Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 30

Author: Jiushijiu

Covering her head, Ryūen Shoko wanted to stand up from the bed, but as soon as she got up, she sat down on the chair again.

It was obvious that she couldn't stand properly at all, she was too weak now.

"You have been lying down for so long. You must not be able to get up properly now."

The housing agent walked to Ryūen Shoko and stretched out his hand: "Come on, I'll pull you up."


She couldn't help biting her lip because of her physical weakness and her unwillingness to endure his help all the time.

This little gesture immediately increased the cuteness in the eyes of the housing agent.

Good guy, you are completely different from usual.

"Come on, what, eat first or go to the toilet first?"

After pulling Ryūen Shoko up, seeing that she was still lying limply, the real estate agent immediately changed from holding hands to hugging her to prevent her from falling again.

At this time, he also noticed Ryūen Shoko's subconscious behavior of slightly closing her legs.

Well, I haven't been to the toilet since last night. Maybe I need to go?

After all, beautiful girls also need to pee.

"If you talk too much, I'll kill you."

Hmm, hmm, a very weak threat.

Now that she is so delicate, she has no intimidating power at all, and her aggressive words are more like bluffing because of her softness.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Now that you've seen it, why do you need to say it? Of course it's sent to the toilet.

After half-hugging and half-holding her to the toilet, the real estate agent naturally left.

What else? Watch Ryuuen Shoko go to the toilet? Do you want to kill her when she gets better?

"cell phone."

"Okay, cell phone, cell phone. Don't play with your phone for too long when you go to the bathroom, otherwise you won't be able to get up for a while."

After going to take Ryūen Shoko's cell phone and handing it to her, the real estate agent left the bathroom.

She should be able to do things like taking off her pants by herself, right? After all, I am just weak now, so I should still be able to do such a thing as taking off my underwear.

Seeing that the real estate agent gave him face in his current state, Ryūen Shoko couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She picked up her cell phone and called Ibuki, one of the top boys in her class, "What's going on?"

"Hey, eldest sister, what's the matter?"

Ibuki said that Ryuuen Shoko could actually make a phone call, and what she didn't expect was that Ryuuen Shoko's voice would be so... hollow?

"Come to the room of the house, take my key and go to my room to get some sets of underwear and coats, and..."


The ghostly appearance of her boss now makes Ibuki understand in panic. How did she become like this?

"And bring me a pack of sanitary napkins. Also, don't tell the agent about this. Wrap it in a plastic bag and bring it over."

"Ah... okay, I understand, big sister."

At this time, what happened to Ibuki and Takumi Sono Shoko.

It turns out that relatives are here.

Girls have different physiques. Some relatives just bleed a little when they come, while some relatives look like they are half dead when they come. Obviously, Ryūen Shoko belongs to the latter.

So a guy who is usually so strong would be so afraid of relatives... Is he really a man?

"Dong dong dong." "Come on...it's Ibuki-san, what's the matter?"

The real estate agent opened the door and saw Ibuki, You Huan, and Yohe. The real estate agent subconsciously picked up his cell phone and took a look.

There are no unread messages, which is good. It seems that Long Yuan asked her to come here.

"I'm here to get the boss's room key card. She asked me to get something."

"Oh, okay, let me take a look, it should be this one."

The real estate agent said, taking out the key to Ryūen Shoko's dormitory from his pocket. After all, he had found the key in his pants pocket when he was washing her clothes last night: "Here, let's go."


Ibuki, who got the key to Ryuuen Shoko, knew that pregnancy was extremely serious, but she knew that if she didn't complete Ryuuen Shoko's mission...then she would have to wait. Come on, she will definitely settle old scores after she recovers.

Out of self-preservation, she had to handle this matter beautifully.

But this time there are several pieces of clothing...is that really okay? The boss doesn't want to live with the real estate agent for a long time, does he? Is this kind of thing illegal in the student handbook?

Oh, she was originally bad, so that's okay.

Indeed, if everything in the student handbook was followed, then what Ryuuen did on the first day should have been dealt with.

But the result? Many horses on the slope turned a blind eye and pretended that this had not happened.

As for the student handbook, anyone who has been a student knows this kind of thing. When nothing happens, 90% of what is said in it is just farts. It is only about settling accounts after the fall, and there is nothing to say in advance.

After quickly finding several pieces of clothing, Ibuki searched around the house for a long time before finally finding a black garbage bag and used it to pack the sanitary napkins.

"These are what the boss is going to bring over, so I'll leave first?"

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Ibuki-kun."

The real estate agent and Ibuki, who had taken over the pile of clothes, closed the door again before they could get enough of it.

Looking at the pile of clothes in his hands, he no longer knew what Ryūen Shoko wanted to do.

Tell me, what do you want to do with all these clothes? Long-term residence, right?

Sighing, the real estate agent placed the pile of clothes on his bed and began to pack them away.

This girl Ibuki looks so careless, her clothes are not folded properly. Look at this bulging part... what is this?

The real estate agent saw a black plastic bag wrapped in several pieces of underwear, and the real estate agent began to look strange.

That's it. No wonder she looked strange yesterday. No wonder she had a fever at night.

When I was cleaning up the house yesterday, I saw that I drank several bottles of beer. Why are you still drinking when your body is like this?

Why are you so brave?

Drinking alcohol can cause blood vessels to dilate, so you won't be surprised if you don't bleed heavily.

No wonder she felt so uncomfortable. If it wasn't uncomfortable, it would be outrageous.

As for why he didn't notice it yesterday... On the one hand, Ryuuen Shoko was wearing red underwear, and on the other hand, he didn't dare to look at her body. In addition, he couldn't see clearly due to the effect of alcohol, so how could he pay attention? To such a thing?

Chapter 59: The girls of Asasi are very busy.

Apart from anything else, these sheets need to be taken care of properly.

At this time, the real estate agent saw a trace of red blood on his bed sheet. Hey, this bed sheet must not be seen by others, otherwise it will not be washed away if you jump into the Yellow River.

But before that, let's pull her out of the toilet first. It seems that if she doesn't get this sanitary napkin, she won't be able to get out of the toilet.

Why did the real estate agent know it was a sanitary napkin when the black plastic bag was clearly not opened? Ah, after all, he had seen it in high school.

At that time, he had no knowledge and looked puzzled when his classmates bought things in black plastic bags from the store. Later, the more knowledgeable classmates in his class told him this. What is it.

The reasoning is also easy to understand. Private things like sanitary napkins must not be seen by others (especially boys), so they need to be wrapped with something. And what is the most convenient thing to wrap? Black plastic bag. It's easy to hold, because it's black and it's not easy to see what's inside.

Maybe boys already know what it is when you hold it, but at least it won't be particularly embarrassing if it's wrapped in a plastic bag. You may say you are covering your ears and stealing the bell, or you may say you are deceiving yourself, but you have to say that compared to taking it out in plain sight, having a layer of plastic (zhe) material (xiu) bag (bu) will indeed make you look less shy.

"Dong dong dong." "Can I go in?"

The sound of the housing agent's voice outside the door made Ryuuen Shoko feel bad. This bastard Ibuki, why didn't she bring it in herself.

Even if the real estate agent didn't know about the sanitary napkin, at least he wouldn't tell him to hold his underwear. Let him take such a private thing...

Ibuki, you are a guy who has little success but more than failure, just wait for me.

Gritting his teeth, Ryūen Shoko squeezed out the words from between his teeth: "Just wait for me."

Even she couldn't possibly tell the real estate agent to come in at this time.

Throwing the bloody underwear on the ground, she walked to the door while holding on to the wall, opened it slightly, and stretched out one hand: "Give me the thing."

"Here, here it is. Besides, why are you still drinking when you have relatives here? I'll cook you some red date porridge. Call me when you've finished."

tmd bastard Ibuki!

Her pink little fists were clenched tightly, and Ryuuen Shoko's teeth had begun to tremble and she was biting.

No, it's so intense.

Ryuuen didn't expect that Ibuki would have such cerebral palsy. Didn't she think that this kind of thing would make it difficult for her to be a human being?

Hmm... It's really no wonder Ibuki, she thought you two were boyfriend and girlfriend, so of course she thought it was nothing to let her boyfriend see you?

Maybe she may feel that you are already satisfied after not coming back to the house all night.

It's a pity that she didn't feel happy, but felt uncomfortable all night. Although she felt better in the second half of the night, basically Ryuuen Shoko was just shy and wanted to kill someone.

The housing agent didn't know that she was already plotting to kill her. After handing her the things, she went to the kitchen to make red date porridge.

She probably doesn't have much appetite now, so she should eat something thin at noon. I originally wanted to make noodles, but after thinking about it, I decided not to eat it and just had porridge instead.

Adding various grains such as red dates, red beans, peanuts, etc., and letting the porridge slowly simmer, the housing agent also returned to the house and started to deal with the sheets and quilts.

Obviously, there were blood stains everywhere that he didn't notice yesterday. After taking off the quilt, he saw that there were still blood stains on the quilt. The real estate agent sighed.

Okay, let's change them all. Fortunately, the pillows don't need to be dealt with.

After taking out a lot of things, in order to avoid suspicion, he deliberately picked up the scissors and cut off all the blood-stained areas and threw them into the trash can.

If he took this pile of stuff and threw it into the trash, and someone saw it, it would be mud falling into his crotch, so at least cut off those areas.

This is the same as girls wrapping the things they buy in black plastic bags, just for peace of mind.

Can anyone with eyesight see that there is something wrong with you? Just think about it and you can think of what happened, right?

"Huh~ That should be enough."

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, the real estate agent collected the pile of things in a big garbage bag.

Um? You ask why he prepared big garbage bags? Isn't this nonsense? Every time Ryuuen Shoko comes to his house, he makes a lot of garbage, which can't be contained in a small plastic bag.

He has already prepared that there will be a party in his room, so he has prepared a lot of things, such as party trays, balloons, latte art, various entertainment toys, etc.

Perhaps it's because I've never attended a party before, but real estate agents always have a mysterious curiosity in this regard. He always wants to have fun at parties.

Maybe we can talk about a girlfriend when we have a party?

After stuffing all these things into a big plastic bag while fantasizing, the real estate agent breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, done~

After disposing of a large garbage bag that looked suspicious but at least I didn't bother to check the situation, the real estate agent went to see if Ryuuen Shoko had fallen into a manhole.

How long has it been? Have you fainted?

"Dong dong dong." "Sister, are you okay yet?"

"you shut up..."

Yes, it looks like something happened inside.

Obviously, there was definitely something wrong with Ryūen Shoko in the toilet.

"Then can I go in?"

"If you dare to come in, I will kill you..."

There is a trace of murderous aura in the weakness, which is good. It seems that the body has recovered a little.

But here comes the problem. It's not okay to let Long Yuan stay alone in the toilet like this. He will die if he goes in, so he can only call in external help.

It was hard to find someone last night, but now there should be someone who will take a rest.

"Then I ask Ibuki to come over?"

"Let that bitch die."

Ah this...

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