Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 66

Author: Jiushijiu

"Let's have a date or something..."


The real estate agent coughed twice and interrupted Hoshinomiya: "Teacher, just tell me, where do I get my charm? One or two people want me to fake dating."

"Where is the fake relationship... Look, who wants to date you?"

"Karuizawa from Class D."

"Karuizawa-san? How could she have such thoughts?"

"It's natural to cling to the strong."

"That's really fun."

Hoshinomiya was playing with a pen. She was very good at it and her fingers were very nimble.

Looking at her nimble fingers, the real estate agent looked at her again and quickly eliminated the bad thoughts in his mind.

"Then does the teacher have anything else to do? If not, I will leave first."

"Okay, but you have to think about my proposal carefully~"

Hoshinomiya raised his eyebrows slightly, and the real estate agent stood up and agreed: "I understand, I will keep it under control for Class D."

"No~I'm talking about Ichinose~"

No, teacher, isn't she your little cotton-padded jacket? Why do you have to throw away your cotton-padded jacket?

The real estate agent's eyelids twitched. He increasingly couldn't understand what these people were trying to do.

"I will think about it... By the way, teacher, I have a question."


"If I get Chabashira-sensei fired, will you support or oppose it?"

"Support or oppose? If she can really understand her situation, she can just open it."

Star Palace's answer was beyond the real estate agent's expectations.

Chapter 119 The past of the two

From the perspective of the real estate agent, Hoshinomiya probably wanted Chabashira to live in Class D, so she didn't want to let Sae Chabashira leave just like that. She should be allowed to feel the pain and continue to suffer like this.

But in the end, Star Palace did not refuse the housing agency to evict her, and the condition was just to let her know her situation...

What does it mean to know your own situation?

The real estate agent feels like there's a big melon here waiting for him to gnaw.

So the question is, should we chew it or not?

Need to say? Nibble! Wouldn't it be nice to eat this melon and let them become his support?

In the actual teaching, the battle of wits and courage between the four classes can only be said to be the early stage plot. The later stage plot involves the battle of wits and courage with the chairman, which is much more strenuous.

The pitfalls now are pitfalls now, more so that when Chairman Sakayanagi comes back in the future, he can still do it.

He didn't have any big ideas, he just wanted to disgust the school. If the school doesn't care about human affairs, how could he stay here well?

Therefore, being able to unite people is the most important thing. If the Star Palace can also be brought into the camp, it will be very easy with the help of a teacher.

As for Chabashira Saeda?

Tell me why she can still be a teacher. No matter what reasons she has, she looks like a disgusting teacher now.

If she hadn't been so pretty, she would have been slapped in the face by her classmates.

Hateful people must be pitiful. Although this sentence is somewhat absolute, in some cases it can be described by another sentence - there must be a cause for every effect.

It certainly didn't happen out of nowhere that he became like this, so the real estate agency needed to investigate why Sae Chabashira became like this.

Regarding this matter, the veteran teachers in the college should know something about it. After all, students can continue to work here after graduation.

So he planned to ask Sakagami about his horse.

"What's the situation with Sae Chabashira?"

Sakagami Suma didn't expect that the real estate agent would come to him to look for information more and more diligently, and even the teacher would look for it.

"A teacher's situation is different from a student's situation. If you want to find Chabashira-sensei's situation, you have to give me a reason to convince me."

"Teacher Hoshinomiya came to see me today. I need to know about her past with Teacher Chabashira."

"That's it..."

Sakagami Suma touched his chin and thought about this. He shook his head: "I don't have any information about Chabashira-sensei here, but I can introduce you to a teacher who should know about it."

"Oh? Who?"

"The head teacher of Class D in the third year - the winner is the winner."

"Class D in the third year?"

As soon as this class was mentioned, the real estate agent became interested.

"Well, Okinaka Katsu was Chabashira Sae's class teacher at the time, so if nothing else, he should know some information. Don't worry, he is a very talkative little old man, and it is precisely because he is so talkative that he has never been able to control himself. Only students will let him teach Class D."

"You mean...which class you teach is determined by the school?"

Sakagami Suma nodded. He was not surprised at all that he would be appointed to teach Class C.

Naturally, his almost shielding behavior towards students would not allow him to be the teacher of Class A, and Class D was not that bad either, so it was naturally one of the two equally comparable classes of BC.

In fact, it can be seen from the results that he seems to enjoy being the head teacher of Class C?

Compared to Sakagami Suma, Chabashira Sae, the teacher, really deserves to be the head teacher of Class D.

She could only say that it was his own fault, and it was all the result of his own inaction.

"Well...Thank you very much, Mr. Sakagami. I'll take my leave now?"

"Go, go. Remember not to be too busy lately. Students should relax sometimes."

"That's why I'm very busy today, so that I can have a good rest in the next two days."

The real estate agent responded with a smile and then left. Looking at the energetic figure of the real estate agent, Sakagami shook his head and smiled.

"What a youth."

It's not difficult to find Chongzhongsheng. His office is not far from Sakagami.

This school is big and there are not many students. Naturally, the teacher's office will look very empty, with only one teacher per room.

Chong Zhongsheng, the head teacher, was naturally in a room alone. He was drinking wolfberry tea when he heard someone knocking on the door.

"Oh? Please come in."

Chong Zhongsheng didn't expect that someone would come looking for him now. He raised his glasses and planned to see who it was.

What came in was a student he had never seen before.

"Hello, Mr. Chongzhong, I am a housing agent in Class C of the first year."

After the real estate agent came in, he bowed to Okinakakatsu and then explained the situation: "It's such a teacher. I want to know about the past affairs of Teacher Chabashira Sae and Teacher Hoshinomiya. I asked Teacher Sakagami about this matter. But he asked me to come to you."

The housing agent's words made Chong Zhongsheng take a deep breath, and his eyes were a little distracted.

What the real estate agent said made him feel nostalgic for the past.

"Then sit down first. There is still some time before class, so we can chat for a while."

Chong Zhongsheng's eyes were filled with memories, and he recalled that time.

He is already in his sixties and is about to retire, and this class is the last one he will lead.

"Saae-chan wasn't so cold back then. She was still very cute then."

As soon as the old man started to talk about the past, he was just rambling. But as he said, there was still time, so he spoke and the housing agent listened.

His behavior reminded the real estate agent of his grandfather. He used to like to talk about his past and his glorious history. He used to be a member of the Red Army and won third-class merit, but he died of illness when he was in high school, perhaps due to an underlying illness.

Looking at the success now, the real estate agent also feels nostalgic.

He likes to listen to people tell stories. Reading thousands of miles of books, traveling thousands of miles, and meeting countless people are all ways to enrich his experience. And listening to people tell stories can also help you learn more about the world.

Chong Zhongsheng spoke very slowly, but he had been a teacher for decades, so he naturally knew how to focus on the key points, and what should be explained in detail and what should be briefly discussed.

Soon, the relationship between Hoshinomiya and Chabashira was explained in his mouth.

The two of them used to be best friends who talked about everything. At that time, Chabashira wasn't so cold and Hoshinomiya wasn't so pretentious. But in high school, there are bound to be some surprises. The surprising thing about the two of them is that they fell in love with a boy at the same time.

At that time, Chabashira wanted to lead Class D to be promoted to Class A, while Hoshinomiya was helping to work together in Class B, but because of this boy, the two broke up.

Chapter 120 You can't argue with anyone

"So who is that boy?"

"It's Class A's beauty trap."

Chong Zhongsheng poured a glass of water for the housing agent and invited him to drink it.

The real estate agent also sat on the chair, listening to Chong Zhongsheng telling the story about the beginning.

At that time, Class A was not aware of the threat of Chabashira, so naturally they would take action.

It took them two semesters to get the boy and the two girls together, and because of his presence, the two girls also successfully broke up.

Hmm...so is that a male Diao Chan?

Listening to Chong Zhongsheng's story, the housing agent's expression was very subtle.

So that's it... No wonder the two of them are like this.

"The first person to see through it was Star Palace. She discovered that the man had no actual feelings for the two of them, and that underneath his gentle appearance was actually a ruthless attitude. Class A promised to give him a sum of money after graduation, so he Such a move.

"Hoshinomiya discovered all this and planned to stop. But the man suddenly and resolutely chose to follow Hoshinomiya. This completely made Chabashira collapse. She put everything in herself and the class on that man. , but he turned out to be the last straw that broke Chabashira's back."

"So...she collapsed?"

"Well, it completely collapsed. At that time, the scores of the four classes were very close, and the difference was no more than 50 points. And because the boy chose to drop out in the end, Class D lost 200 points, which directly made Class D a joke. "

"What about Class B?"

"BD's alliance failed, so naturally it couldn't compare to Class A. Although Chabashira was very smart at the time, she was still too young and was easily played by others. She didn't realize her status."

After listening to Chong Zhongsheng's story, the real estate agent felt that he needed to figure out the relationship between these two people.

It seems... these two people are very interesting.

Touching his chin, the real estate agent bowed slightly to Chong Zhongsheng: "Thank you very much, teacher."

"It's okay, it's okay. It's rare that people want to know these stories now. I also hope that these two girls can become friends again, instead of the superficial relationship they have now."

Yes, superficial friends. Because it was finally proven that this was all a conspiracy of Class A, and both of them were poor people who were deceived, so they still maintained their friendship.

But this friendship is no longer pure, but more like a superficial friend. Both of them knew that they were no longer the other's true best friend and confidant.

Just because of one man, the two of them became like this.

"Teacher, I still have a doubt."

"you say."

"You just said so much, what about Class C? What are they doing?"

The housing agent still noticed this problem. Since the BD alliance was broken, why didn't Class B join with Class C? But fighting alone?

"Because that boy was originally from Class C."

"Thank you teacher, I know a lot of news."

After another bow, the housing agent chose to leave.

Originally from Class C, the amount of information was too much.

He needed to go back and give it a good stroke.

To be honest, he actually felt a little guilty when he looked at this kind old man. After all, he was going to use the students in his class to trick people.

"Huh...it's hard to be a bad person."

After exhaling, the real estate agent looked at the time. The lunch break was almost over, and it was time for him to go back to work and solve new problems.

The afternoon classes were as boring as ever. The only interesting thing was looking back at everyone's physical education class yesterday.

The camera crew also took photos during the physical education class yesterday, and naturally also captured many students in various ugly ways, and they were also photographed today, making everyone laugh.

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