54.Decision to practice Dual Cultivation

  Ye Fei hurriedly caught her, his face became extremely worried, and asked: "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

You know, Ye Yunqi is a girl with excellent skills, and she has practiced the Liu family's internal skills very well. If there was no big accident, it would be impossible for her to even stand unsteadily.

  "Hehe, you were fooled by me, right?" Ye Yunqi laughed mischievously: "It seems that you are still strong. It is worth it for me to entrust my life to you."

  Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that she was just testing him after all this time. This was really unnecessary. She should be able to clearly feel his deep love for her.

  What Ye Fei didn't know was that Ye Yunqi was not testing him at all. She said that just now just because she was afraid that he would worry. There was more than just something wrong with her now. She was also startled by her sudden weakness in her legs.

After falling into Ye Fei's arms, she silently observed her body, only to find that her Liu's family mental method, which had broken through to the third level two years ago, had fallen back to the second level. Because she was used to the power of the third level, she suddenly became unstable just now.

  However, Ye Yunqi was not sad about her regression. Instead, she was very happy, because she knew that the power she had lost should have been taken away by her beloved brother. In this way, he who had obtained a whole layer of her internal strength should have improved a lot. Ye Fei's progress made her happier than her own progress.

  "Brother, do you feel much better now?" Although Ye Yunqi knew that asking this might make Ye Fei see something, she was extremely happy and couldn't help herself.

  Ye Fei's strength had been increasing over the past two days, so he hadn't noticed this. Only when she mentioned it did he realize that his strength seemed to have really increased a lot compared to last night.

However, he was not happy about this, because he remembered how his younger sister looked dazed that day, and considering her performance just now, could it be that he had absorbed her strength without realizing it?

  "Qiqi, tell me honestly, is it that your internal energy lost?" Ye Fei's face became extremely serious, and his eyes were fixed on his little sister's charming big eyes.

  Although Ye Yunqi didn't want to tell the truth and make Ye Fei feel guilty, she found that she couldn't even tell a lie when facing her serious brother. She could only nod and said, "Yes, I have regressed a little, but it doesn't matter, as long as you can improve."

She laughed and said, "I have been looking forward to the day when I can have your protection. It's a pity that I could only think about it before, but now it can come true. You must protect me well for the rest of my life."

  Ye Fei, who shared her thoughts, could see that his little sister was not forcing herself to smile, but was really happy to be cared for by him, who was both her brother and her lover now. It was precisely because of this that he was moved, and he could not help but hug the little beauty tightly in his arms, and suddenly pressed his lips on her little mouth and kissed her deeply.

  Until the two of them were almost out of breath, Ye Fei let go of Ye Yunqi's little mouth and said gently and firmly in her ear: "Qiqi, I will never let you down in this life!"

  Clearly feeling her brother's deep affection for her, Ye Yunqi felt extremely sweet in her heart, and she said softly: "Well, Qiqi is yours for the rest of my life, and she will never leave you."

  The brother and sister who expressed their feelings to each other just hugged each other and looked at each other affectionately for a long time.

Ye Yunqi also exclaimed, got out of Ye Fei's arms, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and get up, otherwise Aunt Zhang will catch you in bed!"

  Ye Fei was also amused by her random use of words and started laughing. While putting on his clothes, he said, "Why do you think we are an adulterous couple?"

  Ye Yunqi suddenly sighed and said, "I'm afraid from Lingling's perspective, we are an adulterous couple."

  Ye Fei then remembered that he had a fiancée who treated him no worse than his younger sister. For a moment he couldn't help feeling a little worried. Now that he had made such an agreement with his younger sister, how should he face Lin Ling in the future?

  Ye Yunqi just said it casually, but she realized it after she said it. Seeing Ye Fei's face was a little bad, she couldn't help but said distressedly: "Brother, you don't have to worry about this. Lingling will still be your wife in the future. As long as you have a place for me in your heart, I will be satisfied!"

  Ye Fei didn't expect Ye Yunqi to be so generous. He was moved. He hugged her and kissed her for a long time before letting her put on her clothes. He said, "You two will be my wives in the future. I will not give up on either of you!"

  Ye Yunqi had already put on her clothes and got off the ground. Although her internal strength was only at the second level, it was still much stronger than that of an ordinary person. After adapting a little, she immediately became lively again.

After listening to Ye Fei's words, she stretched out her little hand and scratched his nose, laughing: "You are really greedy. You don't care whether Lingling agrees or not, and you threaten to take us both!"

  A sense of heroism suddenly rose in Ye Fei's heart, and he said as if making a declaration: "I am greedy. As long as it is someone I love, I will not allow her to leave me!"

When he said this, he thought of Liu Yiru, Ye Ningshuang, with whom he had the closest relationship, and all the women in the family. At this moment, he vowed to protect them for the rest of his life and never care about worldly things again. It can be said that at this moment, he truly possessed the heart of a strong man.

  Although he had already decided on the future path, that was a matter for the future. The most urgent task now was how to solve the problem of his younger sister's internal strength. Especially when he saw that she was still a little listless after breakfast, Ye Fei was very worried.

  Why did Ye Ningshuang feel energetic after doing almost the same thing, while his younger sister was listless and even her internal strength declined?

Ye Fei was thinking about this question all the way, and he didn't even notice that Zhou Mingming, who was still waiting for them, was talking to him. In the end, it was Ye Yunqi who helped him smooth things over.

  After thinking for a long time, the only difference Ye Fei could think of was that when he had sex with his aunt, he inserted it and ejaculated inside, but when he had sex with his younger sister, he did not. It seemed that the problem must be here. As for whether it was because he did not insert it or did not ejaculate inside, it made no difference. No matter which one it was, he had to take that final step with his younger sister.

  Ye Fei was a little hesitant and was not in a very good mood, but Ye Yunqi was extremely happy. When going upstairs, she said something that made Ye Fei suddenly feel enlightened: "It feels so good to be with you for the rest of my life!"

  Yes, since they have decided to be together for life, he can't keep rubbing against each other outside, right? So Ye Fei made an important decision - to practice dual cultivation with her!


Gimme Power stones guys