55. You are a thoughtful girl

  After making up his mind, Ye Fei felt a lot more relaxed and started talking and laughing with Ye Yunqi again. Seeing that her beloved brother seemed to be happy again.

Ye Yunqi was also very happy and even her steps became lighter. The poor girl didn't know yet that she, who was so pure, might be eaten tonight, but even if she knew, she would probably be even happier.

  When she returned to the classroom and saw Lin Ling, Ye Yunqi felt a little embarrassed. Although she and Ye Fei loved each other, she was still stealing someone else's man, or dividing someone else's man. This made her feel the same kind of panic when facing Lin Ling as when a concubine faces the wife.

  Even though Ye Yunqi would never separate from Ye Fei even if Lin Ling disagreed, she wanted a happy ending for everyone, so she thought it necessary for her to find out what Lin Ling thought.

  Although poor Ye Fei already possessed power that even Ye Yunqi could not imagine, he was still a bullied person in front of her, who was both his sister and his lover. Not long after he sat down next to Lin Ling, Ye Yunqi drove him back to her own seat, while she sat next to Lin Ling and started chatting with her in a low voice.

  "Lingling, will you really marry my brother in the future?" After chatting for a while, Ye Yunqi suddenly asked this question.

  Lin Ling's face turned red. After all, she was only sixteen years old, and it seemed a little too early to discuss this issue. However, she nodded firmly and said, "I will. From the moment our parents decided, he and I have been destined to stay together."

  Ye Yunqi didn't expect her to give this answer. Could it be that she didn't like her brother in her heart? Although she seemed to be competing with Lin Ling for Ye Fei, Ye Yunqi still felt a little uncomfortable and asked hurriedly: "If our parents hadn't arranged this marriage, would you still marry my brother?"

  Lin Ling did not answer immediately this time. Instead, she lowered her head and thought for a while before saying, "I think I will. Although I don't quite understand what love is, I know that if I'm not with him, I will never be truly happy in my life."

  Lin Ling's words were a bit vague, but Ye Yunqi immediately understood what she meant, that is, her love for Ye Fei was the kind of faint, but deep attachment to the soul. Like herself, Lin Ling also loved Ye Fei to the extreme, but the way of expressing it was a little different. This made Ye Yunqi more determined to spend her life with Ye Fei.

  "What would you do if another girl also fell in love with my brother?" After Ye Yunqi asked this question, she felt extremely nervous, her heart was beating fast, and her palms were sweating.

  Lin Ling didn't know Ye Yunqi's little thoughts, and smiled slightly: "It depends on his intention. If he likes that girl more, I will bless them."

  Ye Yunqi was stunned. She had never thought that Lin Ling had no intention of competing for him. If she hadn't grown up together and knew her very well, Ye Yunqi would even doubt whether what she said just now was true. She couldn't help but ask, "Don't you want to fight for him?"

  "I just want him to be happy and don't want him to have any trouble at all." Lin Ling still smiled faintly, but her eyes were full of seriousness.

  Ye Yunqi couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. She was afraid that she would not allow her to join, but she didn't expect that she would even decide to withdraw.

If she continued to talk about this, she might overthink it, so she asked again: "What if my brother likes both of you at the same time, and doesn't know which one is more important?"

  Lin Ling laughed and said, "How is that possible? Even if you like two people at the same time, you can tell which one you like more."

  "Okay." Ye Yunqi said in defeat: "Even if it's like you said, some love are light and some are heavy, but he doesn't want to give up either of you and let both of you be by his side, what will you do?"

  "Then let's be together. This is the best outcome." Lin Ling answered without thinking: "I've said it before, I don't want him to have any difficulties. If he wants to, I certainly won't be willing to leave him."

  "Are you serious?" Ye Yunqi became excited after getting the answer she wanted most.

  Lin Ling nodded and said, "Of course it's true. If my existence doesn't cause him pressure, I certainly don't want to leave him." Poor girl, she didn't know yet that it was because of this sentence that she would have to share Ye Fei with many women in the future. However, she never regretted saying this.

  "You must remember this sentence, don't regret it later." Ye Yunqi said with a smile.

  Lin Ling was a little surprised why she was talking to her about this. She asked, "Why are you telling me this? Is there a girl who likes him now? Can you tell me who she is?"

  Ye Yunqi blushed and smiled, "Of course not, but my brother is such an outstanding man, I'm afraid this day will come sooner or later, you should get ready as soon as possible."

  Lin Ling was even more puzzled. How could Ye Yunqi, who always enjoyed criticizing Ye Fei, praise him?

However, Ye Yunqi did not give her a chance to think more and started chatting with her about other things.

  Ye Fei, sitting in his younger sister's position, was not idle either. He used his mobile phone to connect to the Internet and search for information about dual cultivation.

However, he found that all the introductions were the same as what he thought, but they were all from novels. He didn't know whether he could believe them or not. But no matter whether it was true or not, he decided to eat Ye Yunqi.

After all, even if he couldn't achieve the purpose of dual cultivation, he had to let her experience the greatest pleasure as a woman.

  For the entire day, Ye Yunqi did not exchange seats with Ye Fei and continued to chat intimately with Lin Ling. Ye Fei ignored her and started reading a novel again to gain some experience for the major events that would take place in the evening.


  Since she had received Lin Ling's promise, Ye Yunqi was in an indescribable good mood. The smile on her face never stopped until she and Ye Fei finished their homework and entered Ye Fei's bedroom. Ye Fei couldn't help but ask curiously: "What are you happy about? Tell me ."

  Ye Yunqi smiled and said, "Lingling has already promised me, how can I not be happy?"

  Ye Fei was stunned and asked, "Did you tell Lingling about our situation?"

  "No, but I...." Ye Yunqi told him the conversation between her and Lin Ling during the day. Ye Fei couldn't help laughing.

He hugged her gently, stretched out his hand and scratched her small nose and said, "You are a thoughtful little girl." In his heart, he was also deeply moved by Lin Ling's words.