Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 9

Author: Jiushijiu

The real estate agent's gaze seems to be cannibalistic. It is clear that the current leader is Ryūen Shoko, but it seems that he is the real mastermind behind the scenes.

As a bystander, Shiina Hiyori could see the truth more clearly when she looked at Ryūen Shoko and the housing agency.

Their identities are not that of king and military advisor.

She is a knife. He is a mastermind.

A real estate agent is a puppet master who holds a string in his hand and plays with others as puppets.

"What's wrong? You looked like this after you came out of the house?"

The real estate agent saw Shiina Hiyori holding her schoolbag and looking wary of him, and he couldn't help but smell it on himself.

It doesn't smell like alcohol either? So why is she so worried? I'm not a bad boy.

"It's nothing, I just think you are scary."

Shiina Hiyori shook her head. She remembered something: "But Fushu-san, have you read the book I recommended to you?"

"Ah, haha. Sorry, sorry, in order to understand the situation of other classes yesterday, when I returned to the dormitory, I only read a brief history of time and did not read the book you recommended."

After listening to Shiina's words, the real estate agent knew that something was wrong. Shiina likes reading and recommending books very much, and she is willing to recommend books to you because she thinks highly of you. But the real estate agent didn't read it, so he had to give a more explainable reason.

At least he didn't read a single book, just a brief history of time.

"Why don't you read the book I gave you?"

"Sorry, sorry, after all, A Brief History of Time was borrowed from the library and has a return date. So I gave that book priority."

Although this reason was not strong enough, it was tenable, so Shiina just pouted and said nothing.

After finishing laughing, the real estate agent looked at his watch. It was already half past twelve.

Well...it's a little late.

"Well, Shiina-kun, you go to the cafeteria first. I have to go back to the dormitory to deal with some things."

"Ah, I don't go to the cafeteria for lunch."

Shiina Hiyori answered with a smile. She really doesn't go to the canteen, she prepares lunch by herself.

As for why she came out of the house with the housing agent, it was just because Ryūen Shoko said in the classroom that she needed to be alone, so she had no choice but to come out to find a place to have lunch.

"Okay, I originally wanted you to help bring lunch to the eldest sister. Since you don't want to go, then I have to bring it."

The real estate agent twisted his arms and prepared to leave Shiina Hiyori separately. But at this time, Shiina Hiyori suddenly stopped.

"Fangfang-san, can I ask you a question?"

"Huh? Ask?"

"Are you...really willing to give in to Ryuuen-san?"

"Ha...as long as she never leaves me, I will live and die together."

Chapter 18 Similar breath

Watching the real estate agent leave, Shiina Hiyori could not help but whisper what he had just said.

'She will never leave you, will you live and die with her? Sure enough, you have never thought about being inferior to others. '

Her perception was not wrong. The two were not a king and a minister, but a sword and a swordsman.

It's normal that real estate agents don't want to be the boss, just because they have too much to do. But that doesn't mean he is willing to succumb to the hands of a teenage kid.

He was an adult in his twenties before time travel. If he was asked to work under a sixteen-year-old kid, he must at least have certain abilities, right?

But so far, he can only agree with the opponent's appearance. As for his strength... he can fight very well.

What's the use of being able to fight? When you come out, you have to talk about your strength and background, otherwise you will just be a loser.

In terms of strength, she can't compare to Brother Lu. In terms of background, she can't compare to Sakayanagi. So what is his use? In the original work, she looked like a clown.

But what about housing agents? But he is willing to give her a chance, willing to give her once, give her twice, or even give her multiple chances.

As long as she can unite and lead Class C, then he will always give her opportunities.

After all, you are just a sixteen-year-old kid, what more can you ask for? People continue to make mistakes and grow as adults, as long as they don't fall into the same pit too many times.

As a nine-tailed fox, the real estate agent feels that sometimes one still needs to stand in front.

"Huh, I'm almost ready to wear school uniforms tomorrow."

Feeling the sunshine outside, the housing agent squinted his eyes slightly.

Well, he hates sunlight. The sun is so dazzling.

It's early April now and the temperature has warmed up. So now the clothes can be dried in one day.

As for what to do next...just use a hair dryer to dry it then. After all, you can't choke to death by urinating, right?

Humming a little tune, it was already 12:40, but the housing agent did not panic at all. He went to the cafeteria humming, picked two packages, and then returned to the classroom with the two packages of rice.

He didn't think Ryūen Shoko would come to the cafeteria for lunch, so he packed two portions for him.

As for the other party really coming to eat... then he can just keep one portion for dinner or as a snack.

As a teenager, he naturally has a big appetite. He only eats an extra portion, which is a big deal.

Otherwise, the real estate agent still has ideas, and he is not at a loss anyway.

"Hey, who are you delivering food to?"

However, the housing agent did not expect that he would be stopped.

He couldn't help but look over. It was...a loli.

Well, although he hasn't read the original work, he can guess who this is.

Sakayanagi Arisu.

Her height, hair color, and the female attendant Kamuro Masumi beside her are enough to prove her identity.

"Why do I feel like you are thinking about something very rude?"

"It's just your illusion."

Responding casually, the real estate agent looked at Masumi Kamuro who was there with his head lowered and said nothing: "So? Mr. Sakayanagi from Class A, do you have anything to do with me?"

"you know me?"

"We know you. Kamuro-san and I talked about you yesterday."

He said and looked at Sakayanagi Yusu's face again: "She said that there is a strong and cute girl in Class A, and I think it should be you."

He didn't say anything about Sakayanagi's height, nor about Sakayanagi's frailty. He and Sakayanagi are not enemies now, so slandering the other party is not what a gentleman should do.

Even though he doesn't think he is a gentleman, he still has his own bottom line.

"Strong and cute? Hey, Kamuro, did you really say that?"

Sakayanagi Yusu immediately turned to look at Kamuro Masumi next to him, and she was so frightened that she quickly raised her head: "Huh?"

"Did you say yesterday that I was a strong and cute girl?"

Sakayanagi Yusu repeated it again.

"Um...there shouldn't be, right?"

"Why is it a question?"

"Maybe she can't remember it clearly. After all, she drank too much yesterday. It's normal for her to not be able to remember some things."

The housing agent said casually. As for what the two talked about yesterday? He couldn't remember clearly either.

He just guessed that she was Sakayanagi Arisu based on the script he already knew.

"Really? She drank too much. It seems like you took care of her all night?"

"That's not true. I drank too much, so the only thing I did to take care of her was to wake her up in the morning and buy her breakfast."

The real estate agent answered truthfully, and a teasing expression gradually appeared on Sakayanagi Yusu's face: "Eh~ Really? Thanks to you, you took care of her so that she suffered a lot of ridicule from her classmates today."

"Really? How did you laugh at it?"

"What do you mean, 'I actually like someone from Class C,' 'Do you have such bad eyesight? 'I didn't expect you to like that kind of thing,' etc."

Sakayanagi Yusu imitated what those classmates said vividly. The housing agent's expression did not change much. After Sakayanagi Yusu finished speaking, he shrugged: "So?"

"So? Don't you think she's a little pitiful? She's actually being bullied by her classmates."

Sakayanagi Yusu continued to ask with a smile.

She is a fun-loving person and loves to have fun most.

It would be best if the housing agent could angrily enter Class A and make a fuss.

It's a pity that she was disappointed at this point. The real estate agent just nodded: "Oh, I understand."

"You understand? So you're not going to seek justice for her?"

Seeing the real estate agent looking like he was leaving, Sakayanagi Yusu didn't expect him to make such a choice.

But the real estate agent did not stop and continued walking: "First of all, I have nothing to do with Kamuro-san, so those rumors are just rumors. Secondly, in my opinion, compared to those rumors , maybe you are the biggest culprit who bullies her. Finally, drink less coffee, drinking too much coffee is bad for your mental health."

"How do you know I always drink coffee?"

"The smell of coffee on you is so strong that I can't even smell it, miss. This coffee is very authentic. So drink less, otherwise you won't be able to sleep at night and you won't be energetic the next day."

Looking at the real estate agent who was gradually walking away, the amusement on Sakayanagi Yusu's face became even more obvious.

She turned to look at Masumi Kamuro: "Did you really tell him about me yesterday?"

"I...I really can't remember clearly."

Masumi Kamuro, who blushed with shame, could remember nothing.

But looking at her like this, Yusu Sakayanagi felt happy.

She picked up her crutches and continued to walk slowly to the class.

"This guy seems to have noticed something. Since you think you didn't say anything, it seems that he is indeed a little different."

Sakayanagi Arisu's sense of smell is very sensitive, and she can smell the scent of the housing agent.

That aura that was very similar to his own.

Chapter 19: Eat at the door, it's yours

"Hey, eldest sister, are you still thinking?"

The real estate agent couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Ryūen Shoko looking like a 'thinker' in her seat. He placed the lunch box he brought for her on her table: "You haven't eaten yet? I brought it from the cafeteria."

Seeing that there was food, Ryūen Shoko felt a little hungry. She didn't hesitate, opened the lid, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

It's only 12:45 now, class started at 1 o'clock, and now there's no time to eat.

As long as breakfast is done within ten minutes.

"You like bringing food to girls?"

"Okay, sister, don't hurt me. Besides, let's go out to eat, it's delicious."

I don't know if it's because Ryuuen Sho has become Ryuuen Shoko, but the real estate agent always feels that she is easier to talk to than the original.

At least after he said that, Ryūen Shoko would actually eat lunch with him outside the classroom.

The two of them just squatted at the door and ate. While eating, Ryūen Shoko frowned: "Why do we have to squat and eat?"

"Because eating while squatting is delicious. Okay, sister, don't think so much and eat quickly. Our lunch time is not long."

It was impossible to say that squatting in front of Class C to eat without attracting the attention of other classes, but that was the limit.

While the housing agent was eating, he quickly observed the movements of the students around him with his own eyes.

Well, people in Class A think it's not elegant enough for us to eat like this. They are indeed a bunch of arrogant people.

The people in Class B didn't say anything. They were just more concerned but didn't say much.

As for Class D... they are so talkative. They are very talkative. They really do and say anything.

Even though the girls on their side didn't speak loudly, the housing agent could still vaguely hear what they said despite his good hearing.

Words like 'barbaric monkey', 'rude', 'unladylike', etc. can already mean that they have absolutely no good words to say.

The fact that the two of them were squatting at the door eating was a big deal... but it was indeed quite small. After all, what else could you say about eating at the door?

Anyway, the two of them finished their meal before the next class, and the housing agent also threw the disposable lunch box into the big trash can.

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