53. No one can ever separate us

  This ring might be the treasure of this store. Unlike other rings which are worth tens of thousands of yuan at most, it is worth 240,000 yuan. Although Zhang Yu has some money, more than 200,000 yuan is almost all the money he got from his father in a whole year. If he spends it all at once, he will feel very distressed. So he said hesitantly: "Brother, this ring seems a bit expensive."

  "Is this expensive?" Ye Fei exclaimed, "This is the cheapest jewelry my sister can afford. I've been to those big stores with her, and the other jewelry she's interested in is at least over a million yuan."

  "Is that so?" Zhang Yu couldn't help but be a little skeptical. He knew Ming Yuexin a little bit. She wasn't the kind of girl who worshipped money. Why were the jewelry she liked so expensive? So he said, "But I've never seen your sister wear jewelry."

  "Yes." Ye Fei said as if it was a matter of course: "She doesn't like ordinary jewelry, and she can't afford the ones she likes, so she doesn't wear jewelry. Think about it, what kind of person is my sister? I dare not say that she is the most beautiful in Wanghai, but at least she can be ranked in the top ten. If she didn't have some feelings for you, let alone 200,000, she wouldn't even look at it even if you brought 20 million!"

  Zhang Yu was very pleased with Ye Fei's words that Ming Yuexin had a good impression of him. He waved his hand and called the boss over, saying in a very arrogant manner: "Take out this ring, I want it!"

  The boss had been troubled by this ring for a long time. He bought this thing to show off when the shop opened, but he never sold it, which made him regretful. Now that someone finally wanted to buy it, he was very happy. He was very attentive and personally packed it in a beautiful box for Zhang Yu, which made his vanity swell again.

  After coming out of the jewelry store, Zhang Yu treated Ye Fei to a big meal, then called a taxi, threw two hundred yuan to driver, and told him to do as Ye Fei said. Only then did he return to the police station full of hope.


  When Zhang Yu returned to the police station, it was time for the police officers on night shift to have lunch. Ming Yuexin also worked an extra night shift because she had to interrogate Black wolf, so she also stayed in the restaurant with everyone else.

  Seeing that almost all the police officers on night shift had gathered in the restaurant, Zhang Yu thought that God was really helping him. He was worried about not being able to find a place with many people around. So he quickly walked to Ming Yuexin's dining table and looked at her with what he thought was a very affectionate look.

  Ming Yuexin was not surprised at all by Zhang Yu's arrival, but she was also very annoyed, so she said, "Zhang Yu, you don't have a night shift, why haven't you gone home yet?"

  Zhang Yu, who was full of confidence, regarded Ming Yuexin's order to leave as a sign of concern, which made him finally make up his mind after some hesitation.

He suddenly knelt on one knee in front of Ming Yuexin and said in a voice that gave people goose bumps: "Xin'er, I like you. Since the first time I saw you, I have fallen deeply in love with you...."

  "Are you okay?" Ming Yuexin didn't expect him to do this. She felt a little embarrassed and interrupted him quickly.

  "No,I'm sick. I'm sickingly in love with you!" Zhang Yu said in a startling tone. He then took out the box containing the ring from his arms, opened it abruptly and handed it to Ming Yuexin: "Diamonds represent eternity, and my heart, like this diamond, my love for you will also be eternal. Promise me, will you be my girlfriend?"

  Their movements had alarmed everyone. When several female police officers saw the ring in the box, they couldn't help but exclaimed. Since the store was near the police station, they had all been there before and naturally had seen this treasure of the store. They didn't expect that Zhang Yu bought it in order to pursue Ming Yuexin. For a moment, they couldn't help but feel a little envious.

  But Ming Yuexin didn't even look at him, she just said coldly: "Zhang Yu, what are you doing? I've said it before, there is no possibility between us!"

  "No, you don't have to lie to me." Zhang Yu said excitedly: "Your brother has told me everything."

  "My brother? Where does my brother come from?" Ming Yuexin was stunned, but suddenly remembered Ye Fei who asked him to interrogate, and asked: "By the way, where is the little boy you interrogated? You didn't lynch him, did you?"

  "How is that possible?" Zhang Yu lowered his voice and said, "Why would I punish your brother? I have already released him."

  Hearing him mention his brother again, Ming Yuexin said helplessly: "I've already said that I don't have a brother."

  "You don't have to lie to me." Zhang Yu now believed Ye Fei without a doubt: "The kid just now was your brother, Ming Xiaoman, he told me everything."

  "Let me say it again, I am the only child of my parents. I don't have any brothers or sisters, let alone Ming Xiaoman's name younger brother!" Ming Yuexin said impatiently, turned around and ignored Zhang Yu.

  Zhang Yu then realized that something was wrong. After all, he was in charge of household registration, and Mingyuexin had no need to lie about this. It seemed that he had been fooled by that guy.

  "You little bastard, how dare you lie to me! Just wait and see!" Zhang Yu blurted out the harsh words, and then he realized that there were many people around him. Thinking that he was cheated by a child, he no longer had the face to stay and quickly ran out of the restaurant.

  Looking at Zhang Yu's somewhat embarrassed back, Ming Yuexin felt a little funny. She used to feel disgust towards this guy, but now she felt a little sympathetic.

How low must this guy's IQ be to be fooled by a kid? However, thinking of that abnormal kid, who not only took advantage of her but also embarrassed her, Ming Yuexin couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.


  But Ye Fei asked the taxi driver to give him a short ride, then got out of the car, quickly ran back home, quietly entered his bedroom, and lay down next to Ye Yunqi.

  Thinking of what happened today, Ye Fei felt a little emotional. Naturally, he had a second unknown transformation. Many things would be much more convenient in the future.

Finally, he thought of Zhang Yu and couldn't help but chuckle. Not only did he deal with Ye Yu's lackey, but even the police girl who ruined his plan and called him child would not have an easy time. It was really killing two birds with one stone.

  Ye Fei was secretly feeling happy when he suddenly felt that something was wrong with Ye Yunqi beside him, and he quickly turned to look at her.

  Ye Yunqi didn't know what kind of nightmare she had at this moment. Her face looked a little nervous, and there were even some tear marks in the corners of her eyes. Ye Fei couldn't help but feel distressed. He gently hugged her smooth and delicate body in his arms and reached out to gently pat her jade back.

  Perhaps it was because she smelled a familiar breath, Ye Yunqi suddenly hugged Ye Fei tightly and murmured: "Brother, don't leave me, never!"

  Ye Fei kissed her face and said in a gentle but firm voice: "Little sister, don't worry, I won't let you go, and no one can take you away from me!"

  Ye Yunqi, who was sleeping, seemed to have heard Ye Fei's promise. Her tightly wrinkled face slowly relaxed. She twisted her body, found the most comfortable position in Ye Fei's arms, and continued to sleep. Ye Fei also closed his eyes.


  In the morning, Ye Fei was woken up by Ye Yunqi. This seemed to have become a routine. When he opened his eyes, what Ye Fei saw was Ye Yunqi's sweet smiling face. But how could the hint of sadness in the deepest part of her eyes be hidden from Ye Fei, who shared the same feelings with her?

  "Qiqi, I want to tell you an important decision I made last night!" Ye Fei pulled her into his arms and hugged the twin sister whom he loved so much, intending to tell her his decision so that she would not have to worry about it and make him feel sad.

  "What decision?" Ye Yunqi asked. She knew that she and Ye Fei only had a few years left to be together, so she cherished it very much and listened carefully to his every word and every decision he made.

  "Then tell me first, do you want to be with me for the rest of your life?" Ye Fei felt that he needed to confirm her thoughts.

  Ye Yunqi somewhat resented her brother for bringing up this matter that made her so distressed. She sighed and said, "I do want to, but I also know that it's impossible, so you don't have to worry about me pestering you."

  "Well, I'll tell you my decision." Ye Fei held her face with both hands, stared deeply into her eyes, and said firmly: "I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and we will never be apart. Even mother can't separate us two!"

  "Are you telling the truth?" Ye Yunqi felt like she was dreaming.

  "Yes!" Ye Fei nodded vigorously: "Really, from today on, you are mine and I am yours, no one can separate us!"

  "Great!" Ye Yunqi cheered and suddenly jumped up from Ye Fei, but her legs felt weak and she fell down again.


Two fish in the net.