Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 51

Author: Jiushijiu

The real estate agent didn't know why he had a Teddy kidney anyway, and he had never tried such a thing. If he were an ordinary person, he might have been weak, but he was different and could continue to fight.

Even though she is almost turned into a black face by the real estate agency every day, Ryūen Shoko still likes to do this kind of thing.

The two of them were eating the forbidden fruit again, and then fell asleep together.

As soon as you close your eyes and open them, a new day begins again. Because they didn't sleep too much, the real estate agent and Ryūen Shoko also washed up and went to the cafeteria to buy food.

As for the injury on the real estate agent's back...it was wrapped with a bandage, so it should be considered nothing serious.

Chapter 93: I have three bags of tips, open them if you are confused

"So, Military Advisor, what should I do?"

Before going to class in the morning, Albert asked the real estate agent.

He knew that the housing agency had a big event, and he also knew that the housing agency had been preparing for this event for several days. He also knew that he would participate in this big event today.

But he didn't know what to do.

"What to do...here, take this, this is what you have to do today."

The real estate agent handed Albert three small tips, and he scratched his head and didn't understand what they were for.

"Strategist, although we call you a strategist, you really don't act like a strategist. This thing seems very mysterious to me."

"Hey, don't worry. When you don't know what to do, just open it and take a look. But remember, the contents of this bag are only known to you and me, and no one else can know it. Do you understand?"


Albert didn't know what to do now, so he opened the first little tip bag directly.

It is also written very clearly above what I want to do next.

'In the first class, I pretended to have a cold and asked the teacher for leave to go to the infirmary to rest. '

It was a strange request, but at least Albert knew what he had to do.

"Have you finished reading? Then just do it and remember to act like it."

The real estate agent waved his hand to Albert and went back to the classroom to prepare what he wanted to do.

He is also very busy. He has to call witnesses, prepare for photography, and needs help with tracking.

Overall very busy.

"Ibuki, you will follow the whole process when the time comes. Do you understand?"

"I see."

It can even be said that she has been acting on this mission these past few days - ensuring that Totsuka Yahiko can act according to the designated route.

Therefore, she needs to follow Yahiko Totsuka carefully. If there is a deviation in the route, she must report it to the housing agent immediately.

As for the reporting method… make a phone call.

Yes, it's that simple and crude.

She is just following her from a distance, not lurking, so naturally calling her is an option.

After the housing agent arranged the matter properly, he asked the camera team about the filming situation in the past few days. After learning that they had been working hard these two days and watching the photos and videos they took, The real estate agent thinks that the probability of this matter being stable is more than 80%.

As for the remaining 20%? Then we have to see whether Totsuka Yahiko will deviate from the track. If he does not deviate, then he will really be able to go according to the plan. If it deviates...then we will have to change the time from the class break to the lunch break, but the best time and place are not so easy to find, and we can only rely on people and people to deal with Class A.

The trouble is that it is a bit troublesome, but as to whether it can be done, the real estate agency thinks it can be done.

He is just a fake counselor. He can only say that what he plans is done by people and done by God. Whether he can succeed or not depends on whether God will give him face.

The first class was a physics class, and the teacher was Tomoya Mashima, the homeroom teacher of Class A.

Halfway through the class, Albert's body swayed obviously and he raised his right hand.

"Yamada-san, what's the matter?"

"Teacher, I think I have a cold. I want to go to the infirmary."

"Okay, go ahead. Do you need your classmates to help you?"

"Teacher, let me help."

The real estate agent glanced at Kinda Satoru behind Albert. Kinda Satoru had only one mission today. After seeing the real estate agent's eyes, he did what he should do.

When everyone else was looking at Albert, the real estate agent was looking at him and pouting, so he knew what he had to do.

"Okay, go ahead. If you feel uncomfortable, you can take a good rest in the infirmary."

"Okay, I understand, thank you teacher."

Albert was helped out of the classroom by Kinda Satoru. Looking at Albert's sick look, Mashima Tomoya couldn't help but sigh.

This child looked so strong, but turned out to be so sick when he fell like a mountain, and he was so fragile.

On the first day, Majima was indeed frightened by Albert's burly appearance. However, it was later discovered that he was still an introverted child. He didn't even dare to ask questions after class and had to rely on other classmates to answer questions. Ask for help.

Well, who are the other students? Of course it's a real estate agency.

In order to successfully apply for leave and avoid being questioned, the real estate agency specially packaged Albert. Through a small behavior, Teacher Majima can quickly recognize Albert and feel at ease with him. So when Albert said he had a cold and wanted to go to the infirmary, he really let him go.

The first step of the plan is completed~

The corners of the real estate agent's mouth turned up slightly, and it was obvious that he was in a happy mood.

As long as you stick to the plan afterwards, you'll be fine.

"Yamada, what is the mission assigned to you by the military advisor?"

Kinda Satoru asked Albert, and Albert still remembered what the military advisor said. He shook his head: "The military advisor didn't let me say it, I'm sorry."

"Ah, forget it."

Everyone in Class C knows that Albert is a very rigid student. He listens to Ryuuen and Fangfang very much, and it can be said that he really obeys orders.

This was what struck Kaneda Satoru the most. It was because of his obedience that he received the punishment from Ryuuen.

Just that thing made him shiver now.

After sending Albert to the door of the infirmary, Kinda Satoru did not follow him. He didn't know what the military advisor asked Albert to do, so he didn't dare to know.

Well, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't dare. He is also a smart man and knows what 'the more you know, the faster you die'. As a member of Class C, he only needs to understand that his next behavior will be beneficial to Class C.

Albert entered the infirmary and saw Hoshinomiya who was immersed in work in the infirmary.

"Teacher Hoshinomiya, I... have a little cold."

"Oh, I have a cold. Is it a real cold or a fake cold?"

Star Palace looked at Albert and handed the medical record sheet that had been written on the side to Albert: "Sign it and take it away. It has been prepared for you."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

After getting the medical record, Albert put it into his pocket, then took out the second tip bag and read it directly.

Yes, he didn't know what to do.

'After the second class, I sent a message to 'Shibata Sa', explaining to him that I had a little cold and wanted him to help me take him back during the break, while I went to the teacher to ask for leave and let him stay on the fourth floor. Waiting for you at the stairs. ''

Okay, it will be easier to talk about after knowing the second thing.

After Albert thanked the Star Palace again, he left the infirmary.

Star Palace looked at the bag of tips in Albert's hand and couldn't help but smile.

It looks like something big is going to happen in the next two days~

Chapter 94 The show begins

The class time passed quickly, and soon the second period ended.

Albert also sent that message to Shibata Sa according to what the real estate agent said.

Then he didn't know what to do.

So he opened the third tip bag, looked at the information on it, and left the classroom directly, throwing the three tips bags and paper into the trash can.

After the real estate agent saw Albert leaving, he also took the camera and left the place: "Sister, I'm leaving~"

"Well, don't kill yourself."

Ryūen waved her hand, indicating that she understood.

As for what happens next...what does it have to do with her?

She just needs to do what she has to do.

Shibata Sa, who was in Class B, heard his cell phone ringing. He opened it and found that it was a message from Albert.

"What's wrong? Shibata, someone sent you a text message? Which girl is it?"

His classmates joked, and Shibata smiled and shook his head after reading the text message: "No, it's Yamada-kun. He has a cold and feels uncomfortable today. He wants to take leave and let me help him see him off."

"Hey~ You and Yamada have a really good relationship, but to be honest, I was shocked when I saw Yamada on the first day. His height was really scary. But I didn't expect him to be so easy to get along with."

The students in Class B were not surprised or anything else that Albert asked Shibata to come over to help. After all, Albert and Shibata had the best relationship.

They continued chatting, but the topic shifted to Albert. After all, this big boss is very surprising in many situations.

Shibata Sa, based on the information in the text message, was waiting for Albert on the fourth floor in advance.


Counting the time, he should still be asking for leave from the teacher now.

"Eh? Isn't this Shibata-san? Are you free now? I want to do a simple interview."

The real estate agent came over with a camera. When he saw Shibata Sa, he pretended to be surprised.

Shibata Sa was not surprised when he saw the real estate agent and the camera in his hand. In the past two days, Class C started to hold some activities to commemorate their youth. Now the entire grade knew that Class C was going to make some big move.

So it was just an interview. Shibata Sa was not the first person to do this, so he nodded: "There won't be any difficult questions, right?"

"No, I'm just asking about ordinary things. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

The real estate agent smiled and said, he turned on the camera and pointed it at Shibata Sa: "Okay, then Shibata-san, shall I start the interview now?"


Shibata Sa looked at the camera a little nervous. After all, this was his first interview. Even though this kind of interview was not formal, it still made him nervous.

"Okay, then Shibata-san, I would like to ask you what you think of the learning atmosphere of Class B?"

"Is it a learning atmosphere? I think it's very good. And as a classmate from Class C, don't you know this better? It's a very happy thing to have a study session with Class C and study together after school. "

"Haha, it's an interview after all. I still have to listen to everyone's thoughts, not just mine. Okay, okay, so what do you think of the monitor of your class?"

The real estate agent laughed and continued talking to Shibata Sa, and Shibata Sa thought about it and replied: "Ichinose is the hardest-working classmate I have ever seen. In Class B, her academic performance is among the best, and she is also very caring. My classmates are very busy every day. I actually envy her that her academic performance has not fallen behind under such circumstances."

The two began a simple interview, and in the middle of the interview, suddenly there was a muffled sound from upstairs.

Then came the girl's cry.

"what happened?"

The real estate agent pretended to be surprised and looked up. He then looked at Shibata Sa: "Go up and take a look?"

"Go up and have a look."

After hearing the scream, Chaita Sa did not choose to watch, but wanted to see if he could help.

A girl screaming definitely meant something big had happened.

The two of them were now at the stairs of the fourth floor. It was very easy to get to the fifth floor. The two of them ran to the fifth floor.

When they reached the fifth floor, they saw a very shocking scene.

Yahiko Totsuka from Class A was standing there, with two classmates from Class A beside him looking at him in surprise.

Opposite Totsuka Yahiko was Albert. He was sitting by the wall. There was a bright red blood stain on the wall behind him, which was scratched from top to bottom to the back of his head.

It was obviously his blood.


Seeing Albert lying there, Shibata Sa ran over quickly, and the housing agent also ran over in a hurry, and turned off the recording function of the camera in his hand.

At the end of the corridor is the teacher's office. Because of the girls' screams, the teachers also came out of the office to see what was going on. They also saw this scene.

"what happened!"

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