Retaining the Store

Mike and John opened their eyes widely. "Indeed I have to move… I don't have a choice because it's not safe here!"

John stood up abruptly, pushing his chair back with a screech and banging the door behind him as he stormed out of the office. "This is insane," he muttered to himself, the anger boiling inside him. "I can't stay here another minute. It's too dangerous."

Detective Harris glanced at Mike, his expression a mix of concern and urgency. "Go after him, Mike. Calm him down. We can't have him making rash decisions in this state."

Mike nodded and left his seat, following John out of the station. "John! Wait up, man!" he called, his voice echoing through the quiet hallway. As he caught up with John, people in the station turned to watch, their curiosity piqued by the commotion.

John didn't slow down, his mind racing with thoughts of danger and uncertainty. Mike finally reached him outside, grabbing his shoulder gently. "John, stop for a second. We need to talk."

John turned, his face flushed with frustration. "What is there to talk about, Mike? You heard Harris. It's not safe here. I need to get out of Greenland and Golden City."

Mike's tone was calm and reassuring. "I understand, John. But running away isn't the solution. Let's figure this out together." People passing by gave them curious glances, but Mike stayed focused on calming his friend down.

John took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "I just don't know what to do anymore. Every move feels like a step closer to danger."

Mike nodded empathetically. "I get it, John. It's overwhelming. But selling the store and leaving everything behind might not be the best answer."

John sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I need to find some peace, Mike. Maybe selling the store is the first step."

Mike's eyes widened. "You're thinking about selling the store? To whom?"

"To Tom, the house-selling agent," John replied. "He's been interested in anything from me either for sale or if I wanted to buy. Sure, he is the only man who can help me in this business of selling the store."

Mike frowned, trying to understand. "Is it a financial issue, John? Are you in debt or something? Don't make other decisions that will hound you one day. If it's money we can even get loans. Are you in need of money?"

John shook his head. "No, it's not about money. It's about finding a life away from all this chaos. Away from the threats."

Mike looked thoughtful. "I get that you want peace, John. But running away might not give you the peace you're looking for. Sometimes, facing the problem is the best solution."

John looked at Mike, searching for a glimmer of hope in his words. "But what if I can't handle it? What if it just gets worse?"

Mike put a reassuring hand on John's shoulder. "Listen to your instincts, John. Think about what you really want. Selling the store might seem like a quick fix, but is it what you truly want?"

John sighed. "I don't know, Mike. I just know I can't keep living like this."

Mike nodded, understanding the weight of John's words. "I hear you, man. But maybe, just maybe, you can keep the store and expand it. Make it a safe haven, not something you run from."

John's phone suddenly rang, breaking the intense conversation. He checked the caller ID and saw it was Grace. With a glance at Mike, he answered. "Hey, Grace. What's up?"

Grace's voice was bright and cheerful on the other end. "Hi, John! Just wanted to check in. Everything okay?"

John forced a smile, despite the heaviness in his heart. "Yeah, Grace. Everything's... manageable. How are things at the store?"

Grace chuckled, her light-hearted tone bringing a brief moment of relief to John. "Things are good. But seriously, John, are you really planning to sell the store?"

John exchanged a glance with Mike, who raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Yeah, I am. I was hoping we could discuss it soon."

Grace's tone turned more serious. "John, I understand you're under a lot of stress, but the store has so much potential. Are you sure about this?"

John sighed. "We can talk more about it when we meet. How about I come over later today?"

Grace laughed. "Sure, but you better bring your appetite. I'll make something delicious for you."

John smiled. "Sounds great. I'll see you soon."

As the call ended, John turned to Mike, who was adjusting his collar and buttons. "Grace has the same point, Mike. Maybe I should rethink this."

Mike grinned. "You see? Sometimes you just need to talk things out. Let's go."

They left the police station together, the tension easing slightly as they walked to Mike's place. When they arrived, John decided to head to Grace's place alone. "I need to clear my head, Mike. I'll see you later."

Mike laughed. "I'd join you, but I have an appointment. Good luck, man."

John mounted his motorcycle and headed towards Grace's place. The ride was smooth, the city streets quieter than usual. He passed by his store on Huruma Street, feeling a pang of nostalgia and uncertainty about his decision. As he approached the Suncity Complex apartments, he felt a mixture of anxiety and determination.

Afterwards, John arrived at Suncity Complex apartments. He parked his motorcycle and pulled out his phone to call Grace. After a few rings, she answered.

"Hey, John! Are you here already?" Grace's voice was cheerful.

"Yeah, I'm at the gate, but it's closed," John replied.

"Just a minute, I'll be right there," Grace said before hanging up.

Suddenly, Grace's soft voice could be heard approaching the gate. "Is there nobody at the gate?" she asked.

"I guess not. I tried ringing the bell, but no one answered," John replied.

Grace opened the gate, and John rode in, parking his motorcycle in the designated area. He removed his helmet and gloves, then walked towards Grace, who greeted him with a warm smile.

"Welcome, John," she said, gesturing for him to follow her. "Let's go inside."

As they walked, John made a light-hearted comment. "I see the garden is blooming nicely. Must be your green thumb at work."

Grace laughed. "I wish! It's more the gardener's work than mine. But thanks for noticing."

Inside, the house was cosy and inviting. Grace led John to the living room, where he took a seat. "Make yourself at home. I'll get us some food. Hope you like fried fish."

John chuckled. "Who doesn't like fried fish?"

After a few minutes, Grace brought out a delicious meal. "Here you go. Dig in."

As they ate, the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. John enjoyed the meal, making jokes and sharing stories. Once they were done, Grace leaned back and looked at John seriously.

"So, what's this about selling the store, John?" she asked.

John sighed, his mood shifting. "I'm being followed by some gangs. I don't know why, but it's gotten too dangerous. I need to leave."

Grace's expression turned serious. "John, I remember when we first signed the contract. You were looking for someone to run the store to success. Fortunately, you got me and I promised to make the store a success. What happened to that?"

John looked down, feeling the weight of her words. "I just don't feel safe anymore, Grace. I need to find somewhere new."

Grace leaned forward, her eyes determined. "John, we've worked hard to bring the store to live. You can't let fear drive you away. Remember when we first opened? You believed in it."

John nodded, the memories flooding back. "I do remember. But things are different now."

Grace shook her head. "No, John. The store has so much potential. We can still make it a success. You have to trust in that."

John looked at her, seeing the determination in her eyes. "You really believe that, don't you?"

Grace smiled. "I do. And I know you do too. We can face these challenges together. You don't have to run away."

John felt a spark of hope ignite within him. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I shouldn't give up so easily."

Grace reached out and took his hand. "We'll figure this out, John. Just like we always have to handle our customers. The store can still be everything you dreamed it would be."

John squeezed her hand, feeling the strength in her words. "Thank you, Grace. I needed to hear that."

Grace nodded. "Anytime, John. Now, let's finish this meal and get to work on making the store a success."

John smiled, feeling a renewed sense of determination. Suddenly, a plain prompt appeared in front of John with words forming on it in slanting letters later on, a deep mechanical voice cracked in his mind.

[ The Host has to cancel the idea of selling the store. The system is aware of the Host's current situation and there should be no worry. Please,retain the store. Rewards loading...]