Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 110

Author: Jiushijiu

It's true that the real estate agent didn't start it, but he naturally had to follow through on putting out the fire.

Since Long Binjiang started the fire, she had to put it out.

One thing to say is that Long Binjiang's physical fitness is better than Long Yuan. Compared with Long Yuan who fell at halftime, Long Binjiang could barely keep up until the end.

Well, she just followed reluctantly. In the second half, she was basically passive defensive, at least she didn't completely surrender.

"Okay, then are you ready to go?"

Long Binjiang gets dressed very quickly, and when it comes to putting on makeup, she just puts on lipstick and is done.

After all, he is a sunny and youthful high school student. His skin is already good, so there is no need to be so anxious about wearing light makeup.

All I can say is that if you are born good, you can do whatever you want.

The real estate agent opened the door and secretly looked around to see if anyone was around, but was pushed out by Long Binjiang.

"Stop being sneaky, be serious and let's go."

Long Binjiang directly dragged the housing agent out of the dormitory, while the dormitory aunt watched the housing agent leave with a mixture of confusion, confusion, and shock.

This young man... spent the night in the girls' dormitory?

Chapter 193 It's time for another class meeting

"Where did you get to yesterday?"

After the real estate agent came to the classroom, Long Yuan snorted. After he sat down, he turned around and asked.

"What step is it?"

"I haven't come back all night. I don't believe you didn't do anything."

"Ahem, I didn't do much, I just drank some wine, and then..."


"The drama happened again."

The real estate agent spoke very reservedly, but Long Yuan understood what he meant.

She leaned back slightly, showing the expression of an old man using his cell phone on the subway.

"Then what did she say?"

"She said... She's almost an adult now. It's just for fun. Don't take it too seriously."

"anything else?"

"And... I might come visit you more often in the future."

"What are you doing here?"

"Eat something, then have a good time or something... I think she might be similar to you."

"What does it mean to be almost like me?"

"I kind of like doing this kind of thing."


Long Yuan directly pressed the housing agent's head on the table: "There are some things that you can't say even if you know them, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, I understand, I was wrong, don't press the button, wait a minute, you won't lock me again, will you? Damn it, it hurts, it hurts, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Well, Class C's special features started early in the morning, right?

The students couldn't help but shake their heads as they watched the real estate agent being held down and fucked again.

Hey, it's true, the relationship between the military advisor and the eldest sister is still as good as ever.

"Ahem, you're almost done playing, so sit back down."

Sakagami Suma was already standing on the podium at some point. He coughed twice and motioned for the two of them to sit back obediently.


Fortunately, Sakagami Sima came, otherwise the housing agency wouldn't know what to do.

He felt like his waist was about to break.

This guy definitely had an opinion, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to say that he was being so cruel to him, and it hurt even more than usual.


After pretending to cry, the real estate agent returned to his seat silently, listening to Sakagami preparing for the class meeting.

"Do you need to say anything else on stage today, Fang Fang?"

"No, it's nothing today."

The real estate agent clapped his hands and said that he had nothing to say. After all, he only went to school for two days last week.

The other two days are exams, not school, so if you have anything to say, yes, but it's not necessary... forget it, let's just say it.

"No, there is a small matter."

"Then just tell me."

"It's okay, teacher, I can just say it here, just one sentence."

The housing agent said, looking at everyone in the class: "Let me just say this, if anyone is bullied in the next few weeks, whether it is a senior student or a teacher, they must tell us in time. We I will definitely seek justice for my classmates."

"Well, that's right. If someone is bullied, you must tell the monitor or teacher, and we will definitely let everyone seek justice."

The other horses on the mountain also followed suit. In Japan, many people are unwilling to trouble others, so they will hold back any harm they receive.

If it were other teachers, they might not say this, but for Sakagami Suma, he didn't want to see his students being bullied.

He has nothing to pursue here, and he doesn't want everyone to reach Class A. It's already unfortunate to come to this school, why should it be even more unfortunate?

As he said, he just wants everyone to have a good time in high school.


Sakagami Suma glanced at the real estate agent. Since he said this, it meant...

Sure enough, he was going to take action, and he didn't know which of the second-year students would be tricked.

To be honest, Sakagami Suma almost knew that he was going to attack the second-year students when he went to the housing agency to learn about the bad gang.

Heh, the second graders probably never dreamed that the freshmen who just came to this school would attack them, right?

This should be considered the first time since the school was founded.


It cannot be said that there is no successor, but it is certain that there is no one before.

"Okay, now that he's finished talking, I'm going to hold a class meeting. The results of this quiz are already out."

As the words of Sakagami came out, everyone couldn't help but let out a wailing sound.

They didn't expect that the exam papers would be finished so quickly.

"What are you whining about? Is this a normal thing? After all, you have a holiday on Friday and our teachers don't have a holiday."

Indeed, some big schools may not be able to produce results so quickly, and even if they are done quickly, the questions will probably be judged hastily.

But this school is an exception. There are a total of 160 students in four classes, and there is more than one teacher judging a test paper, so it is very fast after dividing it equally. One day is enough.

"So now let's talk about the results. First of all, the first place in the class, classmate Kinda Satoru."

Kinda Satoru is indeed smart, so there is nothing wrong with him getting first place.

"The second place is Shiina Hiyori-san. The third place is Asakawa Takane-san."

Hiyori Shiina and everyone are normal, but Asakawa's wealth really scares many people.

He usually remains quiet, but at this time he quietly amazed everyone.

"Then I won't read the next names one by one. After receiving the class fees at the beginning of next month, I will transfer the points to the accounts of the students who are ranked high and whose grades have improved."

The real estate agent said before that those who rank high and make rapid progress will be rewarded, so this also stimulates everyone's enthusiasm. Generally speaking, the test results this time are very good.

Well, except for housing agencies.

When the real estate agent got the report card, Sakagami Suma even glared at him.

There was no way, who told him to run so fast, but when he saw the results, they were all over 60 points.


The real estate agent just laughed and decided not to take the exam next time.

No matter what test you take, class points will not be deducted for missing the test anyway.

After all, it's just a mock test.

"Okay, everyone has received their results, let's talk about the second thing, the midterm exam."

Speaking of the exams, Sakagami Suma's face straightened: "Unlike this quiz, the midterm exam will be very important. Everyone must treat it carefully. Not only will the midterm exam increase the class points, but if someone If you fail, you will be dropped from school. Please note that if you fail in one subject, you will be dropped from school, so you must not fail the exam. I have also seen the last few students who passed this time. It's not necessarily the case, you must pay attention, do you understand?"


"Very well, let's talk about the next thing."

Next, it's time for Sakagami's nagging class meeting again.

Chapter 194: Just bragging

"Are you going to make a big move?"

In the office, Sakagami Suma asked the real estate agent: "How old do you plan to be?"

"Hmm... it should be big, hard to say."

"Hard to say?"

"Yes, I initiated this operation, but I did not execute it. So how big the fuss will be depends on what the person will do."

The real estate agent shrugged. He really couldn't tell what Saku Maon would tell Koda Yoko.

He was afraid that Xiangtian Zizi would really dare to take all of Nagyunya's points.

By the way, how many points does Nagumoya have?

Well, it doesn't matter how much. The important thing is that he has to think about how to handle this matter smoothly and efficiently.

Saku Maone, oh, this terrible woman. She looks pretty, but turns out to be careless in her work.

Perhaps this is why so-called beautiful women are more dangerous.

The real estate agent shook his head and stopped thinking about these nonsense. Instead, he continued to think about another problem.

How should he act.

"Really? Will there be any trouble then?"

"I probably won't, but I guess someone will be upset and start causing trouble, so I will remind everyone to be careful recently. If you are bullied..."

"What, you want to cheat again?"

"What does it mean to cheat again? Have I ever done this before?"

You are really tough-talking.

Sakagami Suma looked at the real estate agent with a confused look on his face, as if he had really never done anything.

But he knew that the most troublesome person in the class was not Long Yuan, but him.

Long Yuan is a piece of shit, how could she have a real estate agency to do something shady?

He just doesn't let Totsuka from Class A leave Class A, just so that Class A's points won't be surpassed by Class B.

As long as Class A remains Class A, B will not attack Class C, at least not on its own initiative.

Otherwise, it would be much easier for them to be attacked from both sides.

Everyone is smart, so it's easy to talk. If you were a fool, you would probably say that you are the only one in the world, and then you would play three classes in one class.

Either conquer three classes, or get beaten to the ground and sing "Conquer".

"Okay, then you must be careful. If anything happens, tell me, teacher, and I will find a way to protect you."

"Don't worry, teacher, this kind of thing will basically never happen."

The real estate agent said with a slight smile.

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