Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 65

Author: Jiushijiu

"You are mine, so your room is also mine. I have the final say how you want to put it in my room."

"Yes, you cursed the garlic, you cursed the garlic."

Speaking vaguely, the housing agent still felt that Long Yuan didn't seem to understand the positioning of himself and the house.

Forget it, take your time with this kind of thing later. After all, the relationship between the two of them is indeed that of a monarch and a minister. They can get too close or come back too close, but they can't show it too much.

Otherwise it will cause civil unrest.

"So we won't do anything during this time?"

"What are you doing? What else do you want to do? You just finished cheating Class A and you're not satisfied yet, are you?"

The housing agent looked at Long Yuan helplessly. He didn't know what Long Yuan was thinking.

What's the point of having a little fight, deducting points from each other?

The real estate agent still wants points. What's the point of playing the game of losing 800 to yourself? Just play the big one and risk your death directly.

His next plan is next month, so why be anxious now?

"What does it mean to be dissatisfied? I just feel a little boring."

"If it's boring, just memorize the words properly. There will be a proficiency test next week. Don't let me fail then."

"It doesn't matter if you fail the test."

"It won't affect you, but it means you may fail the formal exam, so I will be very embarrassed."


Pouting, Ryūen turned back and continued playing with his phone.

I don't know what she is doing on her phone every day. It looks like she is sending messages to someone, but she has no idea what she is sending.

Forget it, I'll ask Ibuki in private when I have time.

In fact, there is a more convenient method, but the housing agency just doesn't want to do it.

All he had to do was take Ryuuen's phone and take a good look at it while she was sleeping.

But that would involve the other person's privacy, so he wouldn't do that.

"Boss-san, Mr. Hoshinomiya is looking for you."

While the real estate agent continued to write and draw here, Ichinose suddenly appeared at the door of the class and spoke to the real estate agent in the class.

"Oh, got it."

"What does the Palace of Stars want from you?"

"Who knows, besides calling her teacher, she is also a teacher after all."

After the real estate agent finished speaking, he followed Ichinose to find Mr. Hoshinomiya.

"Agent-kun, how is Yamada-kun's situation now?"

"He should be able to go back to school next week. I heard that the injury on his head is not too bad, but the bleeding is relatively heavy."

The real estate agent said casually. He knew what Ichinose was worried about.

Although she was not the first witness, she also learned about the situation through Shibata Sa. The questions this time were all done by people from Class A.

Why did the real estate agent laugh at what Long Yuan did in the original work? Not only was the move too crude, but the bigger problem was that there was no sense of justice.

Yes, justice. This thing that sounds outrageous can actually alleviate a lot of trouble if you take care of it.

Although Ichinose did not play an important role in this operation in the original work, it was Brother Lu who turned the tide in the end, but his appearance completely brought Class B and Class D closer together.

If Brother Lu is very thoughtful, it is not impossible to directly capture Class B and use him as a tool.

But there is no chance in this life. Brother Lu has become even more lazy after becoming Lu Mei, and the appearance of the housing agency has also brought the BC two classes into the honeymoon period. The goal of the two classes is clearly A class.

So this time it was still Class C's plan, but this time Ichinose's choice was towards Class C.

Sometimes people's heart and righteousness are actions that can make things go more smoothly. Why did Katsuragi find a housing agency so quickly to solve this problem? It is precisely because of the situation that the two classes of BC are causing trouble, which means that half of the first graders take this matter very seriously. In order to convince the public, the school must choose to send away a student who has done something wrong first.

Even if he really didn't make a mistake, but everyone thinks he did, and there is evidence, then he is just like mud that fell into his crotch, and even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to wash it off.

"Aren't you going in?"

When they arrived at the door of Hoshinomiya's office, the real estate agent looked at Ichinose who was about to leave and couldn't help but ask.

He thought that Ichinose walked all the way with him so that both of them could go in, but it turned out not to be the case.

"This is a conversation between Teacher Hoshinomiya and you, the agent. I won't join in the fun, haha."

Seeing Ichinose's careless look, the real estate agent couldn't help but sigh. He asked Ichinose: "By the way, Ichinose, have you ever met the seniors?"

"Senior senior?"

"Well, for example, Horikita Gakushu, Nagumo Masaru, etc."

"I have met President Horikita. Who is Senior Nagumo?"

"The monitor of second-year Class A, who led first-year Class B to defeat Class A last semester and was promoted to Class A."

"Is it so powerful?"

"Well, so you should pay more attention. I have investigated him. He is a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, so he is very likely to take advantage of the freshman, and..."


"He has more scandals than me, but they are all true, so you have to be careful of others getting caught."

"Is it really that scary? Okay, I get it."

Although she had never met senior Nagyunya, she still remembered what the real estate agent said.

But looking at her expression of not particularly believing it, the real estate agent shook his head slightly.

She shouldn't be stupid enough to be deceived again, right?

Looking at such a stupid girl, I really can't bear to see her being used and deceived by others. I hope she won't really be deceived by Nagyun Ya.

Chapter 118 Why are you throwing the little cotton-padded jacket away!

No longer paying attention to Ichinose, the real estate agent went directly to knock on the door of Hoshinomiya's office.

"Dong dong dong" "Teacher, can I come in?"

"Are you a house classmate? Come in."

Hoshinomiya in the room heard the voice of the real estate agent, so he called into the office, and the real estate agent opened the door and walked in.

Well, as cute as ever, she was looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Fangfang classmate, please sit down."

"Well...thank you, teacher."

The real estate agent didn't quite understand what Hoshinomiya meant. He sat directly on the chair and looked at Hoshinomiya: "So, Teacher Hoshinomiya, why did you call me here this time?"

"It's nothing, I just want to see who managed to push Class A into Class B in the first month."

"Really? This can only be said to be their own fault."

"Haha, okay Mr. House, if you do this again in my office, I will be angry."

"Sorry teacher, just to be on the safe side, no means no."

The real estate agent could feel that the Star Palace did not help Class A, but he could not guarantee that Class A would not be able to hide the monitor in her office.

So it's best to lie to yourself. He has never done such a thing, absolutely never.

When the two of them fought, it was Totsuka who took the initiative and had nothing to do with him.

"Okay, okay. I'm just sighing that someone can actually do something about asking for leave. You can really come up with tricks for me."

Hoshinomiya shook his head, and the matter came to an end. But she didn't let the real estate agent go because she had something else to talk about.

This is normal. If it was just for this trivial matter, there would be no need for her to ask the real estate agent to come here.

So she started saying something else: "Do you remember what you said when you came to my place last week?"

"Working with you, right?"

"Well, do you still have any ideas?"

"I'm a little curious. Could it be that Chabashira-sensei has done something else?"

The real estate agent did not agree with Hoshinomiya's words, but instead asked her a question.

It's interesting that Hoshinomiya chooses to cooperate uncharacteristically.

"She went to find Suzune Horikita of Class D and asked her to prepare to lead Class D forward."

"Why, do you feel in danger about this?"

"Yes, but not big."

Hoshinomiya nodded, then shook his head: "House-kun, what do you think of Class D?"

"Class D? A group of... very interesting guys."

The real estate agent was also unclear. He touched his chin and said casually: "To be honest, if you and Chabashira-sensei swap places, you can still defeat Chabashira-sensei with this group of people."

"I'm very happy if you say that."

Hoshinomiya covered her mouth in amusement, what the real estate agent said pleased her.

She just didn't want Chabashira to be able to stand up. She should have the kind of consciousness she should be.

How can a person succeed if he has not fully implemented his enlightenment?

"There are many powerful people in Class D, and if the remaining people are tied into a rope after driving away some trash, they will pose a greater threat than Class A."

"Is it so scary?"

"It is indeed scary, but there is a saying... a child dancing with a big sword. This team is a very strong team that is rarely assembled. As long as there is a strong leader, they can lead them forward, but... very Unfortunately, Chabashira-sensei is not a strong leader, not even qualified."

"So which class do you think they will be promoted to in the end?"

"If I wanted to, they would still be Class D."

"Are you so confident?"

"There are several people in their team who belong to me, and they will choose between me and Chabashira-sensei. And with these trump cards in hand, it is impossible for Class D to be promoted."

The real estate agent shrugged, and this was his evaluation of Class D.

Strong? Strong, but scattered and fighting on their own, it is very easy to deal with.

Not to mention that there is waste holding us back, which is even more deadly.

The real estate agent is very envious of Class D. There are many people in Class D who can be used, but Class C is not very good in comparison.

Albert Nobu and Shiina Nofumi can be said to be top-notch, but after that, they are basically second-rate, third-rate, and eighteenth-rate characters. Look at the people around Ryuuen Shoko, Ibuki... ⒔ It's okay to do small things, but not big things.

"Ha, you really won't let me down."

Hoshinomiya laughed. She didn't expect that Class D would be completely manipulated in just two weeks.

"There is no way. If we want to deal with Class A, we must deal with Class D so that they have no time to join the battlefield."

When the real estate agent clapped his hands, he was helpless. Why deal with Class D? Because they are unstable.

It's just that it's getting a little weird as I deal with it.

Well, that's not important.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"That's right."

"What does it mean to have something?"

"Teacher, what do you mean, why do you suddenly ask me if I have a girlfriend..."

The real estate agent didn't explain the answer accurately. Now he is a little confused about what the Star Palace wants to do.

This woman is also a pink-cut and black-faced existence, so it's difficult to deal with her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if you could help Ichinose. She is so naive."

"I know this, so what do you mean?"

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