Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 29

Author: Jiushijiu

"No, I don't know anything~"

Kushida, who was whistling and pretending not to know anything, said cheerfully. She looked at Kamuro, who had been trying his best to act transparent since just now: "Then Kamuro-kun, would you like to sing for a while? ?"

"Eh?! Me!"

Chapter 56 Damn it, why are you cowering here?

This time the singing was a joy to all the guests, and at least the real estate agent was quite happy.

These guys still want to see him embarrassed. After all, he is also a little prince of love songs, and he even knows a lot of Japanese songs.

Who said I had an otaku roommate in my previous life? He would hum several 2D songs every time he played them in the dormitory.

"Well, as expected, eating hot pot here after singing is really a pleasure."

Eating hot pot in the summer and ice cream in the winter may seem like a suicidal behavior to outsiders, but it is really a pleasure to try it yourself.

Especially eating hot pot in an air-conditioned room and eating popsicles by the heater is even more enjoyable.

"So, I'm going to eat and drink well this time and have a great time~"

Everyone chose the self-service hot pot, after all, it is not suitable whether it is a treat or AA. There are many girls and few young men present. The girls' appetites are only so big, and AA may suffer a loss.

Who said there would be some mischievous women in this group of people? The real estate agent didn't want to spoil the fun, so he simply said that we should just eat at the buffet. This way everyone can choose what they want to eat.

"Chew Chew~ Well, indeed, the meat here is very authentic. It's really profitable to eat at the buffet here."

The real estate agent nodded in agreement. Although the self-service here was a little more expensive, everyone was a young rich man who had just earned 100,000 points, so they could naturally afford it.

"Here, cheers~"


Everyone was drinking fruit wine with a little bit of alcohol in it. The alcoholic content of this drink was not high, so there was no chance of getting drunk due to a sudden surge of energy.

Everyone was very happy eating and drinking, and the real estate agent was chatting here while eating the meat in the pot.

But even though it was only 4% fruit wine, some girls' faces turned red after drinking too much, especially Karuizawa, who even leaned on the housing agent.


Wait a minute, why did you start calling me the agent?

The real estate agent couldn't help but look sideways. If Ichinose called him Agent-kun, it could be said that the two of them have a good relationship, but my relationship with you is not very close, right?

"Does the agent have a girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend? No."

The real estate agent answered truthfully, but his answer made Sato, who was not far away, sneer: "What do you mean, you are already the king of the sea and you still say you don't have a girlfriend."

"What the hell, how can I become the King of the Sea?"

"Then why are you teasing Kushida when you have nothing to do?"

"Where did I tease you?"

"Hey, don't admit it, we can all see it clearly, right Kushida?"

Maybe she was really drunk, Sato's mouth started to grow louder, and she dared to tease Kushida.

Panasonic, on the other hand, was smiling happily, looking like an audience member consuming CP... Where will the CP come from for you to consume later? Why are you guys so different from each other?

"What are you all doing...I'm convinced too."

Perhaps now the real estate agency has understood what it means to have many girls, and after getting acquainted with it, she is really a bitch.

"Look, you're teasing Kushida, you're having an affair with Kamuro-san from Class A, you're having a relationship with Ichinose-san, and you're also close to Ryuuen from Class C, and you still say you're not Neptune."

"Hey! There's something wrong with what you said. It doesn't really matter at all."

We've only known each other for less than five days, so where did Neptune come from? It's not like he's been here for a month or two. You need to be responsible for what you say.

"Hey, hey, don't care, don't care, Sato drank too much, she is talking nonsense."

Matsushita also realized that what she said might be inappropriate, and quickly asked her to shut up. Didn't you see Ichinose and Kamuro next to you also blushing?

Even Shirami next to Ichinose pouted and glared at the real estate agent, making him seem like a big evil person.

The honest Albert wanted to refute as he did at the KTV, but when Sato finally said that the housing agency had some strange relationship with Ryuen, he fell silent.

After all, that day he saw Long Yuan wearing revealing casual clothes in the house of the real estate agency. A serious person like him felt that the two might have some inappropriate relationship.

In the final fuss, Sato and the real estate agent ended the fun with each other. The result is that in the end, the housing agency still failed to clean itself up.

He still hasn't figured it out, why can't Ichinose and Kamuro refute like Kushida?

Maybe they knew Sato was just talking nonsense so they didn't care? Maybe they don't care about such words?

No, it's just that they know that this kind of thing will become darker and darker as it is described, and if they don't talk about it, it will be easy to turn over the story. After all, anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see whether she is a girlfriend or not.

On the contrary, Kushida, who had some ideas, strongly opposed it, like a woman with a guilty conscience.

It can only be said that the real estate agent did not understand their thoughts. He was wondering when his relationship with Kamuro and Ichinose was so good, but he ignored Kushida's very strange retort.

Perhaps it was alcohol that numbed his brain, making him even more confused when he was not particularly sober in the first place.

"Key, key."

Looking for his house key in his pocket, the real estate agent was walking alone in the corridor.

Everyone entered the dormitory together, but the dormitory is very big, and everyone doesn't live together, so naturally they are separated.

Opening his door, the real estate agent yawned and put the key aside, turned on the light and looked at the situation in the house.

Well, it's a bit messy. There are a few beer bottles on the table, and they look like they're half drunk? There is also not a lot of garbage on the ground. It seems that it must have left?

Very good, just take a shower and get ready for bed. As for this mess... we'll talk about it tomorrow, it's the weekend anyway~

After walking into his house in the dark, the real estate agent took out a change of clothes from the closet, and then went directly to the toilet.

He drank a little too much and didn't notice a strange bulge on the bed. It seemed like someone was curled up and lying there.

I took a quick shower and looked at the time it was nine o'clock in the evening. Feeling that his head was a little heavy, he did not choose to read any more. Instead, I planned to take a nap first before talking.

Turning off the light, he went to bed in the dark and felt for the quilt on the bed. After groping for a while, he couldn't seem to find it. He rubbed his eyes and turned on the light to see where his quilt was placed.

And now, he finally saw a strange thing on his bed. He didn't know what it was wrapped in his quilt.

"Huh? I should fold the quilt this morning?"

The real estate agent immediately lifted the quilt in confusion, and he immediately woke up after lifting it.

Under his quilt, there is a Ryuuen Shoko huddled.

No, why is she on my bed?

Chapter 57: Taking care of Long Yuan who has a fever

Regardless of why Ryuuen Shoko was on his bed, the startled housing agent discovered that Ryuuen Shoko was indeed in something wrong.

She curled up there like a kitten, her face very rosy.

It's like... a fever?

In confusion, the real estate agent touched her forehead. It was so hot.

Okay, I really have a fever.

So she's in a bad state today because she's sick? No, she can still get sick? Just her body?

Later, the real estate agent discovered that Ryuuen Shoko was not wearing any clothes. The bright red underwear could not cover her skin at all. Her fair skin was also rosy, with everything from her collarbone to the soles of her feet exposed. Housing agents don't know where to look.

No, that's bullshit. Let her fever go down first.

He immediately jumped off the bed, and the real estate agent searched for ice cubes and a thermometer from his refrigerator.

He did save some ice cubes, which were meant to be thrown into the drink for a refreshing drink. Now, it is also very useful for making ice packs.

Back in the house, the real estate agent felt a headache when he saw Ryūen Shoko huddled up. Her posture was definitely not good.

Taking a deep breath, he touched Ryūen Shoko's body and made her lie on the bed. Although it seemed that he had a good relationship with women, up to now he had only been innocent and had only done this. After the incident, my heart beat faster and my mouth became dry.

No matter what kind of crazy bitch Ryuuen Shoko is usually, she is just a cute girl now. Just like the silent Sister Zhou, she has an extraordinary impact on real estate agencies.

"Phew, she is a patient now, um, a patient. Don't forget her nature, she can't be like this."

She quickly patted her face hard to force herself to calm down. The housing agent put an ice pack on her forehead, put a thermometer under her arm, and covered her with a quilt.

After finishing this, he would not say it was over, but would go to the kitchen to get antipyretics.

He always carries various medicines in his bag that are likely to be used on a daily basis. The medicine he gave Ryuuen Shoko for his injuries that day was the result of his habit of carrying various medicines.

At home, he would naturally stock up on more medicines, and he would naturally prepare medicines like antipyretics. After getting the antipyretics and a cup of hot water, he returned to the bedroom and looked at the people sleeping there until they were almost The fainting Ryūen Shoko.

Giving medicine is another hassle. The real estate agent stuffed the pill into her half-open mouth, and then slowly made her drink warm water.

It was impossible to feed him personally. On the one hand, he was not the kind of person to take advantage of others. On the other hand... he knew how Ryūen Shoko looked like in normal times. If he did something excessive, he would not be able to kick her until she recovered. Kill yourself.

After confirming that she had indeed taken the antipyretic medicine, the real estate agent breathed a sigh of relief and placed the cup with half a cup of warm water remaining on the bedside table. He planned to go to the sofa and make do with it all night.

I hope she won't kill herself tomorrow.

He picked up the school uniform that Ryūen Shoko had thrown on the ground and put it in the washing machine for cleaning. He yawned and picked up the brief history of time he often read from the side and started reading.

But this time he couldn't read it at all, and he felt very irritable as he read it. He tortured the book until the washing machine sang the sound of laundry before he put down the poor book. After hanging her clothes in the room, he took a thermometer to measure Ryūen Shoko's temperature.

Well, the temperature has dropped a little, so it seems like there shouldn't be a big problem. Although it was still burning, it was not that dangerous. He picked up a coat and went to sleep on the sofa.

Today was indeed a hard day, and he was very sleepy.

The sofa is not comfortable. Even though the sofa in the academy is very comfortable to sit on, it is not very comfortable to sleep on because it is not very spacious.

The yawning real estate agent glanced at the time, five o'clock in the morning.

Forget it, don't sleep.

After twisting his slightly stiff body, he walked into the bedroom again to see how Ryūen Shoko's body temperature was now.

After measuring his temperature with a thermometer for the third time, he was relieved to see that the temperature had indeed dropped.

Then the next step is to prepare some breakfast for her. When the temperature drops, she should wake up in a while.

It is a good choice to give some rock sugar snow pears to patients with fever. The real estate agent still remembers that her mother liked to make rock sugar snow pears when she had a cold and fever when she was a child. Cut the pears into pieces and put them into the sugar water and started to cook them. He started to work on the second pot.

You still have to eat something for breakfast, not just rock sugar and snow pear. He made another pot of mung bean soup. After finishing both, he took a bowl of each and returned to the bedroom.

Ryūen Shoko was still lying on the bed. At this time, she was just a cute little girl. Seeing her like this, the real estate agent sighed softly and gently pushed Ryūen Shoko: "Hey, wake up. Eat something before going to sleep."


Ryūen Shoko, who made a soft sound, was no longer as domineering as she usually should be. She opened her eyes in confusion, as if she still didn't quite understand what happened.

"Eat some rock sugar and snow pear before going to bed. Come on, let's start cooking."

Counting pillows and placing them at the head of the bed, the real estate agent pushed her so that she could sit on the bed. Now it seems that her fever has improved a lot, and she can at least have some normal reactions.

"Open your mouth, ah~"


She was feeding the rock sugar snow pear with a spoon. Occasionally, she put down the small bowl and used a towel to wipe the soup from the corners of her mouth, and then continued to feed her with the bowl.

Even if it is to serve beautiful girls, this kind of thing is really time-consuming and labor-intensive. Being a nurse is not an easy task. It took nearly twenty minutes to get Ryūen Shoko to drink a bowl of rock sugar snow pear that was a little bigger than her fist. Fortunately, the mung bean soup after that didn't require so much effort. Simply drinking soup does not require her to chew, but now that she is weak, chewing is a struggle.

The real estate agent even had to cut the pear into soft pieces before giving it to her.

"Okay, let's sleep for a while. Just cover it for a while and you'll be fine."

After taking away the ice bag that had turned into water, he put Ryūen Shoko to lie on the bed again, and then he went to clean up the empty bowls, make breakfast for himself, and start his Saturday life.

What he didn't expect at all was that it was the first weekend after school started, but he would have to start taking care of people.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when Ryūen Shoko, who was lying in bed, woke up again. Although her body was still a little weak, her spirit had calmed down a bit.


Ryūen Shoko, who was covering her head and sitting on the bed, was adapting to her current frail body. At this time, the housing agent who was reading a book next to her couldn't help but raise her head: "Hey, are you awake?"

Chapter 58 You are so brave and you still dare to drink.

"Hey, you big-headed ghost... Tsk, it feels so uncomfortable."

How to put it this way, without her usual temperament, Ryuuen Shoko, who has a hoarse voice, will only make people think that she is just a weak little girl.

Seeing her like this, the real estate agent couldn't help but smile: "When you wake up, let's have something to eat."


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