Hundred Grey Days

● Graviton

Exact Location: The Star Lord's Villa.

Zephyr sat on a chair, swirling his long white hair with his index finger and chewing gum with his legs crossed while listening to the Generals plot out different routes the Heavenly Protectors were to follow to Satellite.

He stayed that way for a couple more moments before the beige-haired lady, Dahila Faye approached him with a tablet in her hand. She handed over a headphone which Zephyr put on before clicking on the device to play the video. His face went from neutral, to disappointment before it changed to a smile that disappeared as quickly.

He took off the headphones and stood up on his feet. "Proceed without me," he said to the Generals before walking out of the room with his second following behind him.

Meanwhile, Atlas Finn led the ash-haired boy into one of the many rooms in the villa where they met the Star Lord sitting in front of a table that had different types of food arranged on it. The Star Lord quickly stood up and approached his son.

"Aeson," he said softly while walking up to the young man. The Star Lord placed his hand on the ash-haired boy's shoulder and smiled. "It pains me to have waited this long before bringing you back home."

The Star-blood raised his head to look into his father's eyes. "But that decision you took made me who I am today, so I am most grateful."

"Hmm… sharp as your mother." The Star Lord looked over the boy's shoulder and furrowed. "Where is she? Where is Aurora?"

"Lady Aurora wanted to refresh her memory of this place so we let her be, plus she is observing her Hundred Grey days," Atlas explained.

Jasper raised his brows. "Hundred Grey days?" He asked.

"It is a right we Believers observe to show our gratitude to the Greyes," Aeson explained. "We cut ourselves off from excessive physical contact, cover up every part of our body, do not eat as much, and speak no more words but glories to the Greyes until the hundred days are over."

Jasper coughed and rubbed the back of his head. "You've only been here for a few years but you know about it more than myself who have been around for over a thousand more."

"I am only this good because of your decision to send me off to the temple along with Mother, I wouldn't be as enlightened if you hadn't."

The Star Lord nodded proudly. "Come, let's eat. I had the servants prepare the best so that your first meal at your real house will be grand." He coughed again.

Before the three could fully balance in their seats, the door burst open, and in walked the Star Lord's firstborn, Zephyr.

"Father!" He stopped as he noticed the new face sitting on the chair next to his father. He glared at the boy without moving his eyes for a second until the Star Lord called out.

"Zephyr, I believe I assigned you a task."

The said name walked up to the table ever so slowly and sat on a chair across from Aeson. He dropped the tablet in front of his father and cranked up the volume before making the video projected out such that they could all view the content


"The Greyes chose an extremely painful way to punish us," Leo Silas said while wiping the sweat dripping from his forehead. He stood in the middle of the road, shouting at the top of his voice to draw the people's attention.

"We all thought the cursed action of us supreme beings getting married to Humans and bearing children would only stop at the weak-minded Grey Landers! But the Star Lord turned out to be a sinner as well."

At this point, the Believer had almost everybody that was passing by listening to him and every car also slowed down to hear what he had to say.

"I received inspiration from the Greyes, they have shown me the true intention of the Star Lord that rules us."

He continued. "Not only did Lord Jasper Orion had a human as his consort, he had a son with this ugly wench--- the Greyes showed me that he has called the half-human to make him the new Star-Lord and have him lead the Gravity Fall!"

"Hear me brothers, and sisters… this is the end of the world like I have been warning all from… if you still don't believe my words, then why don't you call out to the Star-Lord? If he dares tell lies on this day close to the Gravity Fall Month, the month when the Greyes gave us existence-- Star Lord Jasper Orion, I dare you to deny my divine words, tell these people you don't have a Star-blood child named Aeson!"

"Aeson Orion!"


Without a single change of expression, the Star Lord turned to Zephyr. "What is this?"

"This video is everywhere, and the people are reacting to it," the white-haired man revealed. "Some are refusing to work because of it and some are even taking to the street and protesting against you."

He continued. "And the fact that you are making a Star-Blood child lead the Gravity Fall has every priest on Grey Land to close off the temples… they are unaware if he speaks the truth or if it is all just some lie he's making up and they still took action, imagine what they'll do when they find out everything he speaks of is actually true."

The Star Lord inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I've suddenly lost my appetite," he said while standing up. "Let's have lunch again sometime, Aeson," he added before walking away.

Atlas noticed the tension between the two and quickly rushed after the Star-Lord.

The Ash-haired boy watched his father exit the door before turning Zephyr. "You must be Zephyr, my older brother."

Zephyr ignored him and pulled one of the plates to himself. "I want you to know that I am only here to lead the Gravity Fall," Aeson stated. "I'll be gone once it is over, I have no interest in anything else."

Zephyr pushed away the plate and licked his fingers. "Well, unfortunately, we don't want you leading it either, so why don't you do us all a favor, pack your things, and leave the same way you came, Aeson."




● Satellite

Exact Location: The Sweepers Organization.

Daniel entered the briefing room where the Sweepers were gathered with Aria and Nyx following behind them. The crowd went silent as he cleared his throat and stood in front of a podium. "Unlike our brothers and sisters at the Hydrospace division, we had focused on pushing back the Zone to regain lost land using the Luminaire stick, though that worked to some extent, it has also cost us the lives of many of our comrades."

"Even before the arrival of humans, these creatures existed, and I say it is the only reason we are unable to beat them--- we struggled to find a way to counter them, but they always evolve, acting in a more superior way." The orange-haired man stopped and scanned the crowd before speaking again. "And this ends now. We will now prioritize, and engage our full resources in capturing at least one of the creatures, alive."

The crowd went apeshit and murmurs flew from one edge of the room to another. Daniel put his hand up to calm the Sweepers.

"I know it sounds crazy and impossible because we haven't even been able to kill one, but such is our faith if we wish to understand how the creatures' brain works and be able to predict their actions." He then turned to the brunette and nodded.

Aria walked forward and stood next to Daniel with her hand held behind her back. "Most of you will know her, but for the sake of-- this is Ms. Aria Willow, a Sweeper from the Hydrospace division," he revealed. "She is the only Sweeper to have come as far as severely injuring a creature… she and her squad will join us in our quest."

"We start our drills in preparation to bring an end to the creatures, once and for all."
