50. Who's in charge here?

  Following a clear and delicate shout, the police who had been lining up outside for half a hour finally rushed in. Walking in the middle of them was an extremely beautiful policewoman with a serious expression that made people dare not look at her directly.

The policewoman stood at the door and looked at the drunken people in the hall with some disgust.

She said in a clear voice: "I am Ming Yuexin from the Wanghai South City District, Public Security Bureau. I just received a report that a vicious incident has occurred here. Who is the person in charge here?"

  Even if she didn't say it, most people here would have recognized her. After all, as a woman with no background at all, she was able to sit in the position of deputy director of a large district branch at her late twenties.

Moreover, she looked like a scourge to the country and the people. It was hard for such a person not to attract attention. Ming Yuexin naturally knew who was the head of the biggest cancer in the South District, and the questioning just now was just a routine matter.

  Ye Fei felt a little funny when he heard the policewoman's name. The policewoman's father might be a martial arts fan who actually gave his daughter such a name. What he didn't know was that Ming Yuexin was proud of her name when she was young, because this name was not only unique, but also appeared in novels and movies. However, after entering middle school, she began to worry about this name again, because the Ming Yuexin in the novels and movies was not a good person.

A boy who had pursued her unsuccessfully once privately slandered her for being the same as the Ming Yuexin in the novel. However, she no longer worries about this. The name is just a name. She has never thought about learning from anyone. As long as she is herself, it's fine.

  "Hey, Chief Ming, why did you come here in person?" At this time, the leader of the Black Wolf Gang, who had luckily survived, also came out of the basement. He was extremely grateful to Ming Yuexin, who had always been against him.

In his opinion, it was because of the arrival of these policemen that the beast-like man did not kill them out of caution, so he became more enthusiastic towards Ming Yuexin than ever before.

  Ming Yuexin was also stunned by the enthusiasm of the Black Wolf Gang leader, but she still said with a cold face: "Black Wolf, I received a report saying that there is trouble here. What's going on? You'd better explain it to me clearly and then release the people you detained."

She had just received a report saying that a person was deceived by the Black Wolf Gang to come to the Rose Nightclub, and there might be a loss of life, so she rushed here in a hurry.

  Black Wolf was a little confused and said, "Chief Ming, we didn't detained anyone. It's true that someone caused trouble just now, but he's gone now."

  "Left?" Ming Yuexin didn't believe him at all: "Don't think I don't know you. Will you let a troublemaker go so easily?"

  At this point, Black wolf no longer cared about his face. He had just offended the Liu family, and he didn't dare let the police catch him. So he smiled bitterly and said, "How dare we not let him go? Look at what we have become."

As he said that, he raised his bloody right hand, which had not been bandaged yet, and then pointed at the men who were still a little confused after being thrown down by Ye Fei.

  Ming Yuexin was stunned again. She came here this time to cause trouble for the Black Wolf Gang. Others didn't know that the reason why she became the deputy director of a large branch at such a young age was not because she had hooked up with some high-ranking official as others said, but because she was promoted by the mayor Liu Fengyi.

As the director of the South District, she knew something about the Black Wolf Gang's targeting of the Liu family. In order to repay Liu Fengyi's kindness, and because the Black Wolf Gang was not a good thing, she wanted to take this opportunity to completely eradicate the Black Wolf Gang after receiving the report.

However, she didn't expect that she would indirectly help them. If she hadn't come so quickly, even if the troublemaker didn't break up the Black Wolf Gang, she would probably make them suffer a lot.

  "Then come back with me later and make a statement, explaining what happened." Ming Yuexin, feeling a little aggrieved, could only vent her feelings by asking the leader of the Black Wolf Gang to come to the police station once.

  "Okay, okay, I will do my best to cooperate." Black Wolf was eager to stay with the police, otherwise what if the police left and that devil came again? So he quickly agreed.

  Ming Yuexin was a little puzzled by Black wolf's attitude, but she was also a very smart girl. She understood his idea after a little thought. She couldn't help feeling even more aggrieved. She didn't expect that the first time she wanted to abuse her power for personal gain, she did so many stupid things. Not only did she fail, but she ended up helping an old enemy .

However, since the words had been said, and there were so many of her subordinates around her, she naturally couldn't take them back. But she was unwilling to give up, so she looked around the hall.

  At this time, everyone here began to disperse. Firstly, since such a thing happened, they would definitely not be able to play today.

Secondly, they were afraid that staying here would cause trouble. Ye Fei also mixed in with the people here and wanted to go out together. He had just observed quietly for a long time and did not see any suspicious people. It seemed that he could only wait until the news died down a little before inquiring.

  At this moment, Ming Yuexin saw Ye Fei. Although Ye Fei was nearly 1.8 meters tall after returning to his original appearance, his age could not escape the eyes of Ming Yuexin, an expert, so she shouted to Ye Fei: "That kid, come here."

  Although Ye Fei heard Ming Yuexin's voice, he did not realize that she was calling him. He still followed those people out slowly. It was not until Ming Yuexin called him again and a policeman next to him pulled him that he realized that this beautiful policewoman was calling him.

  "Were you calling me just now?" Ye Fei walked up to Ming Yuexin with a somewhat dissatisfied tone. Although she was incredibly beautiful, all the women in Ye Fei's family were as beautiful as her, so there was no sense of stunning beauty.

Moreover, it was because of her appearance that the person behind the scenes dared not show up, causing him to have to come here again in the future. So Ye Fei was somewhat dissatisfied with her in his heart.

  Although she was a little surprised that the boy spoke so harshly, Ming Yuexin uexin didn't want to argue with with a kid, so she smiled and said, "Apart from you, are there any other children here?"

  "You are the child!" Ye Fei said somewhat dissatisfiedly. Although he had no thoughts about Ming Yuexin, he was unwilling to let such a beauty call him a child. Besides, he was really not a child anymore. If she didn't believe it, she could ask Ye Ningshuang.

  Ming Yuexin finally understood why Ye Fei was dissatisfied with her. She couldn't help but be amused by him. She puffed out her chest and said, "How am I like a child?"