Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 102

Author: Jiushijiu

From the moment she took that bite, Sakayanagi seemed to be giving up on herself. She already felt that it didn't matter.

Anyway, that's it. Since that's the case, let's just follow through. Try them all.

And after she took a bite of the skewers, her eyes couldn't help but shine.

The real estate agent watched her performance with secret amusement. As a girl, most likely cannot resist the temptation of kebabs.

No matter how many girls say they want to lose weight and eat less, once they encounter something delicious, they basically can't keep their mouths shut.

"How is the taste?"


Well, that's pretty good.

Sakayanagi is a bit arrogant, so she will often deliberately downgrade something. Looking at her expression while eating skewers, the real estate agent knew that it was definitely not okay.

What's more, when a eldest lady like her, eating common people's food, said the word "okay", it already represented her approval.

After all, these kebabs are not rotten meat and fake meat. The kebabs made from real fresh meat are naturally very fresh. With various condiments, the taste is really great.

It just lacks the flavor of a roadside stall, which makes the real estate agent sigh a little.

But it's okay if you don't have it. If you have it, Sakayanagi won't say 'it's okay' but will spit it out after taking one bite.

She is very particular about her diet.

"Wow~ It tastes so good."

The real estate agent felt his stomach while walking on the road, and a lot of these things went into his stomach.

Sakayanagi didn't eat much and was full after six or seven skewers. This skewer is not just a small piece of meat that costs five yuan a piece, but it has a lot of meat. A skewer in an ordinary Chinese city would cost three or four yuan.

"You enjoyed your meal quite a bit."

"What about you? Are you happy eating?"

"Oh, that's it."

Next to the real estate agent, Sakayanagi's face was flushed. It was obvious that the energy of the fruit wine had come back, and she felt a little light now.

It felt like she was about to fly, but she still resisted playing around.

It looks like I will have to drink less in the future.

Sakayanagi was different from Ryuuen. Ryuen became a little addicted after drinking it once, but she planned to restrain herself even more.

After all, she is the eldest lady, and every move she makes is very important. It cannot be shown appropriately.

She just drank a bottle of fruit wine today, and that was it. She didn't dare to think about it in the future. So she chose not to have any contact in the future.

Don't think about it until there is no one else around.

"Really? Then why do I feel happy watching you eat?"

"I want you to take care of it."

Sakayanagi, who was a little drunk, was still a little bit tempered at this time, which made the real estate agent secretly laugh several times.

"Okay, okay, no matter, no matter. You don't have anywhere else to go, right? Then go back to the dormitory."

"Then where else do you want to go? There's no other place besides the dormitory."

"Haha, maybe go to a place like KTV, forget it, let's go, go back. You can try hot pot next time."

"Oh, I won't treat you casually, so don't think too much about it."

"Then how about I treat you next time?"

"When? Next month?"


"Use our Class A points to treat me as a guest, right? You can do it."

"You're not at a loss either. You'll have to eat more when the time comes. If you can earn back whatever you can, count as much as you can."

Maybe Sakayanagi had a drink, but she didn't have any hostility now, so the two of them were chatting happily.

The two chatted like this all the way until they separated in the dormitory.

Chapter 180: Boring, completely boring

"Ah...yesterday it was Karuizawa and today it's Kushida. You guys are really good..."

Early in the morning, the housing agent was woken up by his cell phone.

When I turned on my phone, I saw that it was Kushida who asked me to go to the KTV.

They all go to KTV...

The real estate agent shook his head slightly. To be honest, there are only a few places where girls can appear with boys, and in this school, the cheap place is naturally the KTV.

Not to mention the environment here is pretty good.

"What, going out again?"

Ryūen turned over. It seemed that she hadn't woken up yet and was still confused.

"Well, I've been invited. I'm going out. You can go on to sleep."

After stretching, the real estate agent yawned, then put on his shoes, washed up, and got ready to go out.

Today is Saturday. I went to KTV early in the morning and I don't know what they were thinking.

Especially since he had already sung it last night, he now found it a bit boring.

But it can be said that he was definitely not a major singer in the past, so he was just hanging around.

He was curious about one thing, what reason would Kushida give to invite him?

He was obviously a student in Class C, so he would look out of place with Kushida, and he was not Kushida's boyfriend.

But after arriving at the place, the housing agent understood the reason for inviting him.

Because there are students from all four classes present.

Masayoshi Hashimoto and Masumi Kamuro from Class A, Honami Ichinose and Sa Shibata from Class B, myself and Albert Yamada from Class C, Kikyo Kushida, Seihime Ayanokouji, Yosuke Hirata, and Miu Wang from Class D. and Heart of Inokashira.

"Hey, Brother Hirata, you're here too."

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be invited too."

When he came over and saw the central air conditioner, the housing agent smiled and said hello to him.

Central air-conditioning Yosuke Hirata, his excessive Asashi can indeed give people too much sense of security, but it is a pity that he is not resourceful enough, so he is so miserable in the original work.

Apparently he had a girlfriend, Karuizawa, but ended up breaking up with her, so that girl chose the more powerful Ayanokouji.

In this life, Ayanokouji would not be able to steal his girlfriend unless he had some control over her. As a result, the real estate agency came out again.

But is this actually better? At least he won't have a girlfriend and break up peacefully, right?

Now these two people are still calling themselves brothers here. After all, they are the same kind of people in some aspects.

Being carried over to support the number of people.

Singing in KTV is of course an AA system, so if there are only a few girls, it will be a great experience, but the points will cost a lot, and it will be convenient if there are more people to come and share.

"What are you two talking about? You seem quite happy."

Kushida came over and pulled the two of them together: "Let's go, everyone is here, let's go to the private room~"

KTV private rooms are either large or small. Compared to the ordinary private rooms yesterday, this time because there were so many people, I naturally chose the large private rooms.

Just like when the real estate agent first came here, the large private room is still quite grand, with four screens placed on the four sides, making it very convenient to watch anywhere you want.

It is said that KTV also has the kind of service that can provide certain special venues. The real estate agency has only heard about this. Whether it is true or not will be discussed in detail later.

Maybe you can take Kushida to see the special private room when you are free one day? After all, the sound insulation of the KTV is pretty good, and it's good to play some strange games.

As for why not Longyuan? Isn't this nonsense? Who is playing with whom in the special private room with Long Yuan? The real estate agent couldn't beat her.

He is thinking about dark things in his heart, but on the outside he has a friendly expression.

"Hashimoto-san is actually coming to the party."

The real estate agent was still saying hello to Hashimoto, but Hashimoto shrugged; "Yes, the eldest lady wants me and Kamuro to come over and keep an eye on the situation. Rather than standing outside, I would rather spend some points here. , after all, the points are enough."

"Yeah, that's good. After all, it's boring to just stay outside... Kamuro, what are you looking at?"

The real estate agent saw that Kamuro was looking in a certain direction, and he also looked over, but Kamuro shook his head: "Nothing, let's go and sing."

Sometimes, Kamuro is still very cold, especially when Hashimoto is around.

The real estate agent could feel that today's Kamuro was different from what she usually encountered. On the contrary, she seemed to pay no attention to anyone. Even when the real estate agent asked something, she responded coldly.

The only difference was that Masayoshi Hashimoto was here today, and Masayoshi Hashimoto would always look at her from time to time.

Oh haha, men chase women, there is a mountain between them, brother~

The real estate agent wished he could whistle now to watch the excitement, but obviously, he did not choose to do so.

After all, if you really brag, everyone will look at you strangely. After all, they didn't notice these things.

The private rooms are still the same ones we used last time. There are only two large private rooms of this kind. Generally speaking, two are enough, and it is rare for them to be full.

After all, there are not even 1,000 people in the entire school. How could we be so lucky that just three small groups would come and sit in the large private room?

Not to mention that the second and third grade CD classes don't have enough points in their hands to talk about spending money here. This year's Class C is a little bit different, and it's able to take advantage of Class A.

"Come on, you can order whatever you want to sing~"

The organizers this time are undoubtedly Ichinose and Kushida, so they have the greatest say. After listening to Ichinose's words, Kushida was the first to react: "Then I'll order it first~ Everyone, don't be shy, just order some."

To be honest, the two people organizing this time... had a small failure.

They are not particularly proactive people.

I won't mention the two people from Class A. Shibata Sa from Class B is a somewhat introverted young man, and so is Albert from Class C. The housing agent is too lazy to arouse emotions.

As for Class D... Inokashira Kokoro and Wang Meiyu didn't take the initiative either. Hirata would choose to take action only when the situation was about to become embarrassing.

But what surprised the real estate agent was that Ayanokouji was eager to give it a try this time. It seemed like she wanted to avenge her embarrassment this time after being embarrassed in the KTV last time.

Well, it's a good thing if someone takes the initiative. When two people take the initiative, they can get everyone to play. It's not difficult to heat up the place.

Everyone was ordering songs in twos and threes and getting ready to sing. Even Kamuro, who had a stinky face, specially ordered a song.

Of course, she didn't order a song like "Please Don't Come Near Me", but she ordered a very normal song, which made the real estate agent feel a bit boring and uninteresting at all.

Chapter 181: Stop hiding it, there's no need

"How boring does a KTV have to be that you would rather come out and watch me go to the toilet than listen to music there?"

The real estate agent came out of the toilet to wash his hands and asked Masumi Kamuro who was leaning against the wall at the door of the toilet.

"I wouldn't even want to come today if I could."

Masumi Kamuro clicked her tongue twice. It seemed that she was in a bad mood today.

"How do you say? Because of Hashimoto's existence?"

"It's one of them."

"You're in such a bad mood. Are your relatives coming?"

The real estate agent didn't expect that he guessed it right after just saying it casually. Looking at her face that was gradually becoming colder, the real estate agent understood her situation.

She was not feeling well at first, but she was called to work by Sakayanagi, and she even had to work with this guy Hashimoto. Two annoying things were piled on top of each other, and she was naturally in a bad mood.

"Then you ask for leave from Sakayanagi. Why, she is so short-staffed that she even needs sick patients to work?"

"I said I would not refuse her request, so I kept my word."

"You are quite trustworthy."

"Isn't keeping one's word a matter of course?"

"makes sense."

Yes, keeping one's word is a matter of course, but now you are praised for keeping one's word, tsk tsk.

The real estate agent shook his head and changed the subject: "You hate Hashimoto? Why? How did he offend you?"

"He didn't offend me, I just don't like his style."

"Bat Diplomacy?"

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