A New Threat

● Graviton

Exact Location: The Star Lord's Villa.

Atlas Finn stood with his hand held behind his back with some of the villa's guards standing behind him and a few other officials.

They all watched as a fancy car slowly approached the villa's gate. Some of them had a neutral expression on their face, some frowned and muttered amongst themselves while Atlas grinned.

The car drove into the villa before coming to a stop a few steps from where the dark-haired man was standing. The driver rushed out of the car and opened the door, holding it open for a young boy who looked in his early twenties to step out.

The boy was light-skinned with ash hair that was neatly combed to the side. His sky-blue eyes searched the crowd until they met that of Atlas. He smiled before extending his hand to help his mother out of the car.

She wore a huge white attire that covered her entire body, including her hands, legs, and head, leaving nowhere but her dark eyes. The lady took his hand and stepped out of the car to stand by her son's side. She looked at him and nodded before they both walked forward to where Atlas was standing.

The dark-haired man smiled and bowed his head. "Lady Aurora, Prime Aeson, it is to my utmost pleasure I welcome you both to the Villa."

The young ash-haired boy smiled. "You don't have to call me Prime anymore, we are no longer at the temple."

"We may no longer be at the temple, but your achievement as a Prime will always follow--- completing the ninety thousand pages of the Grey book and knowing every ritual step while still a child isn't a small task."

"I hope you won't narrate this to everyone we meet."

"Only if it is what you want." He bowed again. "The Star Lord asked me himself to show you two around." Atlas moved aside, allowing the two to continue forward.

Atlas led the two into the main villa. For the second son of the Star-Lord, it was all new to him and he was in utter awe as he took in the beauty that stood before him, but it wasn't the first time for his mother, though her mind was taking some time to recall the times she used to roam the walls of the villa.

"I am glad you are back to the villa, my lady-- these walls surely missed your voice and the fun you bring with yourself," the Star Lord's wise man said but the dark-eyed woman only stared at him without saying a word.

She turned to her son and signaled him with her eyes before walking ahead of them, but slowly.

"Ah, how could I have forgotten," Aeson started. "Mother is currently observing her hundred Grey days."

Atlas smiled. "I see, that explains why she hasn't said a single word since your arrival."

"Why don't we proceed without her then, she seems to know her way around the villa, and the Star Lord awaits your arrival."

"Of course."




● Satellite

Exact Location: The Sweepers Organization.

Liam looked at himself in the mirror as he fixed the collar of the casual Sweepers uniform he had on. He noticed Zara approached him through the reflection in the mirror with her brows furrowed, and Thomas standing behind her.

"Dude, how long are you going to take to get ready?"

He scoffed before using his hand to push back his hair. "Every member of the organization is going to be there, including those from the division at Hydrospace, I gotta look good for the unexpected visitors, you know?"

Zara shook her head and turned to Thomas. "It's your fault he now thinks simply brushing back his hair will get him somewhere."

The brown-eyed man slipped his hands into his pocket and shrugged. "I mean-- I did it and I now have a beautiful Grey Lander wife who's about to bring a child to the world, so… maybe he's right to try it too."

Before Zara could reply to what he said, a small knock drew their attention to the door. They all turned to see the light red-haired boy, James standing by the door. He had a bandage wrapped around his left eye and a sling holding up his injured arm. "Hi," he greeted awkwardly.

"James? What are you doing here, you should be resting," Liam said while shutting the small door to close the mirror he was using.

The red-eyed boy cleared his throat and stepped forward. "I just…" he paused. "I want to apologize for what happened at the Inner Core. If it wasn't for my naivety, things would have gone a lot differently, but I caused many to die, including…" he opened his mouth to complete his words but couldn't find the words to use.

Liam stepped forward and tapped his shoulder. "Don't stress yourself for what has already happened, James."

Thomas nodded agreeably. "He's right. Things would have probably still gone the same without you there," he stated. "It's not like you were the reason the creatures evolved."

"You may be right." He wiped his eyes and sighed. "I promise to take virtual and physical training to get better…"

"I gotta ask," Zara chipped. They all turned their attention to face the Grey Lander. "If you are so inexperienced, how did you manage to get into the organization?" She questioned.


"No, I have to know," she continued. "Because it's crazy that he doesn't even know what a creature looks like, and yet he somehow got assigned a squad and allowed into the Forbidden Zone."

Total silence swallowed the entire locker room and James averted his eyes to the ground. "My father helped Daniel Anderson in starting up the Sweepers Organization-- he convinced him to let me get into a squad," he revealed.

"Damn, Zara," a fifth voice echoed. " Always ready to bite at the newcomers' ass."

A beautiful light-skinned lady with French twist brunette hair which complimented her brown eyes entered the room from the door behind James and placed her arms around the said name. She had a mole below her lips that was painted in black lipstick.

"Willow," Liam said with a hint of surprise.

The said lady shot the teal green-eyed boy a warm smile. "I'm happy to see you too, Liams."

Zara frowned and folded her hands. "Aria Willow, I had hoped you weren't going to be part of the team sent."

The brunette laughed softly. "Oh, Zara, we are having a Full-dive Operation and you think I wouldn't be part?"

"I didn't say you wouldn't be… I prayed that you shouldn't."

"Alright that's enough you two," Thomas stepped between the two. "I'm glad you're still alive after all these years Aria, but why don't we get to the briefing room before one of you kills the other."

"Agreed." Aria glanced at Liam's hair before veering around. Once she was out of the room, the teal green-eyed man quickly used his hands to scatter his hair.

"Unbelievable," Zara shook her head before also walking out of the locker.

Thomas waited until they were all gone before he turned to face Liam. "Don't let her discourage you." He walked forward and unbuttoned Liam's first button. He also used his hand to scatter his hair even more. "A Believer would say the Greyes has given you another chance to do things right, and Mr. Jenkins would say 'Make me proud'."

Liam snickered and tapped Thomas's shoulder. "And what will you say."

The dark-skinned man's smile disappeared and he narrowed his eyes. "Do not disappoint me this time."

"It wasn't my fault last time."

