Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 10

Author: Jiushijiu

Like the morning, the afternoon class time was as leisurely as ever. At least it seems laid-back to the real estate agency.

He is a college student. Although the peak of his intellectual life is when he graduates from high school, it is not easy for him to review high school knowledge again, especially when China's high school knowledge is far superior to other countries.

Therefore, in his opinion, it is not difficult at all.

But it is limited to him. In the eyes of many people, this thing is not a heavenly book, but it is almost like a curse.

In a way, the tight curse is more uncomfortable than the heavenly book. The worst thing you can do about the heavenly book is that you can't understand it vertically. If you don't know, you just don't know. But the curse is that you can understand it, but you can only understand a little bit, and you can't understand more, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Are they uncomfortable? At least according to the housing agency, some students are indeed in a uncomfortable state.

There's nothing we can do about it. After all, we are in Class C. Although they are better than those bastards in Class D, their academic performance is not much better. They are basically students who are around the passing mark.

So during the break, the three giants of Class C started plotting again.

"So I think we must hold a study meeting this time. Before the students have joined the club, let them study hard to avoid failing the exam."

When the real estate agent said this, he looked at Shiina Hiyori, and Ryuuen Shoko also looked at Shiina Hiyori.

"What do you both see me doing?"

"I think you can do this, Shiina-san."

"Indeed, Hiyori is a very good candidate."

Ryuuen Shoko also thinks Shiina Hiyori is a good choice. She is easy to talk to and knows a lot. She must have a strong advantage in tutoring others.

"Eh? Let me come? But...is it really okay?"

Shiina Hiyori didn't expect that she would be entrusted with an important task for no reason. It was only the second day of school. She was about to become the leader of the study group?

If this were left to China, they would appoint a study committee member for her anyway.

"Shiina-san, let me ask you, you said you don't like fighting, so tutoring your classmates in their studies is considered a fight, right? And not only is it not a fight, it is also a good thing. A great good thing. It is more conducive to the unity of the class. , so I think you are trustworthy."

The real estate agent patted Shiina-san on the shoulder, his eyes full of trust.

Nonsense, who does she trust if the class doesn't trust her? Ryuuen Shoko with B intelligence?

Ryuuen Shoko didn't have as strong an intuition as Sakayanagi Arisu. She didn't feel that the housing agent had insulted her again. She crossed her legs and nodded beside her: "Indeed, if it's you, I think it's very suitable."

As the eldest sister of Class C, she knows that it is natural for students to study. If nothing else, Teacher Sakagami has also said that if they fail the midterm exam, they will be dropped out of school.

Not only did that student have to get out, but the entire class had to be punished with 200 points, which she couldn't stand.

200 points, 800,000 points for the whole class every month, how much money is wasted like this?

Oh, it's 780,000. After all, the classmate who dropped out of school is not included.

"So this matter is settled like this?"

"Yes, I approve."

The real estate agent and Ryuuen Shoko hit it off immediately, and the study meeting was decided immediately.

"Eh? Hey! At least listen to my opinion! You two make me lose face!"

Regarding the study meeting, Ryūen Shoko naturally announced it after the last class in the afternoon.

Some people in the class may be unhappy about this matter, but they dare not speak out.

Who told Ryūen Shoko to have a completely different attitude towards them than towards the housing agency?

In terms of loyalty, the housing agent was the first person to take the lead in calling her boss.

In terms of ability, he was the one who got a lot of clues and information to help everyone tide over the difficulties.

Therefore, Ryūen Shoko's attitude towards him is completely different from everyone's attitude. Everyone can understand and accept this matter.

Apart from anything else, you see, regarding the discussion about the student union, 39 people in the entire class were present, and only one person was absent. Guess who was absent?

Of course it's a real estate agency~

So why did he go? Go fishing?

Of course not, he went to get information.

Although he knew many things in his heart, he had to have a reason to say it, right? He can't say he can do divination, can he?

Then he would have to be arrested because of feudal superstition.

Chapter 20 But, she is a hot girl~

The real estate agent thought about how to deal with Class A. Before that trial island... bah, uninhabited island, he had already thought about how to trick Class A twice.

He seemed to have no reaction to what Sakayanagi Arisu had said to him before, but in fact, he was unhappy in his heart, very unhappy.

Aren't those disgusting stinky bastards from Class A? Is Class A great?

It's true that there are outstanding students like Katsuragi, but that doesn't mean that all Class A is good. There are also assholes in it who just have good numbers.

Sakayanagi Yusu's words actually strengthened the idea that the housing agency planned to trick Class A severely. What he plans to do is similar to what Ryuen Sho did in the beginning, but compared to Ryuen Sho who can easily catch the situation, his choice is more secretive and more difficult to break the situation.

But the premise is what he and Ryūen Shoko said before, she must have a dead man, a dead man who trusts her extremely.

If that can happen...hehe.

He gradually had an idea in his mind and looked at the situation of Class D.

To be honest, the idea of inviting you to commit suicide is almost done, but killing someone with a borrowed knife still lacks a more important presence.

He needs a knife, so where is the best place to find that knife?

Class D.

Class D is a notoriously problematic class, so there are naturally a lot of pigs in that class. For example, the Big Three Pig Heads.

To be honest, if the Big Three want to be expelled from school, the first person who disagrees is the housing agency. Why, you ask? Hey, if there are pig teammates in the opposite camp, do you want to protect them? If we are not afraid of god-like opponents, we should be afraid of pig-like teammates. The enemy's pig teammates are our allies. How can we let them withdraw casually?

There are fewer pigs in my own class and more pigs in other people's classes. One trades off and the other grows. The advantage lies with me.

Sitting on the chair, the real estate agent was thinking about the students in Class D who were easy to control.

If it is cooperation with Class B, then it is not cooperation with Class D. Class D is a mess, so cooperation is of no use, but it is easy to be implicated.

Therefore, control is more suitable than cooperation. It is most convenient to control one or two chess pieces when the time comes.

But...which girl should I control?

The real estate agency cheated Class D without any inner resistance at all. If Class B is all little angels, then 80% of the girls in Class D are ugly and make trouble... Oh, there are no ugly girls in the second dimension? That's because women are more likely to cause trouble.

So if you are stuck to death, you only have skills and no emotions, and ruthlessness is the best choice.

So who are the candidates for Class D? Megumi Karuizawa who looks like a hot girl but actually needs to rely on others, Kikyo Kushida who looks very enthusiastic but actually has another side, Airi Sakura who looks like an ordinary student but is an idol secretly, Chiaki Matsushita seems to be a poor student, but in fact, she deliberately lowers her grades just to be like her classmates.

There are also Onodera Yuno who has pretty good sports scores, Wang Miyu, a Chinese student studying abroad, Satsuki Ohara who has been fighting against Brother Lu, Hasebe Hasaka who likes to give nicknames, Maya Sato who is very thoughtful, etc. …

Pass all the female characters in the back who are less successful than more likely to fail or are of little use. In the end, the real estate agent can only choose the four characters he thought about at the beginning.

Among the four people, Sakura Airi was the first to pass. She is an honest girl, and to be honest, although it is very easy to control the fact that there is an idol behind her, her status in Class D is not high. It's of no use to her.

Why does the housing agency want to take advantage of the girls in Class D? Because there is a licking dog in Class D!

If you control a girl, you will also control several boys. But if you control a boy, you will only control that boy. You know which one to choose without even thinking about it, right?

The next thing to exclude is Panasonic Chiaki. She doesn't have a high say in the girls' group, and she mostly responds to others, so she can't get a say even if she controls them.

So is Kushida Kikyo the best choice?

Touching his chin, the real estate agent began to think about how to deal with this person.

In Class D, who is the leader of the girls? Horikita Suzune. What about the second in command? Kushida Platycodon.

Karuizawa Emi is a little better than Matsushita Chiaki, but her status relies more on Hirata, the apparent leader of the boys. His actual ability is not strong, and it is much worse than Kushida Kikyo's. Not to mention that she is one of the few women who make mischief.

So why is the housing agency choosing between her and Kushida Kikyo at this time?

Because...she is a hot girl!

Damn it, sexy hot girl, she is looking for a puppet anyway, you don't care what her personality is like, if she has a bad personality, it is easier to control, and...a little hot girl with slightly dark skin, a strong on the outside but a goofy character, to be honest, it really makes the house The agent couldn't help but want to have sex. And compared to Kushida Kikyo, it is very easy to control her. Overall, she is a very easy-to-use puppet.

Ahem, talk about business, talk about business.

Let's not think about those messy things. In fact, if we really want to make a choice, we can only choose between these two people... Wait a minute?

Why should I choose? Only children make choices.

"Tsk, it feels like the workload has suddenly become heavier."

The real estate agent couldn't help but click his tongue twice, and he couldn't help but touch his forehead to force himself to calm down.

Calm down, calm down, don't be too selfish. I know there are many beautiful girls in this school, but now we are talking about business. If you want to fall in love, at least get over the current difficulties first.

I survived being single after graduating from college in my last life. It's okay to be single for a while here. Come on, you are the best.

After chanting various words in his mind, the housing agent finally calmed down.

There was no way, why did he think more and more wrongly just now? After all, controlling this kind of thing also means to control the other party at will. The meaning of a weak little girl being manipulated at will also means...

Therefore, it is better to calm down first and let the second brother rest for a while. It is not your turn to appear now.

After taking control of the steering wheel, the housing agent looked at Class D again.

At this time, Class D was not aware of the crisis. They were still playing their own games. The housing agent began to observe the situation of Class D and began to look for Kushida Kikyo and Karuizawa Megumi.

He has never watched the anime or the original work, and the information about them in the fan fiction can only give a rough idea of what they look like.

I still know that Megumi Karuizawa looks like a hot girl, but Kushida-san's appearance...it seems that the fan novels don't describe it in detail?

"Hello, classmate?"

The real estate agent who was thinking here suddenly heard someone calling him. He looked at the visitor and his eyes lit up.

Although I don't know what Kushida looks like, I believe that you must be Kushida.

Chapter 21 Sister Fingerprint, are you here?

Kushida Kikyo, nicknamed Fingerprint Sister. She and Ichinose are similar but completely different beings.

She keeps saying that she wants to make friends with everyone, but at heart she is not a little angel, but a little devil, just a wolf in sheep's clothing.

She hated girls who were more attractive than her, so when Horikita gradually became popular in Class D, she hated Horikita-san even more. So before this sinister girl showed her claws, her attitude towards others was the same as Ichinose's.

Therefore, when the brown-haired girl with a very similar temperament to Ichinose looked at him with wide eyes, the real estate agent was sure that she was definitely Kikyou Kushida.

After all, those people in Class D would never have such a temperament, they could only be Kushida-san.

"Hey, what's wrong, classmate?"

"Excuse me...are you a classmate of Class C?"

"Yes, so what's the problem?"

"Actually, it's like this. I want to know about the situation of your Class C, but it seems that you are having a class meeting over there now... By the way, you don't need to attend the class meeting?"

Kushida-san asked gently, "Well, this illusion looks just like the real thing. If you hadn't read the script, you really wouldn't be able to tell what kind of woman she is."

"Ah, I don't need to. The class is just doing things about the study meeting."

"Study meeting?"

"Yes, we still want to study hard, so now we are looking for top students who are suitable to teach the poor students. Maybe everyone's scores can be mentioned?"

The real estate agent touched his chin: "I'm different. My scores are average, neither high nor low. I'm not qualified to be an honors student. Being a poor student doesn't count, so I'm just excluded. So you want to call me a member of the class?" Who? I can help you call her out."

"Ah, no, no, no, no need to go to such trouble."

Kushida waved his hand quickly, indicating that the housing agency did not need to do this: "I just want to understand the situation. After all, I think your class monitor looks very scary."

Does it look scary? Oh, it's really scary.

The real estate agent looked at Ryuuen Shoko sitting on the podium with her legs crossed and found that she was indeed quite intimidating.

Well, as long as she is not around, she is the queen. She seems to be a bit harmonious when I'm around?

It must be an illusion, right?

"That's our eldest sister from Class C, Ryuuen Shoko. What do you think? She's handsome enough, isn't she?"


Kushida couldn't help but blink her eyes after listening to the real estate agent's words. She felt that she couldn't keep up with the real estate agent's brain circuit.

By the way, we are students, right? Not a gangster, right? You said proudly that she was the eldest sister of your class... What is there to be proud of? Doesn't your class teacher care?

Oh, it seems that the head teacher really doesn't care.

Thinking back to his homeroom teacher, whom he had rarely met, Kushida probably understood that the homeroom teacher of Class C was also a laissez-faire teacher.

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