58. Aunt's Suspicion

  Liu Fengyi smiled, "It's nothing, it's just that a special case happened in the South District Public Security Bureau and I have to deal with it."

Although she and Tian Lu are very good friends, this matter is related to the Liu family after all, and as a journalist, Tian Lu has no need to know about this, so she just talked about it in general terms.

  Tian Lu did not ask any more questions. She got up with Liu Fengyi, ate something quickly, and then went back to the TV station with the video of yesterday's interview. Liu Fengyi also packed up and drove to the South District Police Station.

  Now Liu Fengyi's secretary and driver have been assigned to Ye Fei and Ye Yunqi, and she has not looked for another driver. She has been driving herself these days. It must be said that once you enter the political circle, life is actually very tiring, and there are very few people you can trust. The same is true for Liu Fengyi. Apart from her family, there are only a few people left, such as Zhou Mingming and Ming Yuexin.

  When Liu Fengyi arrived at the police station, Ming Yuexin was already waiting at the gate. After seeing Liu Fengyi, she saluted formally and called her Mayor Liu. Unlike Zhou Mingming, the personal secretary, very few people knew about the relationship between Ming Yuexin and Liu Fengyi.

This can be seen from the fact that Ye Fei didn't know that Ming Yuexin's was Liu Fengyi's person. To put it bluntly, Ming Yuexin was a hidden chess piece arranged by Liu Fengyi in Wanghai City. Although it sounded like Liu Fengyi was using Ming Yuexin, in fact, Liu Fengyi had never thought about it that way, and Ming Yuexin was willing to do this for her.

Liu Fengyi simply nodded indifferently, just like she was facing an ordinary subordinate.

  It was not until Ming Yuexin led her into her own office that Liu Fengyi put down her mayor's airs and looked at Ming Yuexin with a loving gaze. Suddenly, she sighed and said, "Xin'er, I've made you suffer."

  Although Liu Fengyi's words were a bit confusing, Ming Yuexin understood them immediately. She has always been a girl with strong principles, but for the sake of the Liu family's affairs, she obviously used public power for personal gain last night.

Moreover, she had a very upright personality and had to pretend in front of Liu Fengyi in order not to expose her relationship with her. This really made her very uncomfortable. However, for Liu Fengyi's kindness and care like a family member, she felt that it was all worth it, so she smiled and said, "Aunt Liu, please don't say that. I'm very happy to be able to do something for you."

  Liu Fengyi nodded, and secretly decided to transfer her to her side after this matter was over, so that she would not drift outside like a rootless duckweed. However, now was not the time to tell her, so she stopped talking about it and asked, "Tell me what happened last night."

  Ming Yuexin poured a cup of tea for both of them , then sat down next to Liu Fengyi and told her what happened last night. In the end, she said with some self-blame: "I thought I could help in some way, but I ended up doing more harm than good, and inadvertently ruined the plan of the person who wanted to help the Liu family."

  Liu Fengyi smiled and said, "You can't be blamed for this. If I were there at the time, I would probably do the same thing as you. I just don't know who wants to help us. By the way, what did Black Wolf say? Did that person have any grudges against him before?"

  Ming Yuexin shook her head and said, "No, Black Wolf said he had never seen that person before, and according to his description, this person has never even appeared in the South District."

  "Oh? Why are you so sure that he has never appeared in the South District?" Liu Fengyi became interested. The South District of Wanghai City is very large, as big as a small city. Even if Ming Yuexin is very diligent and conscientious, it is impossible for her to remember every person who has appeared there.

  Ming Yuexin laughed: "According to Black Wolf, this man is at least two meters three inches tall, and his arms are as thick as his thighs and he was covered in some kind of tattoos. Who can forget this man after meeting him once?"

  Liu Fengyi's heart was moved. She thought of the man she met last night who was so strong that she had never expected him to be. Could they be the same person? So she asked hurriedly, "Is that man has white hair too, and is he wearing strange clothes?"

  Ming Yuexin was stunned and asked, "How did you know? That's what Black Wolf said. Besides, not only is his clothes weird, he's also a weird person. Bullets have no effect on him at all. By the way, Aunt Liu, are you martial artists really not afraid of bullets?"

  "Theoretically, if you practice horizontal training to the highest level, you should be able to block bullets." Liu Fengyi answered casually, but her heart was filled with turmoil. It seemed that this person was the one she saw last night.

From the fact that he dared to jump directly from Wanghai Tower, it could be seen that it should not be difficult for him to block bullets. However, this made her even more puzzled. Why would such a master who could scare people to death just by hearing about him help the Liu family?

Moreover, he went to Wanghai Tower before coming here. Did he want to find her at that time? Did he not show up because of Tian Lu's presence?

  The more Liu Fengyi thought about it, the more confused she became. She couldn't help but mutter to herself, "Who on earth could this person be?"

  Ming Yuexin smiled and said, "If it weren't for your confirmation, I would have suspected that Black Wolf was lying to me. The image he described is clearly like a barbarian in Diablo."

  Barbarian? Liu Fengyi's heart moved again, this is very similar to her nephew's nickname, but this thought only flashed in her mind and disappeared, because she couldn't connect her nephew who needed someone to support him when walking with this master who was so strong that she felt frightened just by hearing it.

  After thinking for a while and still not being able to figure it out, Liu Fengyi simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, it was not a bad thing to have such an incredibly strong person helping her family, and there was no need for her to worry about it anymore.

As for finding that person to ask clearly, Liu Fengyi had never thought about it. If such a person wanted to hide, I am afraid that all the tracking experts in the world would not be able to find him.

  After letting this go, Liu Fengyi started to worry about Ming Yuexin. After all, she didn't seem to have any backers, and Black Wolf was a big shot in this area. If Ming Yuexin kept him in custody for a night, some people who had benefited from Black Wolf might cause trouble for her. So she asked, "Why did you bring Black Wolf in? There won't be any trouble, will there?"


Was the plot getting spicier, guys.(Who don't respond is gay)