76.Awkward Lingerie Shop**

  Ye Yunqi watched Yu Wuxia disappear until she was gone, and then she let go completely. However, the lust that had not been fully released before she relaxed broke out again.

At this time, Ye Fei was not idle either. Just when Yu Wuxia left, he started to move. However, Ye Yunqi was too nervous to feel much for a while.


"Ahhn ~ ahhn~"

Now, she was excited again and began to twist her body quickly, and whispered in Ye Fei's ear:


"My little nympho how hungry are you? ..huh!"

"Ahhn~ ohh~heok~ I'm always hungry for your cock ! Ahhhn~"

  It was not until the end of the class that the brother and sister ended the battle in the classroom. Perhaps stimulated by Yu Wuxia's move, Ye Fei finally exploded as he wished.

However, he still did not dare to fill Ye Yunqi up as he said in the morning, but instead exploded into his sister's sweet little mouth again.

  Ye Yunqi, who was infinitely satisfied both physically and mentally, licked her brother's treasure very carefully and sucked it clean, then stood up from the squatting position and lay back in her brother's arms, but suddenly felt a little cold down there, and then she remembered that she had taken off her underwear in excitement just now.

  After taking out the underwear from his pocket, Ye Yunqi found that she could no longer wear it because she had produced too much water under her brother's caressing.

The little cutie was already wet beyond recognition. Moreover, this was not ordinary water and it was difficult to dry up quickly.

  Seeing his little sister holding her little cutie with a worried look on her face, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel pity for her. Although she might not be very gentle sometimes, there was one thing that was most commendable about her, which was that no matter when and under what circumstances, she would obey his orders without asking about the consequences.

She even allowed herself to do such a ridiculous thing in the classroom. This attachment, which could be said to have reached its extreme, was something that even Lin Ling couldn't do. So what reason did he have not to love and care for her for the rest of his life?

  Seeing that there was still some time left, Ye Fei gently kissed the little sister on the lips gently and said with a smile: "If you can't wear it, don't wear it. Wait a minute, I'll go downstairs and buy you one."

After saying that, he ran out without waiting for Ye Yunqi's consent.

  Ye Yunqi looked at her brother's back, her eyes full of infatuation, and her heart was also extremely sweet. He was always a little shy, and it was already embarrassing for him to buy underwear by himself, not to mention buying women's underwear?

But for her sake, he actually went without hesitation. Thinking about how she was angry that he treated Lin Ling better than herself, she couldn't help but laugh. She made up her mind.

As long as he could always treat her like this, he could like whoever he liked. Why should she think so much? And thinking about the ecstasy just now, this guy was too powerful. If she was alone, she is afraid she really couldn't bear it.

  Just like what Ye Yunqi thought, Ye Fei was only a sixteen-year-old boy after all. He was usually embarrassed to buy his own underwear, and most of the time it was done by Aunt Zhang. What's more, he wanted to buy underwear for girls, so he hesitated for a long time in front of the women's underwear section of the supermarket outside the school gate before he gritted his teeth and walked in.

  Looking at the dazzling array of various underwear hanging inside, Ye Fei couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He had never noticed before that girls' underwear could be divided into so many styles, but he knows they come in different size when his whole family went to a private beach last year.

  Seeing Ye Fei's silly look, the saleswoman in the supermarket thought he was a troubled teenager who liked to do some unknown things with women's underwear.

However, she didn't dislike such people, because if she met such people, she could sell one or even more pieces of sexy underwear with huge profits by just fooling them a little. So she came up to him with a smile and asked, "Young man, are you buying clothes for your girlfriend?"

  "Uh, ah? Yes." Ye Fei was a little dazed by the various types of underwear, and it took him a while to react to the aunt's words.

  Ye Fei's hesitation made the aunt more certain of her guess. She was also a sly person. She picked up a pair of black, almost completely transparent lace panties from the side and introduced them: "What do you think of this one? Black represents mystery. If you let your girlfriend wear it, you gently spread her legs, and then that beautiful place will appear in front of you in this mystery. What kind of scene would that be ?"

  It has to be said that the old lady has a way. Ye Fei couldn't help but be moved by what she said, but he rejected it in the end. Although Ye Yunqi was very open when doing that kind of love thing with him, she was still a very pure girl. This kind of overly provocative thing was not suitable for her, so he shook her head gently.

The old lady was not discouraged, and introduced him several models in succession, all of which were extremely sexy, but Ye Fei rejected them all. Finally, he picked out a pair of cute white panties embroidered with cartoon patterns.

  Seeing Ye Fei's final choice, the auntie couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Although this pair of panties was also extremely high-end and the profit after selling it was no less than the ones she introduced, she still felt a little upset about having misjudged this boy.

  Ye Fei took the box from the aunt and was about to check out, but suddenly thought that although those pieces were not suitable for his younger sister, they were suitable for his aunt. Why not buy them and give them to her as a gift?

She would definitely be very happy, and he could also let her wear them for him. Wouldn't that kill two birds with one stone? So he turned around and said to the aunt, "Pack up the pieces I just saw."

  The old lady was overjoyed. She had just noticed that the clothes Ye Fei was wearing seemed to be very expensive, so she had introduced only the best items to him.

As long as she could sell one, her day's work would not be in vain. She did not expect Ye Fei to buy all of them, so she hurriedly packed them for him, fearing that he would change his mind after a while. At the same time, she was thinking, this kid is pretending quite well, and in the end he bought these pieces too, right?

  At this moment, Ye Fei no longer cared about what the old lady would think. He was very distressed because he bought high-end items, so each item had an independent packaging box. In this way, it became a big bag in his hand.

  It's already time for the class to end. If he carries a big bag of women's underwear to the classroom like this, he might as well be dead. But he can't just open them here, right?

  Ye Fei, who was in distress, couldn't help but think of the storage function when he turned into a barbarian. Unfortunately, once he turned back, he couldn't feel the existence of that space. Otherwise, wouldn't it be great to put these things in it? Thinking of this, Ye Fei found that his hand was lighter, and he looked down, only to see that the big bag in his hand had disappeared.