Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you a little help Chapter 89

Author: Jiushijiu

"Friends? Probably not."

Ayanokouji lowered her head and thought. According to what she had observed recently, she really didn't have many friends.

"If it really counts, you should count it, right?"

"Hmm... As expected, my relationship with women has indeed become a bit strange."


Ayanokouji felt that she might need to talk to the real estate agent more. The other person's brain circuit was something she had never encountered before. Maybe he knew a lot more than she expected.

Also, he can teach himself many things about how to pretend to be an ordinary person, and he is definitely not an ordinary person.

In Ayanokouji's mind, housing agents and monsters gradually became equated.

After all, they are all existences that she cannot understand.

"Junior agent~What are you doing here?"

Karuizawa came over at this time. She looked at the housing agent with wide eyes, curiously watching him and Ayanokouji communicating here.

She was chatting with her friend just now, and her friend suddenly pointed outside and asked what was going on with Karuizawa. Only then did she see the real estate agent getting closer to Ayanokouji.

She understands that the two of them are just pretending to be in a relationship, but others don't know, so she, the 'real owner', has to come over to see what's going on, right?

The real estate agent could see her worry at a glance and directly stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms: "It's nothing, I'm just talking to Ayanokouji-san about something you can't understand."

"Something I can't understand?"

"In terms of not having same-sex friends."


Karuizawa gently patted the real estate agent. Her intimate appearance made the classmates watching the excitement from a distance feel like they had inexplicably eaten a bite of dog food?

"Really, compared to us, you have many friends around you, which is good."

"Friends and stuff... they're just not as important as you."

Karuizawa also hugged the real estate agent. She buried her face in the real estate agent's chest and whispered softly.

Yes, to her, a friend? youth? Life? None of it matters. As long as she doesn't get bullied.

The real estate agent also knew what she was thinking and reached out to rub her hair: "Let's go play together after school?"

"May I?"

"I still have this little time, but I may not be so free in the future."

"It's okay, that's enough."

Karuizawa answered with a smile. She looked really happy.

Next to it, Ayanokouji was observing human love behavior at the first scene. She felt that she also had to understand this knowledge.

Maybe you will do the same in the future?

Hmm... Do you want to do this yourself?

Rarely, Ayanokouji was entangled between 'her father will let her marry someone else' and 'she doesn't want to listen to her father', and fell into a brain short-circuit situation.

"Ayanokouji-san, are we going to leave first?"

"Well, then I'll go back too."

Ayanokouji waved his hand and went back to class to continue observing humans.

The housing agent took Karuizawa's hand, and the two went to another place to continue their love.

"Junior-kun, what is your relationship with Ayanokouji?"

"Relationship... we can be considered friends. There are many things she doesn't understand and she always needs to observe and ask questions. Why, are you worried that she will compete with you for favor?"

"How is that possible? Her character doesn't understand what love is, right?"

"Yeah, she doesn't understand, so that's what gives me a headache."

"You have a headache?"

"Yes, are there many cases of ignorant girls who don't understand love and are deceived by scumbag men?"

"That's right. When you say that, I'm worried about Ayanokouji-san."

The two chatted and laughed, gradually moving away from the sight of the troublesome people.

Chapter 158: Neptune, how could he not be busy?

"I had a lot of fun playing with Karuizawa~"

As soon as I returned to class, I heard the strange atmosphere in Long Yuan.

"That's what you said."

The real estate agent is also confused about what Longyuan means.

You can say she is jealous, she always plays assists. But you say she's not jealous, she always makes trouble.

It feels like she just wants to have fun, and it's not like she's jealous or not.

The real estate agent was also very helpless towards her. He sat on a chair and looked at the ceiling: "The exam is tomorrow."

"Yeah, what, are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous, I'm just thinking about where to go tomorrow."

"Where are you going? Drink with me."

"Farewell sister, if you want to drink, let's do it on Friday. We still have exams, so it won't be a mess after drinking."

"Okay, as you wish."

Long Yuan clapped his hands, not caring about this: "Will you ask everyone to stay for a while at noon?"

"If you want, let's go to the next class after class. I can just say something simple and don't delay everyone's lunch. The cafeteria is quite crowded."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it then."

Long Yuan clapped his hands and settled down.

The thing she talked about with the real estate agent was naturally about the class dinner. For the real estate agent, sometimes it is important to invite everyone to have a dinner together.

Doing it once in a while can also promote harmony within the class. As for whether there will be some disharmonious sounds...

Ah, it's not a big problem, Ryuuen can fight, and they will never cause trouble.

Well, them. When I go out to eat, 80% of the time it's girls who make comments.

Either when eating a meal, 'Why are there so many spicy dishes?', or 'Why are there not many spicy dishes?', or 'Why are there not many meats,' or 'Why are there so many meats?'

Boys are easy to talk to. At worst, no one cares about the other if they pour a few glasses of wine into each other. Girls have different opinions, and there will always be pretentious masters among them.

You said that there are ten or twenty dishes on the table for everyone to eat together. There are a few dishes that you don't want to eat and it's over. The boys are all rushing to eat them.

Didn't you see those wolf cubs who were as hungry as wolves wishing for a table full of girls? It's not for lust or anything, it's purely because no one wants to compete with them for food. If there are only boys at the table, you can see what it means to eat like a whirlwind, for fear that the food will be gone.

"Have you made a reservation for the store?"

"Let's go take a look tomorrow night, okay, we'll do this tomorrow night."

"What about tonight?"

"Karuizawa wants to date, so stay with her~"

"You're really busy."

"Ah ha ha."

Looking at Long Yuan's death gaze, the real estate agent couldn't help but laugh twice.

What else could he say? Of course there is nothing to say. After all, I have indeed been busy recently.

Neptune, how could he not be busy?

"Hiyori, how about we go pick out a hotel together tomorrow?"

"Ah? Okay."

Shiina, who didn't know what the real estate agent was talking to Ryuuen, suddenly heard the real estate agent calling her, and she subconsciously said something.

Picking a restaurant...oh, the dinner party thing.

Shiina didn't think twice, but immediately figured out what he meant by dinner party.

After deciding on this matter, the real estate agent is ready to teach the next lesson.

There is a quiz tomorrow, so the teachers will basically not talk about any new content in their lectures today. Instead, they will talk about some knowledge they have learned before.

Of course, this is done for subjects that require examinations. For example, in history classes, we do not talk about looking back at the past, but continue to teach new lessons.

As an examination course, there is no such thing as an examination in history. So everyone will feel more relaxed in class.

Not to mention that the person teaching history is Sae Chabashira.

There is a saying that Sae Chabashira is not good at being a class teacher, but she is still competent as a teacher.

Looking at her graceful figure, the real estate agent couldn't help but clicked his tongue twice.

It's a pity that this kind of figure may not be seen in the future.

While he was already planning how to get her out, she was really not far away from getting out.

As the saying goes, if you calculate mentally but not carefully, you will suffer a loss sooner or later. Real estate agents know their advantages, so they must prepare in advance and try their best to kill the situation in order to avoid changes.

In the history class, the real estate agent rarely took advantage of the situation. Instead, he listened attentively. His behavior was naturally sanctioned by Long Yuan after class.

"Sister, let's talk about business, talk about business, don't mess with me."

Once again, the housing agent from Longhuxing patted the table and spoke quickly. At this time, Ryūen Shoko remembered what she wanted to say.

"Forget it, I'll just let them figure it out when the time comes. It's more important to deal with you."

But who is Ryuuen Shoko? She can miss big things because of trivial matters? Naturally, I will continue to operate a housing agency.

So the big thing you are referring to is playing dragon and tiger...

Well, at least after the game, Ryuuen sent a message to all Aite in the group about the dinner party.

For this kind of thing, as long as one person sees it, it will start a conversation and the whole class will see it, so there is no need for Ryuuen to delay everyone.

Anyway, for the students, as long as they know the words "dinner", "free" and "collective", it is enough. What else? That's all bullshit.

This school has two exams in the morning and one in the afternoon, so all five exams were completed on Thursday morning, and we had a three-and-a-half-day holiday starting in the afternoon, which was very exciting for everyone.

The real estate agent is also very happy. He is looking forward to school being over and starting the exam tomorrow.

For things like exams, the exam lasted for two hours, and then he handed in the paper in half an hour, slapped his ass and left, and the rest of the time he played slowly, and he was very happy no matter how he thought about it.

'Agent, where should we meet? '

'Let's go downstairs in the dormitory and change clothes. '

When school was over, the housing agent received the message from Karuizawa. After he responded directly, he headed to his dormitory.

He and Karuizawa were both after school parties and did not join any clubs.

Joining a club is indeed beneficial. Not only can you get in touch with upperclassmen, but it can also kill time.

Yes, killing time. After all, in this high school, school ends at about three o'clock in the afternoon, which is completely different from China's school which ends at about ten o'clock in the evening. They have too much spare time.

After returning to the dormitory, I changed into a set of cooler clothes, and the housing agent left the dormitory.

The temperature has started to rise today. It's already May, so naturally it's not so cool.

Standing downstairs, the real estate agent didn't wait long before he saw Karuizawa, well, she still looked like a hot girl as always.

Hiss ~ really good.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, let's go then?"

"Yeah, let's go, let's go."

Holding the real estate agent's hand, Karuizawa walked towards the commercial street with a smile and a skip.

Chapter 159: Working is also a way to earn points

Commercial Street, a street that real estate agents don't know how to comment on.

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