Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 88

Author: Jiushijiu

Looking at this news, Ippon Akemi couldn't help but spit.

She didn't expect that she would be threatened because of this incident.

Indeed, if the school knew of their behavior, they would also drop out of school.

So they could only gamble further, betting that Nan Yunya would not let them go because of their behavior.

Is this why the other person said 'please'? Different methods of invitation will also make Nagyunya feel different. If the actions of several people are a little excessive, then Nagyunya will probably be very angry.

'If we do it, you won't threaten us? '

'This matter is time-sensitive, isn't it? Even this school doesn't want to waste a lot of time checking this month's affairs next month. '

'I believe you for now. '

'Remember, please use it during the big class break on Monday morning. It's up to you in any way or location, but you have to stay away from the student union. '

'I understand, in case Nagyun Ya can arrive, right? But how can you be sure that he will care about this? '

'Then it has nothing to do with you. Your task is just to invite her to a place and tell Nayunya about it, that's all. '

'Then he came after knowing it? '

'Then just leave. You don't need to do anything else, understand? '

'OK. '

Although I always feel that this money is easy to make, no matter how I think about it, it doesn't feel very simple.

Forget it, it's all points anyway, and it's been threatened by the other party, so it's impossible not to do it.

Rubbing her head, Ippon Akemi wrote down this incident for the time being, and will give Nagumo a surprise next Monday.

The real estate agent also stretched himself. After explaining this matter, he no longer had to worry about the bad guys. With Yunya Nan's character, he would definitely deal with them well.

Just let them dog eat dog.

Originally, I just said that it would be worth 100,000 yuan, but since Saku wants to make it big, he should make it big and make something big happen.

The real estate agent hummed a tune and put away his cell phone. He looked at the door, and students were coming in from the door.

"Good morning, Yamaoka-san."

"Morning, Yabuna-san~"

Seeing Shan Ganglin with short black hair walking in from the door, the real estate agent rubbed his chin and started thinking about how to deal with the matter.

Chapter 156: Little Fan Girl's Agreement

"You want me to hand over the financial tasks to Shanggang-san?"

After hearing what the real estate agent said, Shiina quickly asked, "Is there any problem? I can do the job."

"Don't you think you have a little too much work?"

The real estate agent crossed his arms and asked back. In his opinion, Shiina's work was indeed quite busy, so he thought of handing over some unimportant tasks to others: "You still have to deal with the study meeting. Not to mention there may be more troublesome work in the future that I think would be better left to someone else than to you."

"So you think Yamaoka-san is suitable?"

"She is capable and has a strict mouth. She is not bad at doing this kind of thing. But I can't talk about this. I think it's better for you to do it."

This is what the real estate agent finally thought of, because he comforted Shiina with one thing from Ibuki - Rin Sangan kind of admires Shiina.

The word worship may be a bit too strong, but it does mean it, and she seems willing to listen to Shiina's orders.

"Well...if you want."

Shiina is not an unreasonable girl. She can feel that the real estate agent's thoughts are sincere and he is really worried about her.

She would not say whether entrusting the work to others meant she did not trust her, but directly began to think about how to persuade Yamaoka-san.

"How about we wait until after class to find her? There may not be enough time now."

"Indeed, let's talk about it during the break."

Class was about to start, and there was not enough time to call her somewhere to talk about this matter properly. It was better to wait until the break before talking about it.

Nothing happened in class on Tuesday as usual. Except for some commotion in Class D, everything was normal.

Well, there was a commotion. Someone in Class D seemed to be making a quarrel. The real estate agency didn't listen to the details, but it was indeed quite disturbing.

Forget it, it will be fine next month. When they know the S points, they will know how to deal with it next month.

Class D doesn't care about their own self-destructive real estate agents, they just did it purely on their own.

It's not that no one in Class D knows about the S points, but I guess they've said it but no one believes it, or maybe they don't want to believe it? This has nothing to do with real estate agencies. It would be nice to have more pig teammates, so that Horikita wouldn't be able to stand up and challenge the other classes.

I'm busy preparing to fight the boss now, and I don't have time to mess around with you guys.

The two classes went very quickly, and it came during the big break.

The housing agent was waiting on the rooftop in advance and asked Shiina to invite Shanggang to the rooftop to discuss matters.

When she learned that Shiina invited her to the rooftop to talk about important things, Yamaoka Rin was flattered. She didn't expect that Shiina would actually come to her.

So when she arrived on the rooftop, her little face was flushed and she looked very excited.

"Yamaoka-san, there is an important matter to be dealt with in the class now. Shiina and I intend to listen to your opinion."

"My opinion?"


The real estate agent did not hide a few pleasantries, but talked about the matter straight to the point.

"Shiina-san has been busy with work recently, especially the study meeting, which has consumed a lot of her energy, so we plan to let another person do the calculation of class fees. Shiina-san proposed to me, then I I wanted to ask you if you would like to do this."

"I do."

It sounded like it was Shiina's suggestion, and Shanggang immediately agreed like a little fangirl.

But the real estate agent did not agree immediately. He hoped that the other party would think carefully about the choice, rather than agree briefly.

This matter can't be taken carelessly. If she doesn't want to, she has to think carefully.

"Calm down, Mr. Shanggang. I don't need a person's immediate agreement, but I hope the other person can think carefully, because this matter is not a trivial matter and cannot be taken carelessly."

The real estate agent said and glanced at Shiina, who also whispered advice beside him: "That's right, Yamaoka-san, I hope you can think carefully and don't agree just because I recommended it. If you don't want to do it, I will also be in pain."

"I...ok, I understand."

Shan Gang saw that both of them were serious. She also understood that this matter was not something that could be taken lightly. She adjusted her expression and asked seriously: "Then what do I need to pay attention to?"

"First of all, you have to promise that you will keep it confidential. Regardless of whether you will take this job or not, you have to promise us that you will not tell the contents of this conversation."

"I promise."

Shan Gang can accept this. The more important the matter, the more it needs to be kept secret. She even felt that a simple guarantee was not enough, and specifically said: "I promise in the name of the Shanggang family that I will not tell this matter."

"Okay, then I have to explain the situation to you."

The real estate agent breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the other party was willing to listen.

He does hope that the other party can take the job, but he does not want the other party to take the job casually. If he does this job without understanding the specific situation, he may become rebellious because the gap between ideal and reality is too large. If you do it, you may do it in a positive way or in a negative way.

That's why the real estate agent used Shiina's name and advised her to think carefully.

Using Shiina's name will make the other party subconsciously hope that he can do the job, and after thinking carefully, he can convince himself to do the job seriously.

The real estate agent explained clearly the two parts of the class fee. One part is the class fee paid by everyone, and the other part is the monthly points share of Sakagami Horse Racing.

"So we need two bills, one bright and one dark. You should understand the pressure, right? Let me ask again, can you complete it? Think about it carefully."

After the housing agent told Shan Gang about the complexity of the matter, Shan Gang lowered his head and started thinking.

Indeed, what the real estate agent said was not as simple as he thought. The two bills meant that one must be strict with his words and the accounts must be settled clearly.

"I understand, I think I can do it."

"That's great, then I will explain the transfer of things at the next class meeting. And your work will start this Thursday."

"This Thursday?"

"Yes, this Thursday, we will have a class dinner, and you have to make the first bill first. On the surface, this money is paid by our management, but in fact it is 100,000 provided by Mr. Sakagami. Point share. Starting from this week, your first job begins. "

"Yes, so the format problem..."

"As long as you can understand it, it doesn't have to be formal or complicated. Just write down where and how much each money was spent."


Chapter 157 Ayanokouji: Should I listen to my father?

Another trouble was solved, and the housing agent was in a very good mood.

It seems that his mood has rarely been bad during this period? After all, his high school life was quite satisfying.

It would be great if it could continue like this.

The real estate agent himself hoped for it, but this was impossible. He knew that life would be very chaotic in the future, especially when Nagumo Ya came to power and Chairman Sakayanagi temporarily resigned.

Although it was only a few months, it would indeed be a headache for Ayanokouji and her father to control the situation behind the scenes after Sakayanagi left. But after all, it was still the second grade, and there was still one year left. Let's talk about it later. .

Before that, let's push Class A to the ground.

The real time to play tricks will probably be the uninhabited island incident after the end of this semester... Ah, there are still more than two months, which is quite far away.

At this time, the housing agent also had Long Yuan's previous thoughts in his mind, and he really wanted to cause trouble.

But thinking about it, I really can't do it because time doesn't allow it.

Class A is now like a startled snake. It will not be easy to hit them again in the short term. We have to wait until they relax again, such as after the midterm exam.

There are so many things to worry about in the early stage, so I should be able to have some leisure time later.

The real estate agent was thinking to himself. He crossed his legs and looked at everyone in the class chatting together in twos and threes.

Gee, why do you feel a little lonely?

It seems that after coming here, my relationship with women has improved, but I don't have any brothers anymore.

It's a bit of a pity.

Thinking of something bad, the housing agent walked out of the classroom and looked at the scenery outside in the corridor alone.

"What are you doing here?"

Someone walked up to the housing agent and asked him.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little depressed."

"Really? I didn't see it at all."

The person who came was Ayanokouji. She was observing human behavior in the classroom as always. She noticed that the real estate agent walking past the corridor came to the window and looked outside, so she came out to see the situation.

"Because the depression is hidden in my heart."

The real estate agent chuckled lightly and couldn't help but look at Ayanokouji: "It would be better if you were a boy...Forget it, let's say goodbye."

When he thought that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was a slut, he felt that Ayanokouji Kiyohime was pretty good.


Ayanokouji didn't understand what the real estate agent was struggling with. She just stood beside the real estate agent: "What's wrong with you?"

"I feel like I'm a bit of a failure in my circle of friends. I don't even have any male friends."

"So you think it's okay if I'm male?"

"Forget it, I think you won't be so ignorant after you become a man."

"So what do you think I'll be like?"

"Be boring."


Okay, this is something Ayanokouji can't understand again.

She didn't understand why the real estate agent said that about her.

The real estate agent looked at her troubled look and couldn't help but smile.

Maybe it was because Ayanokouji changed from brother Lu to sister Lu that he would help.

Her ignorant and confused look was so alluring.

"By the way, don't you have any friends?"

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