Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 103

Author: Jiushijiu

"Well, that's boring."

Kamuro Masumi hugged his chest and hummed softly: "At best, he is being wise to protect himself, but at worst, he is bullying the weak and fearing the strong. When faced with a crisis, he never thinks about how to overcome it, but thinks about how to avoid it. He never "Loyalty, why should I be nice to him?"

"So if he likes you you won't accept him?"

"It's a joke. For a person with his personality, what's the use of liking me? A real disaster is imminent. He can run faster than me. What do I want with this kind of waste?"

Kamuro Masumi said and glanced at the real estate agent who was blow drying his hands there: "If he was half as reliable as you, I wouldn't hate him so much."

"So according to what you said, if he could be like me, you would be willing to be with him?"

"I didn't say that, don't over-understand it."

It could be seen that she was indeed in a bad mood. Faced with what the real estate agent said in a joking tone, her answer was more of disdain.

It's not that I disdain the real estate agent for saying this, but I disdain that Hashimoto can't be the same as the real estate agent.

The real estate agent is someone who is willing to stop her when she sees herself doing bad things and use him as a negative example to educate her. How could Hashimoto do such a thing?

For him, doing more is worse than doing less. If he sees himself doing something bad, he will definitely choose to pretend not to see it.

One is a person who is kind to everyone who is not an enemy, and the other is a person who only thinks about himself and does not consider others at all. Who do you need to choose as your boyfriend?

She is not interested in falling in love now, otherwise maybe the housing agency is really a good choice.

As for him being Karuizawa's boyfriend? ha? It's none of her business. A man has to fight for it by himself. If he doesn't fight for it, will he be able to look at her sweetly? It's another thing to try and fail, but when you think about it, there's nothing to say if you don't even dare to take action.

In a way, there is nothing wrong with her idea. It is hard to say whether it is right or wrong.

"Okay, it's almost time to come out, it's time to go back."

"What, you really want to sing?"

"No, I just want to hear Ayanokouji sing. She was in trouble last time when she came to the KTV. This time I want to see how she will turn the situation around."

"Are you just curious about this?"


The real estate agent hummed twice, and he and Kamuro returned to the KTV and continued to listen to everyone singing.

Occasionally, when called, I would order a song and then sing along with others.

After all, when it comes to singing, sometimes when a popular song comes out, everyone will choose to sing it, which leads to the phenomenon of multiple people singing the same song.

The real estate agent is also happy to see this, and it will be easier for him to fish.

In this way, the morning ended quickly.

As for whether he was happy or not... the real estate agent didn't feel very happy. He was more pleased.

I am happy that Ayanokouji can finally join the group.

This kid who has been walking on the edge has always worried the real estate agent. Seeing him grow to this point, the real estate agent is also very happy.

"Phew, we had a great time, let's all disperse, right?"

"Eh? Don't you want to eat together?"

"There are too many people, and it's hard to agree with everyone, so forget it."

Kushida did not choose to let everyone have another lunch together. Although it sounded like it would enhance friendship, it was not good for her.

She still has things she wants to deal with.

For example, ask the real estate agent carefully about what happened yesterday.

"That's fine too."

"Then I'll be leaving. Goodbye everyone."

Masayoshi Hashimoto waved his hands to everyone and left very comfortably.

He was the only person in the room who didn't have to look at Ichinose and Kushida's eyes, so after someone took the lead and left, everyone left in twos and threes.

The real estate agent didn't go far. Instead, he went to a nearby beverage shop to buy drinks and waited for Kushida to come over.

Kushida definitely didn't just ask him to come to the KTV just to have fun, she definitely had some ideas of her own.

So the real estate agent doesn't mind one more person at lunch.

"Phew, you actually knew to wait for me."

"What if I don't wait for you and then you send a message asking me to wait for you? Forget it, I'm not that boring. Well, which one do you choose between watermelon juice and orange juice?"

"I want watermelon."

Kushida immediately brought the watermelon juice over and took a sip.

"But who is that glass of yours for?"

"For the poor guy who has to follow us at this time."

After the housing agent briefly explained the situation to Kushida, he walked out of the shop and came to a tree not far away. He handed her the hot orange juice in his hand: "Here, drink some. At least it's hot enough to keep you warm." Stomach."


Masumi Kamuro looked at the glass of orange juice and then at the housing agent.

She felt that she couldn't see through this man.

She couldn't understand why the real estate agent would make this choice.

"Okay, thank you very much."

"Besides, I'll say it again, just listen if you want to. I don't like to play cat and mouse games. There is no need to hide, especially when you feel uncomfortable."

Chapter 182: Ibuki, Wen Que, Coal Risk,

The three of us ate this meal together. The real estate agent was sitting on a chair looking at the menu, thinking about what dish to order for Kamuro.

It has to be said that compared to Ryuuen, Kamuro doesn't show signs of physical weakness, but his bad temper is obvious. Sure enough, different girls have different reactions when their relatives come.

This really has nothing to do with physical fitness, it is generally a genetic problem. The real estate agent once met a girl whose relatives were in good health and were even on the school track and field team, and they were as if they were seven or eight levels of weakness when they arrived. They also saw relatives of girls who were frail and frail and didn't eat what they should eat when they arrived. Mama Xiang situation.

Generally speaking, he is not a woman and cannot understand the pain in this aspect.

Just like girls don't understand the anguish of a boy who was kicked in the balls by a football, everyone's differences make human beings' joys and sorrows different.

"Just be casual, I'm not as weak as Ryuuen."

"Why, do you still know about Longyuan?"

"Oh, we also have a source of information here. Here, take a look."

Kamuro rummaged through her phone for some news, and soon she found it and showed it to the real estate agent.

Oh, it turns out to be Ibuki Yunan Xi.

I don't know who she sent the message to, but it was screenshotted and then sent to Sakayanagi.

Okay, everyone in Class A knows about this fun, right? Ibuki

It seems that there is still a mole in Class C and needs to be cleaned up.

The real estate agent rubbed his chin, thinking about how to solve this problem.

Hmm...forget it, let's leave it to Ryuuen to deal with. The housing agency has nothing to do with the issue of unity within the class, so Ryuuen still has to deal with it.

"Tsk, tsk, that's okay, then I'll be normal."

Since Kamuro said it didn't matter, then he really did it as if it didn't matter.

Now that he had no other worries, it was much easier to order food. However, he did not prepare anything that was not suitable for relatives to eat when they came, so he quickly ordered it and let the waiter handle it.

"I feel like my expenses have been a bit high recently, and I have a headache."

"What, you still missed the count?"

"That's it. Well, that's it."

The real estate agent handed Kamuro his cell phone to look at. Kamuro looked at the cell phone and saw that there were only more than 10,000 points left on it. He frowned and said, "You're not a lavish spender, are you?"

"It's just that the expenses are high. When I buy more and more random things, I gradually can't count them."

The real estate agent said, sighing faintly, and looked at Kushida again: "So Kushida, you also know my situation. If you have anything to do, just tell me as soon as possible. I have to find a way to earn points in the afternoon."

"If you are so weak, do you need me to borrow it..."

"That's not the case. It's okay. There are no outsiders here. Even though Kamuro is from Class A, it doesn't make much difference whether she is there or not. If I hadn't called her over, she would have overheard her not far away. Just go ahead and Say it."

The real estate agent could tell that Kushida didn't want to talk about things because there were outsiders. But the real estate agent mentioned this, so Kushida had to ask directly: "The agent, what happened between you and Karuizawa-san? She seemed to be in a bad mood after last night."

"Oh? You know?"

"Well, because she was seen by her classmates when she returned to the dormitory, the group is talking about it today."

Hmm... It should be a small group for girls. After all, there is Karuizawa in the big group, so it would definitely be inappropriate to talk to her directly.

"That's it...it's not a big or small thing. The main thing is that I gave her a choice."


"Well, she wanted to confess, so I explained my actual situation to her and let her choose whether to continue to confess."

"Wow, isn't it a bit too..."

"What's too much? She would have known about it sooner or later. Instead of letting her confess to me with great expectations, it would be better to let her understand my actual situation before she considers whether to make a choice."

Communication between people is like two hedgehogs. When they first meet each other, they can see the good side of each other, but gradually as the relationship between the two people develops, the bad sides hidden in the dark side will also be exposed.

If both parties can tolerate and accept the bad side of the other party, they can be together. If they cannot accept it, they will break up.

The real estate agent took the initiative to pull out the thorns and let the other party see them. If they can accept them, then these thorns are useless. If you can't accept it, you can withdraw in advance and avoid further harm.

Perhaps this is also the strange gentleness that is unique to him.

"You... aren't you worried that she will despair because of this?"

"It's not despair, it's just that she can't accept it for a while. After all, for her, falling in love is not the most important thing. For her, the most important thing is safety."

"Safe? What do you mean?"

"Well... I can't say this. After all, this is her secret. I can only say this much."

The real estate agent has a strong mind and knows what he can tell others and what he cannot tell others. Therefore, he chose to keep this secret for Karuizawa.

Unless she really comes out of this shadow, it is impossible for the real estate agent to tell other people this secret.

"Okay...will she really be fine?"

"Probably...at worst, I'll go see her tomorrow."

"Can you enter the girls' dormitory?"

"The corridor is still accessible. After all, there happens to be someone I know on the floor where she is."

Well, it's not just people I know, it's a lot of people I know.

Ayanokouji, Ryuuen, Shiina, Kushida, and Ichinose are all girls on the same floor as Karuizawa. So there are too many reasons to see each other.

The only thing that may worry the real estate agent is what reason should be used to let the other party open the door.

But there should be a way to do it by then. There must be a road for the car to reach the mountain, and the person who ties the bell must untie it.

"That's it... Then if you can't come in, just send me a message. I should be in the dormitory tomorrow."

"It's okay. I have other options if you're not here. After all, it's too easy for the eldest sister to find an excuse. At the worst, I can tell the dormitory aunt to clean up the house. I agreed last time and should be able to pass this time."

"If you really find it troublesome, I can take you in directly tomorrow."

Kamuro also said at this time: "Karuizawa lives across the door from me."

Okay, what is the concept of this floor? Do all the co-authors know the real estate agent?

The real estate agent listened to her words and didn't know what to say.

Chapter 183: Women are not allowed to stay in college

It was very easy to deal with Kushida. Her question was too easy to answer for a real estate agency.

As for whether Kamuro will tell Sakayanagi if he heard it... it doesn't matter anymore. After all, Karuizawa was seen returning to the dormitory alone in a very depressed mood, and yesterday he was watching alone Stars and Sakayanagi would have guessed what happened if they weren't stupid.

The real estate agent just told her the real answer, nothing special.

It's not a secret.

"Uh-huh, you're not going to leave yet?"

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