64. A Man Dies for His Friend

  After returning to the classroom, Ye Fei was once again driven back to his seat by Ye Yunqi, and she chatted with Lin Ling again

Although she always believed that she and her brother were in love with each other and it was natural for them to be together, she still felt a little sorry for Lin Ling in her heart, so whenever she had the chance, she would get close to her, which would make her feel better.

  Ye Fei was also very happy about this. They were destined to be together for their entire lives, so naturally the closer the relationship was, the better, so that he would not have to worry about any disasters in the future.

  This also made things a lot easier for Ye Fei. He found that he had very little knowledge in that area. When he was with Ye Yunqi, he could barely take the dominant position. But when he was with Ye Ningshuang, although he was able to defeat her in the end, he was always in a passive state of being beaten during the process. This made him a little dissatisfied.

He always wanted to study a few tricks in his mind so that he could make Ye Ningshuang convinced next time. In this case, he would inevitably use his mobile phone to surf the Internet to watch some things during class, and it was always a little uncomfortable to have Lin Ling around, although these things would be used on her one day too.

  In one morning, Ye Fei hacked into several paid communication forums and copied all the experience posts that required extremely high permissions to his mobile phone. He also read some of them.

While greatly increasing his theoretical experience, it also broadened his horizons. It turned out that there were so many ways to play this kind of thing. It was so interesting that he couldn't help but feel itchy for a while and wanted to take his little sister home to try them one by one.

  After school at noon, Ye Fei did not eat at school, but went directly to the place where he had agreed to meet with Baldy and the others in the morning. After hearing what his younger sister said about that incident, Lin Ling felt very sympathetic towards the orphanage and also came along.

  While walking on the road, Ye Fei, whose six senses were countless times stronger than those of ordinary people, was so keen that he noticed that someone seemed to be locking onto them. He was startled and thought that the hidden enemy had sent someone over because they saw that Zhou Mingming was not around.

So he glanced sideways calmly, only to find that the owner of that gaze was actually Tang Rou. She was hiding in the corner of the teaching building and didn't know that Ye Fei had already discovered her. She looked at them with some hesitation.

Ye Fei could actually understand Tang Rou's thoughts at this moment. She wanted to go to the orphanage with him and others, but because of her face, she was too embarrassed to come over and say it.

  This discovery made Ye Fei have a much better impression of Tang Rou. It seemed that what his younger sister said was right. She was a girl with a strong sense of justice and a good heart. However, due to her birth in a noble family, she had not experienced the sufferings of the world, and there were many flatterers around her, so she took things for granted.

However, Ye Fei did not call her for this. After all, she had just beaten up Baldy and the others in the morning. If she followed them now, it would easily cause a bad influence. Moreover, her temper seemed to be not very good. It would be even worse if she had a conflict with Baldy and the others again.

  Although Ye Fei and his friends were not delayed for a moment, when they arrived, Zimao and others were already waiting there. It seemed that they had missed the last class.

  To be honest, Baldy and the others were very nervous because they were not sure whether Ye Fei would come. After all, they had bullied Ye Fei a lot before. They were already surprised that Ye Fei could help them out in the morning. Now they were waiting here just to grasp the last bit of hope.

  It was not until they saw Ye Fei and his companions coming over that Baldy and his companions breathed a sigh of relief. In their hearts, they felt even more grateful to Ye Fei, and even admired him a little.

The gangsters of their age were different from those old-timers. They valued loyalty more, and Ye Fei's ability to repay evil with kindness made them feel an urge to die for their friends.

As for Lin Ling coming with Ye Fei's siblings, they were not surprised at all, because like Ye Fei's identity, his relationship with Lin Ling was no secret. Baldy and his companions naturally knew that she was Ye Fei's fiancée.

  Coming closer, Ye Fei smiled and said, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

  "Not really." The baldy faced Ye Fei and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, because they had always appeared as strong men in front of Ye Fei before, but now they needed Ye Fei to do them a huge favor.

  From their somewhat unnatural expressions, Ye Fei knew what they were thinking, and said with a smile: "Don't think too much, let the past be the past, we can still be friends in the future, right?"

  Ye Fei's words almost made the baldy and others, who were already deeply moved, burst into tears. However, they did not regard Ye Fei as a friend in their hearts, but as someone who was worth following for their whole lives , they never thought that Ye Fei's would really ever forgive them.

  At this time, Ye Fei didn't know that just a few words from his heart had completed his plan to subdue the baldy and his men ahead of time. He was still thinking about resolving the conflict between them and Tang Rou.

After all, he had already regarded these people as his subordinates, and Tang Rou was not only a family friend of his, but also had a good heart. But still he has to teach her a lesson himself at a later time.

But he naturally, he didn't want there to be any knots between them, so he said: "Teacher Tang went a little too far in the morning, but she didn't have any ill intentions. I hope you don't hate her."

  The bald man shook his head to Ye Fei's surprise and said, "We have never held a grudge against her, not even when she beat us so hard that we couldn't get up."

  Ye Fei was stunned and asked, "Why?"

  The bald man glanced at Ye Yunqi who was following Ye Fei closely, and said with a smile: "Before we did this, we had already prepared ourselves to be punished by Miss Ye afterwards. Now it's just a different person, and what we did was wrong in the first place, so it's only right for her to beat us."

  Ye Yunqi couldn't help but look at the baldy with a new respect. She was smart and saw that her brother wanted to subdue them in the morning. She didn't agree with it at that time, but now it seems that he is much more discerning than her.

Since her beloved brother will use these people in the future, she will naturally not put on airs. She smiled and said to the baldy and his men, "Since you are my brother's friends, don't call me Miss Ye in the future. Just call me Qiqi like my brother."

  The baldy and his guys didn't expect that Ye Yunqi, the school's female bully, would one day be kind to them. They couldn't help but feel flattered and hurriedly said they didn't dare. Finally, under Ye Yunqi's insistence, they finally agreed to call her Qiqi, but they still added the word "Miss" at the end.


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**Ruthless Rebirth of Conqueror**