Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 99

Author: Jiushijiu

Sakayanagi Yusu smiled lightly, and she left with her guards, leaving only Kinda Satoru looking at the business card in his hand and thinking.

Does he really hate houses and dragon gardens?

"Kaneda, you haven't left yet?"

Kaneda Satoru, who was thinking, suddenly heard someone calling him. He raised his head and looked at the person.

He was a classmate who had just walked out of the self-service store, and he was also the student he taught at the study meeting.

"Ah... I feel sick to my stomach after eating a bit too much... Do you want to go back together?"

Who said I have no friends, isn't that true?

Kinda Satoru pursed his lips and nodded his head: "Yeah, okay, let's go back together."

Does he hate Ryuuen? Maybe he hated it, but he didn't hate the house.

If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have made friends at the study meeting.

Chapter 174 What to eat tonight?


It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon when the real estate agent woke up.

I slept for several hours during this nap, which was indeed very refreshing.

But when he woke up, he found something was not right.

How did I get back to sleep in the house?

I looked around and saw that Ryuen was still there with his eyes closed, and he looked like he was still sleeping.

What about the seniors?

After opening the door, the real estate agent saw no one in the living room, but there was a white note on the table that was obviously pressed against a corner by something.

'Junior, Moyu and I went back first. Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, we didn't wake you up but put you on the bed. I had a great time eating and drinking today. How about coming to my dormitory tomorrow? There are still a lot of interesting things in my dormitory~ Also, my contact information is...'

Looking at the information on the white note, the real estate agent couldn't help but twitch.

All you have to do is say, "My family is quite big." Your words always make me feel that you are interested in me.

But of course, these are all three major illusions no matter how you think about it. How could she like a junior whom she has only met twice?

It can only be said that sometimes real estate agents just think less.

Long Binjiang grew up in a martial arts family. She didn't have so many worries in her heart. She just did whatever came to her mind, whether it was love, hate or hatred. She was very free and easy.

After only two contacts, she was able to feel the real situation of the real estate agent, and it was normal to have some favorable impressions of him. The housing agent didn't know that he was the first boy she invited to her dormitory, otherwise he might have thought more about it.

But anyway, let's add friends first.

It's rare to see such generous seniors. If you can hug as many thighs as you can, just hug as many thighs as you can. They don't have any other abilities. Just being able to fight is enough.

Or can it be used by others later? Right.

The real estate agency's friend application was approved within a few seconds, and Long Binjiang quickly posted a 'happy' expression.

'Senior sister is already awake? Did you feel uncomfortable? Do you need me to prepare some hangover soup? '

The fact that the other party has woken up is a bit surprising to the housing agent. Although it was impossible for her to leave the housing agency's dormitory while sleeping, she had just woken up and wanted to sleep a little longer. Especially after drinking too much, it is normal to wake up feeling dizzy and want to sleep for a while.

"There's no need for sobering up soup. This little wine isn't enough for me." Where are you? Is Xiaolongyuan awake? '

Xiaolongyuan? Good guys, I just made a meal. Has your relationship improved so much?

The real estate agent was not easy to comment on, so he could only answer truthfully: 'Not yet, she is still sleeping. '

'Hey~ I haven't woken up yet. Himuro has woken up and she hasn't woken up yet. It seems like she really can't drink enough. It's a pity, I still need to practice more. '

A person's alcohol capacity is naturally variable, but it is possible to practice alcohol tolerance. It's just about practicing tolerance to alcohol. The effect will still be the same if you drink too much.

Based on Long Yuan's natural condition, it would be quite difficult for her to reach the same level as Long Binjiang.

'The seniors are all awake, that's good. You should be satisfied with your lunch, right? '

'Satisfied, very satisfied. I have to go to your place to have a good meal next time I have time. I really miss it after not having food from my hometown for a long time. But you can rest assured, I will bring points. '

'Hey, just extra pairs of chopsticks, no need. '

Looking at what the real estate agent said, Long Binjiang couldn't help but smile.

It's a saying with Chinese characteristics. Multiple people are just multiple pairs of chopsticks.

"Who are you talking to so happily?"

On the bed, Himuro sat next to her and asked. It could be seen that she was not in a particularly good mood. And Long Binjiang had no choice but to stop chatting with the housing agent.

'I have something else to do here, so let's not talk about it for now. '

'Okay, senior sister, please walk slowly. '

Putting the phone next to him, Long Binjiang looked at Himuro next to him: "Why, I'm chatting with my junior. Do you have any opinions?"

"No objection. Where are my clothes?"

"Your clothes? I washed them. What's wrong? Can you not wash them if they smell like alcohol?"

Long Binjiang was only wearing close-fitting underwear at this time, and all other clothes were thrown into the washing machine.

As for Himuro next to her, it was even worse. She was wrapping her chest with a quilt. She didn't even have any underwear.

They were all thrown into the washing machine by the bastard in front of me.

"Then how should I go back and get some new clothes? You bastard, at least leave me your underwear!"

Seeing the expression on Long Binjiang's face that said, "Why are you glaring at me? I didn't do anything wrong." Himuro wanted to give her a hard time.

You guys are such an asshole.

"That's none of my business, it's your own business."

Long Binjiang whistled and looked elsewhere. Although she spoke confidently, it was obvious from her current attitude that she felt guilty.

"Forget it, I shouldn't have any expectations from you."

Himuro was also extremely helpless towards Long Binjiang. His normally indifferent demeanor would turn into a barrel of explosives when he was around Long Binjiang. It was normal for him to get irritable even if nothing happened.

To be able to force her to look like this, Long Binjiang is considered a rare talent.

"Then it's okay if you go get me some clothes, right?"

"Okay, then I'll go?"

"I'm going to take a shower. Just take your clothes and put them on the table."

The two have known each other for a year, and Himuro has long been used to Long Binjiang's unreliable temper. Anyway, the clothes had already been put into her washing machine, and now the washing machine was working, so she didn't need to say anything more and just went to take a shower.

It's not that the two of them don't know each other, on the contrary, it's because they are familiar with each other that they start talking about each other.

This strange friendship is the reason why the two of them are having fun now.

"It seems that Senior Sister is quite busy over there."

The real estate agent put away his cell phone. After knowing that there was nothing going on with the seniors, he stopped thinking about their affairs.

Now he needs to think about a more important thing - what to eat tonight.

Well, when he puts aside all work and calculations, he is such an ordinary existence.

He is very lazy, he just wants to have a good rest and fish.

But sometimes, God just won't give him such an opportunity.

No, my cell phone rang again.

'Agent, my friend wants to go to KTV together tonight. Do you want to come too? '

The person who sent the message was Megumi Karuizawa. Looking at her message, the housing agent couldn't help but smile.

'Then in what capacity should I go? Class C classmates? Or your boyfriend? '

'Of course it's your boyfriend. They all want to get to know you better~'

Ah, Class D, okay, go over and have a look.

Chapter 175: Good old Hirata

Long Yuan was still sleeping, so the housing agent ignored her.

Anyway, she couldn't say that she wouldn't be able to eat without her. She would still go downstairs to the cafeteria to eat, so she didn't need to worry about her.

At worst, he could just wait until he gets back in the evening and then make her a midnight snack.

After no longer going to the multi-tube dragon garden, the real estate agent changed his clothes and went downstairs to find the place agreed upon by Karuizawa.

Karuizawa was not in the dormitory, so it was unrealistic to wait for her under the dormitory building. The housing agent had no choice but to tell her to wait for her at the KTV.

As for her... she seems to be having dinner with other people now. Judging from the messages she sent on her mobile phone, going to the KTV was more of a spur of the moment, and a group of us planned to come over to have fun.

Things like KTV are not expensive even if they are expensive. Whether they are expensive or not depends on the city you are in.

And in this affordable and high-quality school, the price of KTV is naturally not expensive. If it is divided equally, it will only cost four to five hundred points per person.

Of course, the singing time is not that long, just two hours. However, it was basically enough to sing in two hours. Karuizawa said that there were only seven classmates and real estate agents who came this time.

In addition to the housing agency and Karuizawa Megumi, the remaining five people are - Chiaki Matsushita, Maya Sato, Ning Ning Mori, Satsuki Hirata and Yosuke Hirata.

Well, it's obvious that he's from the Karuizawa faction.

You can find an interesting thing in Class D. The girls in the class generally have cliques.

Basically, they are led by the Kushida faction and the Karuizawa faction.

The Karuizawa faction is naturally composed of the girls Matsushita, Sato, Mori, and Sahara, while the Kushida faction is composed of Wang Miu, Hasebe Haruka, and Inokashira Kokoro. Who else is there? Sakura Airi, Horikita Suzune, and Onodera Yuno are all living their own lives without joining.

Not to mention the other bit-part girls, they are roughly these three forces.

Otherwise, why would the real estate agency control the leaders of two major forces, one overt and the other dark? By mastering Kushida and Karuizawa, they have mastered most of the girls in Class D. Once these girls are controlled in disguise, they can make Class D uneasy. How can they fight against other classes with such internal chaos? Woolen cloth?

Look at what happened on the uninhabited island. He was obviously still competing with other classes, but because of a divorce plan, the boys and girls suddenly started to quarrel.

To be honest, this time the real estate agent did not intend to do these small tricks on an uninhabited island. He wanted to play a big one.

The old rule is to cheat Class A. As for Class D? Just let the difficult brat deal with it, the King of Hell like him doesn't need to take action.

"Yo, Hirata."

I saw Hirata Yosuke, the leader of the boys in Class D, and the housing agent said hello to him.

Hirata also smiled and greeted the housing agent: "I didn't expect you to come too."

"I can't help it. Xiaohui always wants me to show off in front of her friends. I don't think it's necessary. We are lovers and it's not just a temporary relationship. As for showing it when it's okay, why don't you kiss me in private? "

"makes sense."

Boys, after all, they still have some things in common. Faced with the situation where Karuizawa seemed to be showing off but was actually warning, even Hirata felt a little helpless.

Karuizawa has been talking about her boyfriend's house in recent chats, and Hirata's own ears are almost numb.

Now that everyone knows your boyfriend is a real estate agent, what's the point?

It can only be said that Hirata did not understand Karuizawa's situation, otherwise he would have understood what Karuizawa meant.

She is like a samurai with a sword at her waist. She always shows off her sword, not to prove how good her sword is and how much she likes it, but to prove that she has a sword and don't bother me. .

She was psychologically affected by the violence. She was really scared.


The two boys were chatting here, and Karuizawa also ran over.

She ran directly to the housing agent and stopped his arm: "Let's go~ Let's go to KTV together?"

"Yeah, okay. Take this."

The real estate agent handed her the fruit tea he bought at the milk tea shop when he passed by. This small gesture naturally made the other girls feel fuller.

This dog food is enough to feed.

"Hey, I knew you were good to me."

As Karuizawa spoke, he lightly touched the real estate agent's face.

Touching the side of his face, the real estate agent looked at Karuizawa's lips.

Well, I didn't touch the lipstick, so there shouldn't be any traces left.

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