party.

  The Black Wolf leader knelt on the ground but he had been paying attention to Ye Fei's expression. He also saw the murderous intent in Ye Fei's eyes. In order to save his life, he no longer cared about face.

He banged his head on the ground with a loud bang, and said miserably: "Master.., please spare my life. I have told you everything I know, and I promise that I will never do bad things again. Please let me go this time because I have parents and children to take care of."

  Ye Fei was not moved at all. He found that after he turned into a barbarian, his personality seemed to have changed a little and he became very impulsive and stone hearted. However, he did not dislike these changes, because sometimes, some things really require a heart of stone.

  Just as he was about to kill these people, Ye Fei suddenly heard the shrill sound of police sirens coming from outside, and it sounded like they were outside the nightclub. He suddenly retracted his hand that was about to hit them, and disappeared in front of the Black Wolf Gang in a flash.

  Ye Fei didn't let those people go because he was concerned about the police, but the police's voice just now gave him a new idea. These people in the Black Wolf Gang were not good people. They would not tell anyone what he asked them. If he spared their lives, that person might come looking for them.

He would observe in secret. If that person really showed up, he would not be able to escape from his grasp. Then, as long as he caught one of them, it would not be difficult to uproot the power behind him.

  Ye Fei jumped directly onto the ground. He did not leave in a hurry, but changed back to his original appearance in a remote place, and then walked into the hall of the nightclub leisurely. He had just made some noise. If that force was really so cautious, they would probably have received the news by now. Now was the right time to stay here and observe.

  The hall, which had been noisy again after Ye Fei followed the manager away, became quiet again due to the arrival of the police. Ye Fei looked outside intently and couldn't help but think that there were quite a lot of police officers going out this time.

He saw more than a dozen police cars parked outside, and policemen kept jumping out of the cars with flashing lights, and then quickly lined up, looking like they were ready to rush in at any time.

  Ye Fei couldn't help but shake his head secretly. These policemen looked very fierce, but not only did they use sirens to inform people when they arrived, they also had time to form a team after they arrived. In this way, no matter how big the activities inside were, they would have enough time to cover up everything.


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