51. Are you familiar with my sister?

  Ye Fei looked up and down at her nearly perfect figure. Well, it was not bad. She was 1.75 meters tall, almost catching up with himself. However, she was not like a bamboo pole like other tall women. She was convex where it should be convex and concave where it should be concave.

The majestic police uniform showed a strong sense of temptation on her body, especially the pair of breasts on her chest, which could catch up with Ye Ningshuang. The clothes were so tight that it seemed that if she took a deep breath, the buttons would pop out. Ye Fei couldn't help but think of the ecstasy when Ye Ningshuang used her pair to clip him. He couldn't help but murmured, "It's not small, it's very big."

  Ming Yuexin was stunned by his words. She followed his gaze and realized what he was talking about. She couldn't help feeling angry and amused. She didn't expect that such a child would dare to take advantage of her. However, she didn't bother with him. If it were an adult, she would have kicked him out long ago.

  Ming Yuexin was too lazy to waste time talking to them and shouted, "You two, follow me back to the police station. Everyone else, go away."

  Black Wolf was naturally very happy, and hurriedly followed behind Ming Yuexin like a good and obedient child. Although Ye Fei didn't want to go to the police station, he had returned to his original state after all. It would be bad if he continued to argue with the police.

Although the Liu and Ye families were all-powerful in Wanghai, they were not without opponents, especially Aunt Liu Fengyi. Although she had suppressed the secretary who didn't get along with her to the point where he was almost powerless, she still had to look okay on the surface. As Liu Fengyi's nephew, it was naturally not good for him to do anything that would look bad.

  Following Ming Yuexin into the South District Police Station, Ye Fei originally thought that he only needed to answer a few simple questions before he could leave. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the gate, a young police officer in his twenties came over and looked at Ming Yuexin with a smile on his face. Ye Fei knew this guy.

This guy was the son of a deputy director of the Municipal Bureau. He usually flattered Ye Yu and had visited Ye Fei's home with his father. Because he was always on guard against Ye Yu, Ye Fei also knew the people around him better. He knew that this guy was called Zhang Yu. He always thought that he was a big shot.

When there was no one with a stronger background than him, he asked people to call him Master Yu. However, recently he heard that people called him Master Yu again. Ye Fei didn't know why he did this. Now it seems that he must want to pursue Ming Yuexin, so he did this.

  Seeing Zhang Yu waiting at the door, Mingyuexin frowned slightly. She was very disgusted with his persistent pursuit, but after all, he was a member of the system, and Zhang Yu's father was the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, her immediate superior, so Ming Yuexin did not deliberately avoid him and walked over with Ye Fei and Black Wolf.

  "Xin'er, you're back. Wow! I didn't expect you to catch this guy Black wolf. Why don't I interrogate him for you?" Zhang Yu didn't treat himself as an outsider at all. He directly called out the names that only Ming Yuexin's parents would call her.

  Ming Yuexin was too lazy to pay attention to this guy who was shameless enough to call her by her nickname even after she warned him many times. She just said coldly, "No need. I brought them here just to learn some things. No need to trouble you."

  Zhang Yu had waited for so long without getting off work just to show his courtesy to Mingyuexin, so he naturally would not miss this opportunity. Seeing that Mingyuexin refused to let him interrogate Black wolf, he had to settle for the second best.

He looked at Ye Fei behind him and said, "Then I'll interrogate his son."

When he went to Ye Fei's house, Ye Fei did not come out, so he did not recognize the prince of the Liu and Ye families, and thought he was Black wolf's son.

  Ye Fei had never had a good impression of this lackey of Ye Yu. When he saw him claiming that he was the son of Black wolf, he became furious and shouted, "You are his son. Your father is his son!"

  Ming Yuexin almost laughed at the conversation between the two. She thought that this kid was really a thorn in the flesh, and he even dared to take advantage of her just now. It would be good to let Zhang Yu, this bastard, teach him a lesson.

So she nodded and said, "Okay, you go and ask him, but don't hurt anyone."

She knew that Zhang Yu was being careful. Although this kid looked a little hateful, he had not broken any law after all. If she didn't explain, Zhang Yu might take revenge on him.

  But Ming Yuexin still underestimated Zhang Yu's cruelty. After agreeing, Zhang Yu was laughing in his heart. He had followed his father since he was a child, and he had many ways to beat people without hurting them. This kid dared to contradict him in front of the woman he loved. How could he let him off easily?

  Walking into an interrogation room, Zhang Yu asked Ye Fei to sit down on a chair and asked gloomily, "Name!"

  Ye Fei, who knew him a little, knew what kind of person he was. Although he would be scared to death if he told him his identity, Ye Fei was not prepared to do so. He thought, don't you like Ming Yuexin? Then I will use her to pressure you. So he pretended to be a little scared and said, "Ming Xiaoman."

  Zhang Yu was stunned. The surname Ming was not common, especially in this area. He had only heard of Ming Yuexin's family. How could another surname Ming appear now? So he asked, "Is your surname Ming?"

  "Ming Xiaoman." Ye Fei answered again.

  Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then realized that asking him if his last name was Ming was like asking his name again, so he had no choice but to ask, "I mean if your last name is Ming."

  Ye Fei nodded and said, "Yeah, is there any problem with that?"

  "But, as far as I know, there is only one family with the surname Ming around here." Zhang Yu sneered, "You're not going to tell me that you're a relative of Director Ming, are you?"

  Ye Fei looked strange and said, "Director Ming? Are you talking about my sister?"

  "Your sister? Are you saying Ming Yuexin is your sister?" Zhang Yu was unknowingly led away from the topic by Ye Fei.

  "Yes, I am her biological brother." Ye Fei didn't even blush when he lied.

  "Then why have I never heard that she has a younger brother?" Zhang Yu obviously didn't quite believe what Ye Fei said.

  Ye Fei sneered: "Are you familiar with my sister? Why would she tell you?"

  Zhang Yu couldn't help but be choked by his words. In the past, with his status, he always chased women with just an easy move. So even though he hit a snag with Ming Yuexin, he didn't think about trying to please her family, let alone inquire about her family situation.

Now he looked at Ye Fei carefully and saw that he was indeed handsome. It was very likely that he was Ming Yuexin's brother. Thinking about how Mingyuexin had just told him not to hurt him, he felt a little worried.