78. Goddess's Troubles

 Today, Ye Ningshuang seemed to have dressed up specially, with a layer of light makeup on her face, which made her already beautiful and extraordinarily charming. However, she was still wearing the same clothes as last week. Moreover, the sharp-eyed Ye Fei could see that the stockings wrapped around her jade legs were the same pair that he had torn at the crotch that day.

  Seeing all this, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel impulsive again. At the same time, he also remembered the sexy underwear he had placed in the space. He really wanted to let her wear it and show it to him. Although his younger sister had cooperated better and better under his development, the mature and charming style of his aunt was something she could never learn as a girl. Moreover, he had learned so many skills that he would definitely be able to convince her.

  But although he was moved, Ye Fei still did not change his mind about going home to accompany his goddess. No matter what time it was, in his heart, she was always the most beautiful and the woman he loved the most, and no one could replace her.

  "Xiaoman, Qiqi, how about going to your aunt's house this weekend?" Ye Ningshuang spoke in the same tone she used to speak to children, but she felt a little awkward in her heart.

Her mentality this time was completely different from the last time. Now she was like a young wife who had not seen her husband for a long time. When she saw Ye Fei, she actually felt a little excitement in her heart that only appeared in her teenage years.

  "I'm afraid it's not possible. I have to go home to be with my mother this week." Ye Fei smiled apologetically at Ye Ningshuang. The loving look that flashed in his eyes made Ye Ningshuang extremely happy despite her disappointment. It's not that he disliked herself, he just liked his mother more.

  "Well, Qiqi, what about you? Your brother went there last week, so you can go to your aunt's place this week." Ye Ningshuang didn't have much hope in the first place. She knew the position of Liu Yiru in Ye Fei's heart, and she had never thought of competing with her, so although she was a little disappointed, she was not dissatisfied.

  Ye Yunqi couldn't help but look at Ye Fei. She now regarded herself more and more as her brother's little wife, and she unconsciously wanted to ask for his opinion on everything.

  Ye Fei's heart moved. They were both the women with whom he had the closest relationship. Although he could not confess to them now, they would know each other one day, and they might even have to live together. It would be better to let them accompany each other for a while to cultivate their relationship. So he nodded and said, "That's fine, Qiqi, you can accompany aunt."

  "Okay, aunt, do you have anything good prepared for me?" Ye Yunqi nodded obediently. Although she didn't want to be separated from Ye Fei, once they returned home, the two of them would no longer be able to do the things they loved. Instead of seeing him but not being able to eat, it would be better to accompany her lonely aunt. After all, she still loved her very much.

  "Of course. Let's go now. I guarantee you'll be surprised when we get home. Let this bad guy wait here by himself." Ye Ningshuang laughed. In her heart, she had completely regarded Ye Fei as her man. When she spoke, she unconsciously used the name they used when they were making love.

  Ye Yunqi didn't think much about it and said with a smile: "Okay, let's let this bad guy wait here!" Then she took her aunt's arm and got into her car with her almost hanging on her.

  Ye Fei watched them leave with a smile. He felt relieved to see them getting along so well with each other.

  After waiting for a while, a very low-key black Bently drove over from the other direction of the school and slowly stopped in front of Ye Fei. As the car door slowly opened, a figure that made Ye Fei excited appeared in front of him. It was his goddess Liu Yiru.

  "Xiaoman, have you been waiting for a long time? I'm sorry, Mom had something to do and I'm late. Where's Qiqi?" Looking at her beloved son, Liu Yiru unloaded all her burdens and revealed a faint smile, but Ye Fei was sharp enough to see a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

  "Mom!" Ye Fei yelled and rushed over, hugging his mother, who was half a head shorter than him, tightly in his arms. He couldn't tell whether he wanted to act coquettishly or had some other idea.

  Liu Yiru also hugged her son's increasingly strong body, patted him gently on the back with her small hands, and said with a smile: "Okay, you're already this big, and you still want your mother to hold you? You still haven't told me where Qiqi is."

  Although he was reluctant, Ye Fei still let go of his mother's soft body and said with a smile: "Aunt Ningshuang came just now and took her away."

  "So that's how it is. Let's go then. We haven't seen each other for two weeks and your sisters miss you very much." Liu Yiru said as she opened the car door and got in with her son. As for the bicycle of Ye Fei and his sister, since they knew someone would come to pick them up, they simply didn't take it after school and left it in the school's bikeport.

  After getting in the car, Ye Fei first greeted his mother's secretary and driver, Miss Li. Miss Li had the same status as Zhou Mingming with his aunt. She was his mother's most attentive assistant besides Lin Ling's mother. Although she was not as beautiful as Zhou Mingming, she was very capable.

  Miss Li also nodded politely to Ye Fei, and then slowly started the car. Ye Fei and his mother sat in the back seat. Ye Fei took his mother's soft little hand, held it with his own hands, and asked softly, "Mom, you seem to have something bothering you. Can you tell me about it?"

  Liu Yiru looked at her son who was becoming more and more sensible, and smiled with relief: "It's nothing, just some things in the company. You won't understand even if I tell you."

  Ye Fei took his mother's soft body a step too far and held it in his arms, saying coquettishly, "Good mother, just tell me, I have grown up and can help you share your worries."

  Liu Yiru was slightly stunned when she heard this, and then she realized that her son is now sixteen years old. When she was at this age, he should have started to get involved in some family businesses.

But she still treated him as a child, which was really inappropriate. After all, his body is fine now, and it is time for him to experience some things. Otherwise, staying in the greenhouse all the time will not be conducive to his growth.

  Feeling her son's broad and strong chest, Liu Yiru gently twisted her body and found a comfortable position for herself. She seemed to have found something to rely on in her heart, and she relaxed immediately.

She said almost confessingly, "A new group company called Autumn Wind has come to Wanghai these days. It's very powerful and is not inferior to our old groups at all. With it, I'm afraid it will be more difficult for us in the future."


Guys I hacwnt getting much response frkm u ...tell me if I should continue it or not or u will like me open a Patreon for it !!
