Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 52

Author: Jiushijiu

Sakagami Suma walked out of the office. When he saw Albert Yamada's appearance, he couldn't help but take a deep breath. He looked at the several students present.

Albert who fell on the ground and Shibata Sa who kept calling him next to him were definitely not the murderers of this incident. However, the housing agent was loudly asking Totsuka Yahiko: "What on earth are you doing! Why did you hit our class?" classmates!"

"I didn't hit him at all, it was obviously him who hit him!"

Totsuka Yahiko hurriedly explained, but no one would believe him. Would a normal person hit the wall?

"What do you mean he hit it by himself? You just beat Yamada-kun, but you still don't admit that you did something wrong. Don't you think you are shameless!"

Shibata Sa looked at his friend in such a miserable state, while the culprit there was arguing that he was not the one responsible for the beating.

If he hadn't hit him, could it have been him who slipped and fell into the wall? If you didn't use a lot of force, how could you possibly bleed?

"No, I really didn't hit him. He's so big, how could I possibly beat him?"

"You are not allowed to say that to Yamada-kun! Yamada-kun is just a little taller, he doesn't know how to hit people at all. What's more, he is sick today, so he has no strength to hit people. I think you did it on purpose."

"Totsuka Yahiko!"

Sakagami stomped his feet angrily: "Didn't I just say a few words to you in the office? You are really awesome. Have you vented your anger on the students in my class? Come on, I'll stand there Here, if you have the guts to hit the students in my class, come and hit me too!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and in the midst of this chaos, a teacher hurriedly took the unconscious Albert to the emergency room, while the housing agent secretly signaled Kushida to leave with Sakura.

The fun has begun.

Chapter 95: What, you still want to make trouble?

What does it mean to sit back and watch a good show?

The housing agency didn't think Long Yuan's previous plan was feasible. Why? There were too few witnesses.

It is enough that there are witnesses who can see this tragic scene, so as to incite the power of public opinion, and directly and quickly put the matter to rest.

In fact, the real estate agency originally didn't plan to ask Kushida to scream... Oh no, it should be said that it was Sakura who screamed. Her psychological quality was not strong, so she couldn't help but scream after seeing the blood.

But it was a miraculous effect. Originally, it was planned that it was because of everyone's quarrel that the teachers came out to see the situation, but now it was because of the screams that they came to see. Now Albert fell to the ground, with the back of his head broken. And the cold sheet in his pocket was also exposed for everyone to see.

Taking action against a patient seemed to have already determined the matter, and the other two students in Class A did not stand up to quibble, but hesitated on the side.

They must be hesitating. After all, the core of this plan is that Totsuka did take action.

Of course, his strength can't beat Albert, but you can't stop Albert from touching him.

In addition, this road happened to be a blind spot for surveillance. After all, the school thought that no one would complain about making trouble in front of the teacher's office, so more cameras were installed near the stairwells and office entrances.

This was his plan. Albert and Totsuka quarreled, and then Totsuka couldn't help but hit him, and he immediately hit the wall so that he could bring Shibata up as a witness.

But as the saying goes, God decides what he plans. Two things about this operation exceeded his expectations. One was Sakura's scream, and the other was that Albert was so cruel to him that he was bleeding. .

Tsk tsk, you are indeed a die-hard loyalist who has always followed Long Yuan. This mentality is just different. He is ruthless to others and ruthless to himself.

I don't know how Long Yuan subdued him.

The real estate agent happened to be away when Ryuuen conquered everyone in the class. At that time, Ryuuen kept everyone behind, while he and Kushida went out to make trouble with Horikita, not knowing exactly what happened.

Anyway, he knew the next day when he saw a few more boys around Ryuuen that she had successfully obtained Class C.

A group of teachers took the unconscious Albert to the infirmary, and Totsuka was also taken away here. Seeing such a mess, the housing agent touched his chin and asked his class teacher: "Teacher Sakagami, what kind of punishment will Class A get for this incident?"

"Punishment? If nothing else, this person will be kicked out of school. Bullying a sick student in his class because he is dissatisfied with the teacher's criticism is something that cannot be tolerated in school. But aren't you a little kid? Too cruel? It's too miserable for Yamada."

"Hey, it's none of my business, teacher, you can't talk nonsense."

The real estate agent looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him: "And it's not me who did it. I didn't expect it to be so cruel."

"In other words, this was unexpected by you?"

"Well, I originally thought that I would grow a bump on my head, but now it seems that it is impossible without a few stitches."

The housing agent shook his head slightly. He suddenly thought of something: "By the way, teacher, can we apply to the school?"

"What to apply for?"

"Get a lighter sentence."

"Huh? What do you mean? Aren't you planning to drop people out of school?"

"No, no, I don't have that plan. Why should the other party drop out of school? The more pig teammates in Class A, the better for us. He still has value, right? Compared with dropping out, he is still staying in school. Everyone is right Wouldn't it be more interesting if he looked at me coldly?"

"What do you have in mind again?"

Sakagami Suma looked at the real estate agent. He couldn't figure out what the real estate agent wanted to do.

The real estate agent laughed a few times: "Just take your time and take a look. If possible, I hope they can file a lawsuit."

"Then we have to ask the student union to come. Are you sure it's okay?"

"There is obviously a problem this time. I would like to see what Katsuragi will choose."

The real estate agent rubbed his chin, thinking about what Katsuragi would do.

According to his thoughts... it should be private, right?

He wanted to see the lawsuit, and then he could get a good look at what the student council president was like.

It will be really interesting when he starts a verbal battle with other scholars.

When it comes to fighting, the keyboard warrior like him directly applied to fight.

The fact that Totsuka beat Albert was immediately known to the entire grade, and the attitudes of the four classes were different.

The one with the strangest attitude was Class B. The whole class was filled with anger. Albert was originally the image ambassador of Class C who was thrown into Class B. His stupid look became deeply rooted in people's hearts in just a few days. In addition, Shibata Sa said that the murderer was still there, claiming that he did not do it. Everyone started to make a fuss.

The one with the most obvious attitude is Class C. They are really making trouble. You Class A, please pull out the murderer! Attend class? What class are you taking? My classmate was beaten and you told me to take class?

This matter was a big fuss, and many teachers knew about it, so they understood it. So even though it was class time, you could still hear Class C yelling at the door of Class A.

The one who felt aggrieved was Class A, who somehow learned that Totsuka had beaten someone from Class C. Anyone who is smart can see that Class C's recent behavior of not actively harassing others was intentional, just waiting for someone to fall into the trap, but the idiot in his class just beat someone up? And beat him so hard?

The confused ones are Class D. ha? Did Class A beat up Class C? Was it still the strong man Albert who was beaten? What the hell, such a big thing happened in just one class break?

The entire grade was talking about it, and the school was quickly alerted to the incident.

This is not something that only students know about campus bullying. Many teachers know about it and some even saw it. Albert is still lying in the infirmary. This matter must be dealt with quickly.

So it only took twenty minutes for the school to send teachers to appease the students in Class C and let them go back to class first, while at the same time issuing a notice to expel Totsuka.

And Katsuragi has a big head now. He was originally bald, but now he looks even more funny.

"Katsugi, it looks like your men have caused a big mess."

Yusu Sakayanagi was drinking coffee next to him, looking very relaxed. Completely different from other students in Class A.

"Why, do you still want to make trouble with me at this time?"

Chapter 96 How about you ask Sakayanagi to warm the bed?

"Noisy? No, no, no, I'm just thinking about one thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Why are you sitting here instead of dealing with this?"

Sakayanagi Yusu looked at Katsuragi in confusion. She didn't understand that this leader actually started to shut himself in when a problem arose instead of finding a way to solve the problem. What did he think?

"Deal with it, how to deal with this matter. Obviously the school has issued a withdrawal announcement... By the way, Class C, as long as Class C can cancel the withdrawal."

Katsuragi is not a fool, he was just confused by the sudden information. He has now come to his senses and is ready to find someone from Class C to solve this problem.

Totsuka clearly looked down on his classmates in other classes, so his accident was completely expected.

"I recommend you find a real estate agent. This old fox from Class C may be easier for you to 'persuade'."

"I see."

Kamuro, who was next to Sakayanagi, watched Katsuragi leave in a hurry. She couldn't help but sigh: "Miss, aren't you going to take action in this matter?"

"Take action? Why should I take action? The agent wanted to give me a surprise, and now he has given it. But if I take action, the surprise may turn into a shock."

"what do you mean?"

"I made an agreement with him about this matter that I would not take action. Also...do you believe that he must have a backup plan? If I act rashly, it may make things worse."

"But there is a turning point, isn't there?"

"Then do you dare to bet? The probability is less than 30%. I do like to pursue excitement, and I also want to see what kind of backup the agent has left for me, but I am a person who keeps his word, I said If I can't take action, I won't take action. I won't play word games because that will make me look boring."

Admittedly, she wanted to see what backup plans the real estate agency would have for her, but she had promised that she would not do anything, and that meant she would not do anything.

"Kamuro, send a message to the agent-kun and invite him to have coffee after school in the afternoon."

"what do you mean?"

"I'm really curious, so why don't I just ask him directly? Anyway, this matter will definitely come to an end before school, so we can learn more about it then."

Sakayanagi Yusu chuckled, and looking at the expressions of the classmates, he knew that their mood would not be very good.

After learning about the S points, they all know that if a student is expelled, 200 points will be deducted from the whole class, which means that Class A is no longer Class A, but Class B or Class C.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to these arrogant people.

"Then let's see what the agent wants to do."

"Huh? Doesn't he want us to expel a student and deduct points? Hasn't this already been done?"

"No, he won't do it because it won't do him any good."

"No good?"

"He is a person who plucking feathers, and he may want to do something more cruel to us than the score... Let's see, I still care about what he will do next."

Yusu Sakayanagi began to look forward to it. She sat on the chair, her legs swinging gently, like a young girl imagining that Prince Charming could take her far away and live a happy life together.

She was looking forward to seeing how many more surprises the real estate agency could give her.

And where are the housing agents? He was sitting in his seat reading a book.

Now that the plan is going well, it goes without saying that the next step is to wait for Katsuragi from Class A to come over.

"What are you doing here! Bastard of Class A!"

"I want to find a roommate."

"How can you see our military advisor whenever you want? Why, you still want to hurt our military advisor again, right? Yamada-kun has been beaten like that by you, so we can't even imagine what the military advisor will be like!"


No, what do you mean? Will I definitely get beaten up?

And am I that unbearable? You said that I am like a weakling... It seems that I am a weakling, so that's okay.

The housing agent coughed twice and signaled to the students at the door to be quiet.

"Katsugi-san, right? It's a business and a private matter?"

"Private matter."

"Then let's go out and talk. By the way, is it okay if I bring a bodyguard?"

The housing agent's eyes naturally showed distrust. Class A had just injured someone, so he should be on guard now.

"Okay, then who do you want to take?"

"Sister-in-law, can you lend me Ibuki?"

"Go ahead, leave me alone."

At this time, Long Yuan was in the middle of an intense conversation with her mobile phone. The real estate agent took a look and found that she was spraying Class A on the campus wall of the college.

Forget it, let her squirt slowly, anyway, he felt sad for her when he saw her poor vocabulary.

Let her see Kushida's true face when she has time. He is a hermaphrodite and a troll. Her methods are too low-level.

The real estate agent snapped his fingers and signaled Ibuki to come over. Ibuki also understood what he had to do, so he followed the real estate agent and found a deserted corner with Katsuragi to have a good chat about this matter.

The place they chose was an uninhabited corner, and the real estate agent asked Ibuki to keep watch to ensure that no one would disturb their conversation.

"Okay, let's talk about it, what's private."

The real estate agent looked casual. He knew very well what Katsuragi meant.

It's nothing more than Totsuka's business.

He usually looks arrogant, but now he looks like this, which makes the real estate agent feel a little ridiculous.

Is this today's Class A? It's really ridiculous.

Sure enough, if Sakayanagi doesn't come on stage, Class A will be a paper tiger.

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