57. Effect of Dual Cultivation


  The habit developed over the years made Ye Yunqi wake up at dawn. When she opened her eyes, Ye Fei's resolute and handsome face came into her sight first, which made her think of the ecstasy of last night, especially the feeling that his big thing that made her love and fear was still deeply in her body, and her physiological reaction in the morning was also extremely strong, filling her up.

  'I am his woman, and we will never be apart again in this life!'

Thinking of this, Ye Yunqi felt an extremely sweet feeling of happiness welling up in her heart. She couldn't help but stretch out her little mouth and kiss him on the face. Because of this action, the little guy who stayed in her body also moved slightly, making her couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

"Ahhhn~~ "

  Ye Yunqi's movements and shouts also woke Ye Fei up. Looking at his younger sister's face, which looked more beautiful than ever, he smiled softly and said, "Good morning, honey bun!"

  "Husband." Ye Yunqi called out with a red face, but she couldn't resist the pleasure coming from there, and moved gently again.

  Ye Yunqi, a virgin, was far inferior to her mature aunt Ye Ningshuang in terms of skills and charm, but her youthful and tight feeling was also charming in a unique way. Ye Fei, who was also a virgin, could not withstand such charm. He turned over and pressed on her, wanting to make the same attack as last night.

  It has to be said that girls are sometimes much more careful than boys. Although she wanted it very much in her heart, Ye Yunqi still thought that if she let him go on, it might take two or three hours for them to finish.

Aunt Zhang would definitely see it, and now was not the time to let them know about it, so she stopped him and said, "Brother, can we do it in the evening? Otherwise, Aunt Zhang will come to call us soon."

However, she didn't know that her voice, which was trembling because of suppressing her desire, made Ye Fei even hornier.

  "Don't you want it?" Ye Fei asked with a smile, looking at the little sister's beautiful face which exuded amazing charm because of her excitement. However, the movements below did not stop at all, but instead accelerated.

  "I do." Ye Yunqi had no shame in front of Ye Fei, so she nodded and admitted it, but then she said, "But Aunt Zhang will be here soon."

  Ye Fei smiled and said, "There is still more than half an hour left. There is still time!" As he spoke, his movements became faster and his force became much greater.


  After more than two hours of trying last night, Ye Yunqi had learned a little bit of cooperation, so she kept twisting her butt as he thrust hard, allowing his big cock to move in and out of her little pussy in a curve, which gave her greater pleasure.

"Ahhn~ Yess~ brother fuck me faster~ "

  This time, Ye Fei wanted to satisfy his little sister as quickly as possible, so he thrusted much faster and with much more force than last night, making Ye Yunqi orgasm one after another.

"Ughm..heok~ ...I'm cumming brother."

"Me too Qiqi"

After she orgasmed for the fifth time, Ye Fei saw that the time was almost up, so he pulled his cock out of her little cunt, and stroke his cock fast and cummed on her smooth back.

  After panting for a while, Ye Yunqi stretched out her small hand to hold the thing that had been pulled out but was still hard against her leg. It was extremely lubricated because.

  Just when Ye Fei wanted to ask her what she was doing, he suddenly saw white mist coming out of Ye Yunqi's hands, just like a cup of hot water placed in a cold place, but the mist condensed and did not dissipate, only surrounding her little hands.

  "Condensing Qi into shape?" Ye Fei couldn't help but exclaimed. Although he had never practiced the family's internal energy before, he was familiar with the knowledge in these aspects.

The so-called condensing Qi into shape means that the true Qi in the body can be condensed into a physical object and expressed in an intuitive way. The mist-like true Qi of Ye Yunqi at this time is the initial stage of condensing Qi into shape.

  Although it was only the initial stage of Qi Condensation, no one could underestimate this strength, because as far as they knew, there were not many people in the martial arts circle who could achieve Qi Condensation.

Even if there were, they were all famous masters over 40 years old. The youngest one they knew before was their aunt Liu Junyi, who reached this level when she was just 30 years old. She was a rare genius in a century.

  "Yeah." Seeing that Ye Fei also thought so, Ye Yunqi was sure of her feelings and said, "It is the condensation of Qi into shape, and I feel that our Liu's Heart Method has entered the fifth level."

  Ye Fei was stunned by Ye Yunqi's words. The fifth level? What a joke! You know, in the entire Liu family, only Liu Junyi has reached the fifth level, while their mother and aunt are still on the fourth level. Thinking about it, Ye Yunqi fell back to the second level yesterday. I didn't expect that she would jump three levels overnight.

  "Yes, it is the fifth level!" Ye Yunqi repeated it with certainty. This change surprised her too much. Her genius aunt had reached the second level when she was ten years old, and she had just entered the fifth level at the beginning of this year.

She had achieved what she had achieved in twenty years of hard training in just one night. Ye Yunqi was a little carried away and said without thinking, "Brother, why don't you practice dual cultivation with mom and the others!"

  Ye Fei's heart jumped suddenly. Ever since Ye Ningshuang had completely awakened his crazy incestuous thoughts, he had been suppressing them.

Unexpectedly, his younger sister brought it up again today. Although he wanted to agree, he didn't dare to, fearing that his younger sister would have other ideas after knowing his thoughts. So he quickly changed the subject and said, "I'd better turn you, a little slut, into a great master first!"

  In fact, it was a lie when Ye Fei said that he was afraid that his younger sister might have some thoughts. He just couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart. Although he already had the initial heart of a strong man, he was fragile only when facing Liu Yiru. He couldn't withstand the slightest blow and was even more afraid that his goddess would have a bad opinion of him.

  Unfortunately, what Ye Fei didn't know was that if he expressed his thoughts, Ye Yunqi would definitely support him. Like Ye Fei, in Ye Yunqi's heart, Liu Yiru was also the woman she admired the most. In the past, she never thought that anyone could be worthy of her mother, not even her deceased father. But now, she thinks Ye Fei is qualified.

As for their relationship, she would not consider it, because she and Ye Fei are twins, and they are no closer than their mother. So just this hesitation made Ye Fei lose the opportunity to get Ye Yunqi's support in advance, and also caused him many problems in the future regarding Liu Yiru.

  Just when Ye Fei and his sister were excited about Ye Yunqi's powerful improvement, their aunt Liu Fengyi was extremely suspicious.

  After a whole night of interrogation, Black Wolf, who was finally a little collapsed, finally told the purpose of the unknown man looking for him. Mingyuexin was extremely shocked when she heard this.

She never expected that not only did she make things more counterproductive last night, but also that the person she influenced had the same purpose as her. This made her feel extremely guilty and she also felt that it was necessary to report the matter to Liu Fengyi.

  Looking at the time, it was already past six in the morning. Mingyuexin didn't think much about it and directly dialed Liu Fengyi's private phone number. Very few people knew this phone number. Apart from Liu Fengyi's family, only her absolute confidants knew it. Getting this number was one of the reasons why Ming Yuexin was very grateful to Liu Fengyi and even did not hesitate to use her power for personal gain.

  Liu Fengyi, who was woken up by the ringing of the phone, felt a little dissatisfied. Although she slept very soundly. But she and Tian Lu talked till late night, so her tone was a little bad when she answered the phone.

  Ming Yuexin was very happy at the moment that the Liu family had gained a strong ally, so she did not notice that there was anything wrong with Liu Fengyi's tone, and said happily: "Mayor Liu, I am Ming Yuexin, did I disturb you?"

  When Liu Fengyi heard that the other person was Ming Yuexin, her anger immediately subsided. Like Zhou Mingming, Ming Yuexin was also her absolute confidant. Moreover, even if she put aside work, she was very fond of this strong girl. So she softened her voice and said, "Xin'er, what's the matter?"

  ".....That's it." Ming Yuexin summarized the situation and told the story of Black Wolf Kurd. Finally, she asked, "How do you think we should deal with this?"

  Liu Fengyi didn't care. After all, as a gangster group, it was common for the Black Wolf Gang to be attacked. As for Ming Yuexin's reporting to her, it was probably because she knew about the feud between the Black Wolf Gang and the Liu family.

So she said, "You can do whatever you want. The Black Wolf Gang is just a clown. It's impossible to get any useful information from them."

  "But." Ming Yuexin hesitated for a moment, looked around, and found that no one was around, but she still lowered her voice and said, "According to Black Wolf, the man last night seemed to have come to him because of the Liu family's matter."

  "Oh?" Liu Fengyi was somewhat interested at this time. She couldn't figure out who was helping their Liu family. It couldn't be her younger sister Liu Junyi who did it. If it was her, she would definitely inform her in advance.

It seemed necessary for her to go and take a look. So she said to Mingyuexin: "Okay, I'll go over right away. Don't let Black Wolf leave yet." After that, she hung up the phone.

  Tian Lu had already woken up when Liu Fengyi answered the phone, but she didn't say anything because she was afraid of disturbing her.

When she saw her hang up the phone, she smiled and asked, "Sister Fengyi, it seems that being the mayor is not easy at all. You are so busy so early in the morning."