63. Tang Rou feels wronged

  Ye Fei said with a playful smile: "Don't you want it to?"

  "No!" Ye Yunqi, who had just tasted it for the first time, was enjoying it very much. How could she not want to? But even if she wanted to, she couldn't admit it now.

  Ye Fei smiled and said, "Well, since you don't want to, let's just call a truce tonight."

  "You dare?" Ye Yunqi said subconsciously, but immediately realized that she had been fooled by him. She felt a little ashamed and angry, and was about to stop the car to teach him a lesson, but suddenly she looked at someone not far away and said "Huh".

  At this time, Ye Fei also noticed what was happening in front of him. He saw that a martial art fight was going on there, and Ye Fei was familiar with the people on both sides.

On one side was a woman in sportswear, who was Ye Fei's new physical education teacher Tang Rou, and on the other side, there were obviously a few gangsters, who were led by a bald man and others who used to cause trouble for Ye Fei.

  With Tang Rou's skills that allowed her to fight Ye Yunqi to a draw, these hooligans were no match for her. She knocked them all down in a short while.

Tang Rou also squatted down, looked at the bald leader and sneered, "You bully your classmates and even dare to fight with the teacher. You are really brave."

  "I didn't realize that this Tang Rou has such a strong sense of justice!" Ye Yunqi was very smart. How could she not see that Tang Rou was standing up for the students who were bullied by baldy and the others?

She couldn't help but praise her for once. Although she and Tang Rou disliked each other, they were just unwilling to accept each other, not because of any hatred. In fact, through their last fight, they even had a feeling of mutual admiration. Now that Ye Yunqi's strength had greatly improved, she naturally let go of her previous grudges.

  Tang Rou didn't intend to let Baldy and the others go. She took out her cell phone and called the nearby police station, wanting to call the police to have them arrested.

  "You're going too far." Before the call was connected, a voice came from behind Tang Rou. Tang Rou subconsciously hung up the phone and looked back, only to see Ye Fei and Ye Yunqi standing there. She couldn't help but ask, "Ye Fei, what do you mean?"

  "Are you going to call the police to arrest them?" Ye Fei did not answer her, but looked at the bald man and the others who were lying on the ground bruised and unable to get up, and asked in return.

  Tang Rou said: "Yes, I am going to call the police. These guys actually dared to blackmail students, shouldn't they be arrested?"

  "Then do you know that they are also students?" Ye Fei said with a smile: "Disciplining students seems to be the school's business."

  Tang Rou naturally knew that these guys were students, but she still thought that such bad guys should be sent to a juvenile labor camp for a good reform, so she said: "For such poorly disciplined students, they should be handed over to the police for handling."

  "There are no students in this world who can't be disciplined. The fact that they don't learn well only shows that you teachers are incompetent." Ye Fei didn't give Tang Rou any face at all.

He mocked her unceremoniously. Before she could say anything, he said, "And do you know what they are going to do by robbing money?"

  "What else can they do?" Tang Rou curled her lips in disdain: "It's nothing more than eating, drinking and having fun."

  "You are wrong. They want to help an orphanage, but they don't have enough money, so they come here to extort students." Ye Fei said, looking at the bald man and asked, "Am I right?"

  "How do you know?" The baldy and the others were very tough. They didn't even cry out in pain when Tang Rou beat them like that. They didn't beg for mercy when Tang Rou wanted to call the police to arrest them. But now Ye Fei's divine ability surprised them, and they couldn't help but ask back subconsciously.

  "It's very simple." Ye Fei smiled and said, "As far as I know, although you used to bully people, you never robbed other students except me. Now you are attacking other students, which is a bit abnormal. And I happened to see a news report yesterday that a developer wanted to develop a piece of land in the northern district, and there happened to be an orphanage on that land.

I also happened to know that Zimao came from that orphanage, and that developer is notoriously black-hearted, so the orphanage will definitely be in trouble. You guys are all very loyal brothers, so you will naturally help each others, but you don't have much money, so you are also targeting students, right?"

  Although Ye Fei's words were simple, everyone present couldn't help but smack their lips. If what he said was true, then this guy's reasoning ability was too strong, right? And looking at the looks of Baldy and the others, it was obvious that Ye Fei was right. So even Tang Rou couldn't help but admire Ye Fei. Although this guy was physically weak, his mind was very flexible and open minded.

  "Teacher Tang, do you still want to send them to the police station now?" Seeing that everyone was silent, Ye Fei asked again with a smile.

  Tang Rou now felt sympathy for the baldy and these guys, and even regretted that she had been too harsh just now. Naturally, she no longer wanted to send them in, but she still said stubbornly: "Anyway, it's wrong for them to blackmail students!"

  Ye Fei smiled and said, "I didn't say what they did was right. Besides, how much money could they get from students? You guys are really amazing." The latter sentence was directed to Baldy and the others.

  The bald man lowered his head and said nothing, but the purple-haired man said with some dissatisfaction: "Ye Fei, don't think that you can teach us a lesson just because you helped us! None of you rich kids are good and kind people!"

  Ye Fei was not angry after being scolded by Zimao. He could see that these thugs were still very grateful to him because they had never called him by his name before, always by his nickname. Although it was just a change of name now, it also showed their attitude towards him.

  "If you want to say that I'm a rich young man, I can admit it." Ye Fei smiled and said, "But if you say that I'm rich and unkind, that's a bit unfair to me. I think, you guys go back to class first, and after school at noon, I'll go over there with you to see if there's anything I can help with."

This scene today made him understand the character of Baldy and the others more clearly. Although they usually look like gangsters, they have good hearts. The most important thing is that they all have enough loyalty.

  Ever since he saw the Black Wolf Gang that day, Ye Fei had an idea, that is, he needed to establish an underground force, so that he would have people he could use and he wouldn't have to transform himself into a barbarian and run around. And Zimao and the others could definitely be of use.

  "Really?" The bald man suddenly became excited. Although he was only a teenager, he had been in society for a long time and knew much more than ordinary students.

Naturally, he understood many social affairs. With Ye Fei's identity, as long as he could go to the orphanage, even if he didn't spend a penny or even say a word, the black-hearted businessman would never dare to treat the orphanage unfairly.

  "Of course, just wait for me here after school at noon. It's almost time for class now, so let's go back first." After saying that, he walked into the school with Ye Yunqi.

  When the baldy and the other guys saw that Ye Fei was really going to help them, they were overjoyed. They endured the pain in their bodies and slowly climbed up. They looked at Tang Rou who was standing aside with some fear, and followed Ye Fei and the others towards the school.

  Looking at Ye Fei and his back, Tang Rou suddenly felt a little aggrieved. She had wanted to go with them to take a look, but she didn't expect to be ignored by him. You know, she is not only his teacher, but also a beautiful woman who everyone pays attention to. Could it be that Ye Fei didn't notice this at all?


What did you learnt today, guys?

Anyway give yr power stones to the orphanage !!