Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 111

Author: Jiushijiu

Not to mention, he was also very happy after listening to Sakagami's words.

It's so fucking cool to have someone willing to wipe your butt behind you.

There is no need to worry too much about the issue of the back road, as long as you can rest assured and leave the back to the other party.

With Ryuen and Shiina cooperating within the class, Sakagami can handle any subsequent troubles, which is a great environment for him to perform.

It's really worthy of being in Class C. It's so good.

Well, at this time, he didn't think that Class D had more talents, but he thought that Class C was very good.


Walking out of Sakagami Suma's office, the real estate agent took his mobile phone and started sending messages.

'Have Xiang Tian Zi agreed? '

'She said she already understood what she had to do...is that really true? '

'Oh, don't worry, just make sure she doesn't slip and fall. '

'She cherished her life very much. '

'so what? Are you really planning to abandon this best friend of yours? '

'abandon? She should be fine, right? '

Ha, pretend, keep pretending.

The real estate agent finally figured out that this woman, like him, was someone who liked to pretend.

It's a pity that she is a little too greedy, and her brain is not very good.

It's really a pity for such a good person, hehe.

Sighing slightly, the real estate agent was thinking about how to get rid of her too.

After all, in this kind of thing, it would be better if there is one less person who knows the truth.

Neither Oniryuin nor Himuro would betray anyone casually, but this one was hard to say.

Now while she doesn't know who she is, who knows if she will find out somehow? So it still has to be resolved.

Then let her face Nagyunya's wrath.


"What's the matter, you sighing?"

"It's nothing, I just lament that some people can share hardships but not joys... No, senior sister, why are you here?"

The housing agent suddenly turned his head and looked at Long Binjiang behind him.

She was holding a lollipop in her mouth, leaning against the wall and looking at herself.

"Because I'm curious about what you will do. I heard that you are going to take action today?"

"What action?"

The real estate agency once again showed its characteristic of being stupid.

When something is ready to happen, he will pretend that it has nothing to do with him, and his appearance made Long Binjiang laugh twice: "Okay, you, you are really like a little kid." Fox-like."

"A fox will be a fox."

Forget it, it's not just one or two people who call him that anyway.

"By the way, if you have any trouble, you can come to me, senior. After all, it was like that yesterday. I will protect you if anything happens in the future."

"Ah... you are too casual, aren't you?"

"Is it casual? There is nothing wrong with drinking the strongest wine, riding the strongest horse, and being a man with the strongest sun, right?"

Yes, and it's a big problem.

Isn't she the fiercest woman? What the hell is a man?


After a very perfunctory drawl, the real estate agent also leaned against the wall, and the two of them just looked at the scenery quietly.

During the rare break between classes, the housing agent was not doing anything else. He and Long Binjiang just stayed here quietly without saying a word.

"Senior, don't you have any friends? You've stayed here for so long."

"Haha, not many. And basically there is no need to contact the relationship now. What, are you disturbing your work?"

"No, I'm just asking. I think you should have a lot of friends with your temper, senior."

"Ha, there are not many people who are right. After all, you should know the situation of our second grade, right? A mediocrity and a lot of cowards. There are not many people who are capable. Basically, it doesn't matter. The best one is probably Ice Room."

But Himuro doesn't usually come to school, so that's the problem. She really isn't familiar with many people.

"What about Ghost Ryūin-senpai?"

"I'm not familiar with her. She recently wanted to recruit me into her gang, but I haven't agreed yet."

"Join a gang? What gang?"

"How to fight against Nagyun Ya? Why, you should be interested, right?"

"I'm not interested. Does Nagyunya still need to work together to deal with it?"

"Oh, are you so loud?"

"It's just bragging. In fact, it won't be easy to deal with him when the time comes. After all, he is going to be the student council president."

"You know all this?"

"Well, so let them take the lead. I'll just poke my butt from time to time."

"You are really insidious."

Chapter 195 The farce begins

At noon, after the last class in the morning, everyone was ready to find a place to eat in small groups, or go directly to the cafeteria to find something to eat.

The real estate agent had no plans to have lunch with Karuizawa today.

On the one hand, he hasn't figured out how to meet Karuizawa yet, and on the other hand, he was in a hurry today and didn't make lunch, so he had to go to the supermarket to buy food.

Of course, this was just what he said to others. In fact, it was just that he couldn't cook in Long Binjiang's dormitory.

And he didn't plan to buy food, but asked Albert to take a meal with him when he went to eat, and he was going to observe and make sure that there was no problem with his action.

Again, God decides what he plans and what he plans. If it fails this time, whether calculated mentally or not, the reason can only be a matter of God's calculation.

"Then the fun begins next."

Sitting on a bench that was perfect for observation, the real estate agent looked at the rooftop of the club's teaching building not far away.

Something very interesting will happen there today.

At the same time, somewhere in the school.

Asahina Hagi looked at the delinquents around her with a wary face.

"What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I just want to invite you to have a meal."

"Have a meal? Invite me?"

"Yes, please come with us, we don't want to embarrass you."

As he said this, the burly girl who had previously threatened the real estate agent was standing behind Asahina: "Please, we don't want to be violent."


What else could Asahina say? She could only go with these people.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to leave. Since he was going to be taken away anyway, at least she should follow him obediently.

At least in school, they can't do that many things.

"Sister, I've already invited someone over."

"Well, okay. Just wait at the door."

In a certain classroom, Ippon Akemi looked at Asahina quietly and couldn't help but sneered: "Come on, please sit here."

"You said you wanted to treat me to dinner?"

"Yes, it's not an expensive meal. After all, we don't have many points. Please."

The rice Ippon Akemi took out was pork chop rice. Looking at the meal, Asahina felt that there seemed to be deep malice in the meal.

"I didn't commit any crime."

"I know, I just happened to buy some. Why, can't you eat this?"

"That won't happen."

Looking at the pork chop rice, Asahina looked at Ippon Akemi: "Do you mind if I send a text message?"

"I don't mind, as long as you're here, you can do whatever you want."

"Then how long will I stay?"

"Hmm... one noon. You can't refuse anyway, can you?"


Asahina is really helpless about this. She can't defeat this group of bad guys, so she can only stay here.

"Don't worry, we won't do anything to you. Our job is just to ask you to stay here and send a message by the way."

"A message?"

"Oh, this has nothing to do with you, you don't need to know."

Ippon Akemi was crossing her legs and sending a message to the real estate agent: 'I have already brought you to the classroom, when are you going to send a text message? '

'Wait for my order and send it when I say it's okay. '

'good. '

The housing agent put down his cell phone and looked at the club's teaching building again.

At this time, there were already a lot of students standing under the teaching building. Some of them were on the phone, some were taking photos, and some were watching the show.

Why are they gathering there, you ask? Because someone wanted to jump off the building.

Well, the student on the rooftop at this time is Xiang Tian Zi.

She was sitting next to the rooftop. If she moved forward even a little bit, she would fall directly from the fifth floor.

Down below, a teacher had already ran over.

"Xiang Tianye! What are you doing!"

"I'm going to jump off the building!"

Xiang Tian Zi sat there, looking very relaxed.

She wasn't crying or wandering there. She was even shaking her feet, as if waiting for something.

"Jump off the building?! Stop messing around and go back!"

"Go back? What then? I will be expelled from school next month. No one will want me to go back anyway, so I might as well just die here."

"There is still time, how can you give up so easily? You are still young, don't do stupid things!"

Next to him, another teacher was also persuading. But the fragrant leaves are still there.

She lowered her head and looked at the students below: "What's stupid? Is it right for me to be a good baby? I've been a good baby for more than ten years, and what's the result? Some bastard lied to me. My body also deceived me and put me in debt, but you still told me that you want me to be a good girl? "

"Were you deceived? Who was it? If something like this happened, you should tell the school. It's useless. You have to believe that the teachers will redress your injustice!"

"Redress the injustice? How is it possible? He is the next student council president, your treasure, and you are willing to abandon me for him? Anyway, this is a closed school. If I die, no one will know, and neither will the outside. Someone knows that someone died here, right? What are you afraid of?"

Xiangtian Ziye is very leisurely, as if you are traveling here.

But the position she was in at this time was too dangerous, and no one thought she was very leisurely.

But I don't really think she will jump off the building. After all, as we all know, people who really choose to jump off the building will jump off the building before everyone gathers. Now she is either fooling around or still struggling with whether to jump. Do not jump.

Obviously, Xiangtian leaves are the former.

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