Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 100

Author: Jiushijiu

Karuizawa is a hot girl with slightly tanned skin. She doesn't think lipstick is very good, so she usually wears lipstick. After such a kiss, you won't say that it leaves any mark, and you are still declaring your ownership rights to other girls.

Well, luckily Kushida isn't here, otherwise the real estate agent might have to listen to her venting there again at night.

Recently, Kushida has also found that taking out the trash to vent is not as fun as the two of them doing it, but if you don't take out the trash, the feeling of relief can only be said to be drinking to relieve your worries and make them worse, instead of venting out the fundamental unhappiness in your heart, so She does both, scolding and doing both.

Therefore, real estate agents always hear some strange metaphors, such as "It would be great if that bastard Sudou could contribute as hard as you do to the class" and other strange descriptions.

Therefore, the real estate agent has always found it difficult to cope with the situation recently. He wants to hear gossip but also wants to do a good job. If he cannot do both, it makes him very unhappy.

But let's talk about it separately... Kushida felt that too much time was spent.

Or maybe you can give it a try next time? Are you going to listen to it after you feel good?

It doesn't seem impossible. What's not chatting before going to bed? It's good to hear her squirting. Anyway, when she gets tired of squirting, she can just fall asleep.

"Let's go then?"

"Let's go."

The real estate agent and Karuizawa held hands and walked towards the KTV together.

It can be seen now that Karuizawa has become the leader of this small group. She is always the leader when going to KTV.

A group of people walked into the KTV, and everyone started talking and laughing and ordering songs.

The real estate agent was surprised that Hirata could come over, and Hirata was also quite surprised. He didn't expect why he was invited.

Anyway, he's fine, so he just came over to play.

I have to say that if it hadn't been for the housing agency, he might have been in jail for two hours this time. After all, there are differences between men and women, and he didn't have a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with any of the classmates present, so it was really hard to get along.

Even the real estate agent can only say that he has acquaintances with other classmates in Karuizawa. Except for them who always want to cause trouble on a whim, he spends the rest of the time with Hirata to prevent him from being too lonely.

Chapter 176 It's time for you to make a decision

"I'm really sorry today. I didn't expect to call you here."

The time to play goes very quickly. Although it is not that interesting for a real estate agent, it still passes relatively quickly.

At this time, he was sitting on the bench with Karuizawa, and the two of them looked at the stars at night.

"It's nothing. I didn't know what to do at that time, so it's not a bad idea to come over and have fun."

"Actually, I saw that Hirata might be a little bored by himself, so I thought at least there would be someone to accompany him. After all, the fact that he was called over by Sato was something we didn't expect."

"Isn't it to show off your boyfriend to your girlfriends?"

"I have a little bit of this idea..."

Karuizawa laughed twice, and it was obvious that she was not being frank.

A person does not necessarily do something for one reason, but for many reasons.

For example, the real estate agency took action against Kushida. On the one hand, it was to solve the troubles of Class D, but on the other hand, it was not the faint onset of the soul of lsp.

It's just that the appearance is not the type that my XP likes, but the LSP's tolerance is well known, why don't you just reject everything you like? Impossible.

The same goes for helping Long Yuan. On the one hand, it is to unite Class C, but on the other hand, seeing that she is a girl, I want to help more.

Therefore, Karuizawa called the real estate agent over for various reasons. One was to further express his closeness to him, and the other was to make Hirata less embarrassed, and the other...

"Mr. Agent, I have something to tell you."


"I...can you come closer to me?"

After listening to Karuizawa's words, the real estate agent leaned down slightly and put his ear to her mouth.

It's probably something that girls are embarrassed to say, he understands, he understands.

"Junior, I like you, so... so..."

What he didn't expect was that Karuizawa would actually confess to him.

"So can you be my boyfriend?"

"are you sure?"

But the housing agent didn't agree immediately.

He must admit that he may be Aquaman, but he is definitely not a scumbag who plays with girls' feelings.

He sat up straight and looked at Karuizawa: "Originally, the two of us were fake dating, which doesn't matter to me. But if you say that we are really dating... I have to say something ugly first. I always put it first. People who tell bad news, so I hope you will think about whether to really date after listening to it."

"you say."

Karuizawa was frightened by the formal appearance of the real estate agent. She originally only thought of agreeing or rejecting, but his behavior made her at a loss.

"I have unclear relationships with other women. If you can accept that there are more such existences in the dark, you can try dating for a while first."

"Wait a minute, what is an unclear relationship?"

Karuizawa didn't quite understand what the real estate agent meant. Could it be that he also had a girlfriend secretly?

No, if he had a girlfriend, why would he agree to a fake relationship with him?

Doesn't this usually only happen to single people?

"It's just...you know, that kind of underground affair thing."

The real estate agent didn't have the nerve to talk about the indecent movement of making a circle with one hand and passing the index finger of the other hand through it. Instead, he simply used the word "underground love" to sum it up.

"Then let's pretend to be dating...does she mind?"

"Well... there is one who doesn't mind, she is just enjoying the relationship unilaterally. There is one who minds but has no reason to refuse. She can't have an open relationship with me. The other one chooses to support after learning about your situation. "

Three! There is actually more than one!

Karuizawa thought that the real estate agency would only have one girl at most, but there turned out to be three!

This had a huge impact on her, and she seemed to be at a loss now.

This is why the real estate agency asked her to consider it carefully.

At least it's best to understand the situation before you really invest too much emotion in it.

There is a word called sunk cost, which is a cost that has been invested in something and cannot be taken out. Generally speaking, the higher the sunk costs, the more reluctant you are to give up the investment.

The most obvious one is the incident of the collapse of a celebrity's house. Ordinary people don't think much about the collapse of a celebrity's house. They may just feel sorry for it. But for their fans, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

Why? Because their sunk costs are too high.

They invested all their time, energy, and money into it, but the rewards they got were like this. The sunk costs were so high that they couldn't get out of it, and even more seriously, they might have a psychological shadow.

Just like the big brother who ranked the Joe tank at the top of the list, he would choose to escape from the world with the train on his back overnight.

Taking advantage of the fact that Karuizawa had not invested too much in sunk costs, the housing agent chose to tell her his situation openly and honestly.

If she doesn't mind, then the relationship will continue, and she won't say she can't accept hearing about this situation again in the future.

If she minds, then get out as soon as possible, lest you get stuck in it later and make yourself regret it.

So looking at Karuizawa's shocked, confused and helpless face, the real estate agent didn't say anything more, but just looked at her.

This is a state she will enter sooner or later. The earlier she enters, the less likely she will be trapped in it.

"Agent...can you tell me..."

Karuizawa raised her head and looked at the housing agent. She was already in a mess, but she just didn't know how to vent her emotions.

She was originally very happy today, and she had even thought about confessing her love to the real estate agent. It might be even sweeter if she succeeded.

But why is she feeling more uncomfortable now than if she failed to confess?

"If I choose to continue the fake relationship, what will you do?"

"I'll continue to be your boyfriend."

"What if I agree to continue the relationship?"

"I will continue to be your boyfriend instead."

"Does it make any difference?"

"There is no difference. After all, the agreement is to be your boyfriend. I will naturally devote all my body and soul to becoming or playing this identity. The only difference is the future."


"Fake dating will end sooner or later, and it will stop when you graduate from high school at most. But real dating means that we will still have contact after graduation. I have told you all this directly, and I have nothing to hide from you. . So I hope you can think about it carefully and consider whether to express your love to me again. I don't want to get the result of a moment of enthusiasm, which is not good for you and me. We are already more than ten years old. A little more mature, right?"

Chapter 177 I admire you very much~

In the end, Karuizawa did not continue to confess.

The two of them separated here just like that.

Indeed, Karuizawa needs to calm down.

It had to be said that she was grateful to the housing agent in her heart. His willingness to tell her these things meant that he was indeed a very good person. Otherwise, he could play with her emotions at will and let her discover this later.

Fortunately, she knows now, otherwise she might make a lot of noise in the future? At least she would never just want to be alone like she is now.

The real estate agent let her go, and he had nothing more to say. The problem in this matter was with him. Rather than making excuses, let's see if she was willing to get through this hurdle. .

It doesn't matter if she plans to break up with him because of this, it's okay if she plans to continue a fake relationship. Real estate agents are prepared.

He never wants to disappoint a girl, so he will tell the girl the bad things first. In this regard, his approach may be biased, but his original intention is indeed good.

"Hey, what a day it is."

Continuing to lean back in his chair, the real estate agent looked at the sky.

He touched his belly and felt a little hungry.

Well, I didn't have dinner that night. Although I ate some snacks in the KTV, I still wasn't hungry after all.

It's time to get ready to go back and cook.

"Isn't this the agent? Why are you here alone?"

Sakayanagi Arisu appeared again out of nowhere. She looked at the real estate agent with a smile, as if she was watching a joke: "Did you quarrel with your little girlfriend?"

"It's not a quarrel, it's just a matter of clarifying things. I just hope she can figure it out and not keep avoiding me."

The real estate agent touched his stomach and felt even hungrier: "So do you have anything else to do? If not, I will go back and I haven't eaten dinner yet."

"That's a coincidence, I didn't have dinner either."

Sakayanagi Yusu said this with a smile, but she only said half of the words, as if she was waiting for the real estate agent to ask her the second half.

But will the housing agent pamper her?

"You haven't eaten. If you haven't eaten, go and eat quickly. Why are you staying here with me? Where are the attendants around you? Won't they bring you food?"

"Hey, Mr. Agent, can you stop being so aggressive every time we meet?"

"The premise is that you can chat sincerely. With your appearance, everyone can see that there are a lot of conspiracies hidden in your belly. It's uncomfortable to watch."

"But isn't the agent always like this?"

"It's a holiday now and we're closed. Just let me have a good rest."

Different from the usual fox-like appearance, the current housing agents look more like hibernating foxes.

No, foxes are not hibernating animals. They only sleep at night in winter.

Well, it's just weird anyway.

"How about we go have dinner together?"

"Not so good. I can't forget the time you tricked me last time. Which high-end restaurant do you want to go to this time? I don't have that many points."

"You have defrauded our Class A of so many points, and you still claim that we have no points?"

"First of all, it's not a trap, it's Totsuka-kun's own problem. Secondly, you won't give me the points until next month. I only have 100,000 points this month. It's very tiring to have to do things again."

The real estate agent clapped his hands, indicating that he really had no money left.

"Then how about I treat you? Don't worry, I won't go to a high-end place like that this time. How about you pick the place?"

"I pick the place? Are you serious?"

"Can we still have a holiday?"

"Let's go then. There happens to be a place I've been wanting to eat at recently."

The real estate agent said and walked directly in a certain direction.

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