77. Establishment of the Companies

  Ye Fei was startled and looked around quickly. He found that no one noticed him, so he put it down. However, he was still very surprised that the bag suddenly disappeared.

  This feeling is similar to the feeling when he put away the two swords after the transformation that day. Could it be?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help but get a little excited. He hurried to a corner where no one would pass by, thinking about taking out the bag. Sure enough, the bag that suddenly disappeared before suddenly appeared in his hand again.

  Ye Fei was so happy that he almost jumped up. Although he still could not feel the existence of that space, and it was even more impossible for him to directly see the situation inside the space, he was sure that he could still use the storage function without changing his form.

Just think about that huge space. It would be much more convenient for him to do something or bring something with him in the future. He just didn't know if it could accommodate living things. It seemed that he would have to find a chance to try it later.

  Satisfied, Ye Fei quickly returned to the classroom. It was still get out of class time and there were not many people in the classroom. However, Lin Ling had already returned. However, Ye Yunqi did not sit with her, but sat in her own seat. Perhaps she was afraid that Lin Ling would discover her current vacuum state.

Just then, the door swung open, and Ye Fei, walked in. He was holding a small bag, which he quickly hid behind his back as he approached Ye Yunqi's desk.

"Hey, Yunqi," he whispered, leaning down. "I got something for you."

Ye Yunqi's eyes lit up with curiosity. "What is it?"

Ye Fei glanced around the room to make sure no one was paying attention. "I need you to come with me outside for a moment."

Ye Yunqi nodded, gathering her things and standing up. They both made their way out of the classroom, slipping through the door and into the hallway. The bustling sounds of the school faded as they walked toward the bathroom.

When they reached the quiet corridor near the bathroom, Ye Fei pulled out the small bag from behind his back and handed it to Ye Yunqi. She peeked inside and saw a pair of bright, colorful cartoon panties. Her eyes widened with delight.

"You got these for me?" she asked, a smile spreading across her face.

"Yeah," Ye Fei replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know how much you love cartoons. I saw them at the supermarket and thought of you."

Ye Yunqi hugged her brother tightly. "Thanks, brother. I love them!"

Ye Fei chuckled, returning the hug briefly. "No problem. Now, let's get you into these before class starts. You can wear them in the bathroom so no one sees."

They slipped into the bathroom, and Ye Fei walked straight to her, took out the cute cartoon panties with a smile, and slowly helped her put them on despite her struggles. During the process, he inserted his fingers into the little hole that fascinated him and fiddled with it, making Ye Yunqi blush and look around with guilty eyes as if someone is watching them inside the cubicle.


  In the following few days, Ye Fei and his sister lived their previous life of going to and from class, but now Ye Fei hardly attended classes during the day. During these few days, he used his specially made PDA to browse through the countries that had issued wanted orders for him and those that had not issued wanted orders but were hostile to him.

He searched their data thoroughly, but this time he had learned his lesson and did not leave his reputation of being "fragile" as arrogantly as before. Instead, he put up the logos of several world-famous terrorist organizations, and those terrorist organizations were the first to claim responsibility for the incident.

In addition, Ye Fei had always been making trouble before and had never made any money, so until now no one had suspected him. People just marveled that there were so many talented people in this era, and they didn't know who was more powerful, this unknown master or the dreaded "fragile".

  Now Ye Fei himself didn't know how much money was in those anonymous cards of his. Firstly, he had no concept of money and was too lazy to look at it. Secondly, the number was sure to be huge that he didn't dare to look at it for a moment, because he felt that the fact that he could get so much money so easily was a kind of uncertainty about his mother's hard work. She was his goddess, and he would not do anything that was not good for her, even if it was just a thought.

  Of course, making money in various countries is just Ye Fei's spare time activity. The main reason why he brought this handheld computer to school is to make it convenient to access those component forums.

In the past few days, he would study several new methods during the day, and try them out with his younger sister at night. Ye Yunqi was very open-minded in this regard, and the object was her beloved brother, so naturally she obeyed him in everything, allowing him to enjoy the fun of this kind of thing. If his younger sister really couldn't stand it, even so, he would toss her until the early morning every day. However, although he could only sleep for a short time every day, he would be very energetic the next day.

  In addition to allowing the younger sister's mental skills to show signs of breaking through to the sixth level, the crazy lovemaking in the past few days also made them discover another effect. Ye Fei's skills can not only improve people's strength through dual cultivation, but it also has the effect of beautifying.

After being nourished by him, Ye Yunqi now has the charming temperament of both a young girl and a young woman. Her appearance is even more stunningly beautiful, and she has a faint aura of an ethereal fairy. She has surpassed all the women in one fell swoop and has become the most beautiful woman in the family, and even in the whole of Wanghai, without a doubt.


  Li Xue'er is really a practical person. In just a few days, she has already built the company's structure. Although she has no pursuit of money, Li Xue'er is a very ambitious person in her career. After knowing Ye Fei's other identity, she completely let go. She originally wanted to build a company first and then develop it slowly, but now she has directly created seven companies covering various industries and merged them all together to form a group company called "Autumn".

For a time, the entire Wanghai business community was panicked. After all, the registered capital of each of the seven major companies under the group is no less than 7-10 million. With such a momentum, how can they not be in danger? As for the money Ye Fei had send more money to her after last time.

Even the LiuYe family couldn't sit still and sent a lot of people to investigate this behemoth that had just surfaced, but they were full of doubts after checking. The actual controller of this group turned out to be a woman under 30 years old, and she was the assistant to the director of an orphanage a few days ago. She was running around for the livelihood of those children every day, but the people behind her could not be found.

  Ye Fei had no idea about this. If he knew that the company he set up to help his family made his family scared first, he would not know whether he would be proud or blame himself.

Today is Friday again.

Lin Ling once again invited Ye Fei and his sister to her house to play, but Ye Fei hadn't seen his goddess for five days and missed her very much. Moreover, he hadn't been close to her since the summer vacation.

He didn't want to miss the opportunity today, so he could only suppress his heartache and reject the disappointed Lin Ling, and promised her solemnly that he would go to her house next weekend and spend two days with her. This made Lin Ling happy again.

  After saying goodbye to Lin Ling, Ye Fei and his sister just walked out of the school gate and saw Ye Ningshuang in gate with a smile on her face.


Yes mc is a little simp to his goddess. Don't blame me !!