Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 53

Author: Jiushijiu

"I want...please be merciful."

"Show mercy? You mean?"

"Can you let Totsuka go?"

"Let him go? Why? He beat the classmates in our class so badly, but you just casually said let Totsuka go. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"...You and I are both smart people, so don't be pretentious and make a condition."

"Are there any conditions? Then I have to think about it carefully."

The real estate agent touched his chin and began to pretend to think.

"How about giving us ten million points?"

"How could we collect so many? At the beginning of the school year, all the people in the class combined only had four million points."

Faced with the real estate agent's big mouth, Katsuragi shook his head and said no.

He simply couldn't do it.

"Then it can be divided into installments, within one semester, right?"

"One semester is too much, with an average of more than three million points per month."

There are three semesters in an academic year, so the requirements for one semester are too difficult for them.

"Otherwise, how about you ask Sakayanagi to warm my bed willingly?"

"Real estate agent! I'm talking to you about business! Don't keep talking nonsense, okay!"

Chapter 97 Honest people cannot be bullied

Katsuragi was very angry. He always felt that the housing agency was playing tricks on him.

What kind of random requirements are these? Did you make such a request?

He also asked Yusu Sakayanagi to warm his bed. How could Yusu Sakayanagi agree to this?

"This won't work...then let's sign a contract."

Seeing that the fuss was almost over, the real estate agent began to count on his fingers: "Let me think about it. First of all, this incident requires Totsuka to compensate Yamada-san, 50,000 points. Is this okay?"

"This is acceptable."

"Secondly, all of you in Class A, I mean everyone, give Class C 30,000 points every month."

"This is too much."

"Is that much? If you think of it this way, if your class drops out, then each person will lose 20,000 points every month. Just paying an extra 10,000 points can save the person, and you will make a profit."

"Do you know how much 10,000 points are? In total, the total is 400,000 points, which is something we can't do every month."

The real estate agent still opened his mouth to the lion, but his mouth was not as cruel as before.

"Can't do it? You can't insure an individual for 400,000 yuan? Do you know how many points you need to prepare now if you want to insure someone? 20 million, 400,000 can be said to be paid in installments, but you are still not willing?"

"But our 20 million was given to the school, but the 400,000 was given to you. It is obvious that you made a lot of money from this transaction."

"So you're not happy?"

"We would still be willing to do it if the value was lower."

"Then twenty-seven thousand?"

"Twenty-three thousand."

"Twenty-five thousand."

"The upper limit of our tolerance is 23,000."

Katsuragi's answer was clear, it was twenty-three thousand.

But the real estate agent clapped his hands: "Twenty-four thousand, if you say another twenty-three thousand, I'll leave. Anyway, it's you begging me, not me begging you. It's up to you."


This is not talking about business, but asking for help.

Therefore, the housing agency has the right to reject this contract.

"Twenty-four thousand is twenty-four thousand."

"Twenty-four thousand per person per month, are you sure?"


Katsuragi said this through gritted teeth, and the real estate agent laughed: "Okay, the third request..."

"And a third one?"

"If you don't want to hear it, I'll leave now."

"you say..."

Katsuragi had cursed Totsuka to death in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. He had to settle the matter at this point anyway.

At the beginning of the class, there is one less student in the class, so you will lose money no matter how you calculate it.

One less person means one less person will be able to earn points each month, which adds up to a lot.

Everyone has to pay an extra four thousand points for this, and this kind of thing makes Katsuragi feel distressed.

But there was no way, who knew those were his men? If you can't control your subordinates, then don't continue to be the boss.

"The third rule is nothing. When I need you to complete something, you must do it unconditionally."

"What is it? You have to make it clear. We can't do everything."

"Of course, you can also refuse with appropriate reasons, but it is limited to one opportunity. Once you agree, you have to do it for me."

"Then you have to make sure it's not too much."

"Don't worry, it's not too much, not too much."

The housing agent smiled lightly and said: "If you are willing to meet these three requirements, then we will go to the teacher to sign a contract. After the contract is signed, we will ask the school not to expel Totsuka. How about that?"

"Okay, let's sign the contract."

The matter was settled like this. The two came to the office and signed the contract under the eyes of the head teachers of the two classes.

"Okay, then Mr. Sakagami, please ask the school to give you a lighter punishment."

"Then what's the reason?"

Mashima Tomoya and Katsuragi Kohei have already left, and now there are only Sakagami Suma and the housing agent in the office.

Sakagami Suma looked at the information on the contract. Although he just smiled on his face, he was very happy in his heart.

This gave Class A a big one at the beginning of the school year, with 960,000 points per month, which is a huge sum of money.

"The reason... The reason for this conflict was that both sides were quarreling. So after our class C calmed down, we felt that in order to build a harmonious and loving campus, it might not be appropriate to forcibly withdraw a student. Therefore, we requested the school to withdraw the announcement. , let us settle our grudges ourselves."

"Oh, building a harmonious and loving campus? Do you believe this?"

"I don't believe it, but at least it's a reason, isn't it? Although this school's strength is paramount, harmony and love on the surface should still be achieved, right?"

"Okay, I'll just report it."

Sakagami Suma collected the contract, which was made in five copies. Each of the four people took one, and the last one was given to the school to ensure the final neutrality and fairness, and to ensure that the contract would take effect.

"You did a great job this time. They really gave me 960,000 yuan."

"I didn't expect Katsuragi's bottom line to be lower than I expected. I originally thought we could bargain with each other to 800,000, but he said it was 920,000, so I simply increased it to 960,000. "

"Then how do you distribute these points? It can't be confiscated. You can't be such a selfless person."

"Four, four, two. As the boss of the class, Xiangzi will get 40%. Yamada-kun will get 40% for his hard work this time, and I will get 20% in the end."

"Heh, that's fine too. But is it appropriate to only take 20% when you're so busy?"

"Hey, teacher, why do you mean I'm so busy? I'm just drawing up a contract. Besides, isn't what's Xiangzi's mine?"

"You, you're really good. I'm very optimistic about you two this time. Be careful in the future. Although you won one game this time, it doesn't mean you can keep winning. Class A is not easy. Don't be complacent after just one victory. "

"I know this, teacher, don't worry."

After talking to Sakagami Suma, the real estate agent left the office.

This event is very beautiful, with nearly one million points each month. This amount may not be much in the class, but it is a lot for an individual.

If it lasts for three years, it can really get someone into Class A.

But the real estate agent is naturally not limited to this kind of behavior, he also has higher pursuits.

So with things like counting points, take your time. It will happen sooner or later.

"nailed it?"

"It's done, let everyone take it in. Let this be a thing of the past."

"Then Albert..."

"I just want to talk about our distribution this time."

The real estate agent smiled and handed the contract in his pocket to Long Yuan for her to look at: "Of the points we received this time, all the direct points of 50,000 are given to Albert, and you take away four of the points every month. Yes, Albert will take 40% and I will take 20%."

"You only get 20%?"

"Well, there are only two left."

"I'll do it to you, don't look too embarrassed."

Ryūen ultimately chose three-three instead of four-two.

Chapter 98 I said, he looks like me. I'm not like you

"No, no, it's too much, it's really too much."

In the afternoon, Albert woke up.

Long Yuan and the housing agent also came to see how he was doing.

"Sister, strategist, really, this is too much. I don't need so much."

In addition to expressing condolences, the two of them came here to inform him of his upcoming new income.

960,000 per month, Longyuan and the house each accounted for 30%, but he alone accounted for 40%, which made him flattered.

He felt that he had done nothing at all.

"Don't think too much about it, you deserve it."

The real estate agent patted his shoulder. His head really hit the wall, so he had to take care of it afterward. Now he was just sober, but that was impossible to think about.

"But no, strategist, really not, there are too many. I can't have it, I can't have it."

For him, having nearly 400,000 points in his pocket felt too hot.

"If you don't want that, do you mean you don't take my words seriously?"

Long Yuan couldn't help but pat her leg. She had said before that she would lead everyone to enjoy spicy food and reward everyone for their merit.

And now what? Albert is a meritorious person, but he doesn't dare to accept this reward, so isn't what she said just fart?

"But it's really too much. I only want fifty thousand."

"The 50,000 yuan is just for your medical expenses. Forget it, since 40% is not enough, then 10% is okay, right? Then 30% is for class expenses."

The real estate agent really has no intention of claiming that he is coveting Albert's achievements. He is the main force this time. Whether he can achieve success this time depends on whether he can complete the whole show. But now his appearance makes it clear that he is a small character, which is not acceptable.

He doesn't seem to understand his status, or...his role.

He was not only the character used to deal with Totsuka, but he also told the whole class what it means to buy horse bones for a thousand dollars.

When everyone sees that he can get so many points, they will be more willing to obey Ryuen's instructions. They will definitely be even more excited when preparing for such a big event next time.

And aren't there class fees? Then use the class fee as a reward. Those who rank at the top in the class and those who make progress can get rewards.

Well, they don't care that they earn the money they paid for their classes. After all, if they can earn it back and someone else can't, that's already a difference.

The ancients said that people are not worried about scarcity but inequality. This means that people want to pursue a better life, and they will be happier when they obtain better resources.

"Okay, just rest well and take good care of your health these days. As for the rest, you can leave it to us."

After the housing agent finished speaking, He Longyuan left the condolences here and left the infirmary.

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