Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 114

Author: Jiushijiu

"Then senior sister, aren't you also an accomplice?"

The real estate agent said with a slight smile, and Himuro Mayu couldn't help but laugh twice after listening to his words: "Indeed, I have become an accomplice. Okay, that bastard from Oniryuin can be considered as tricking me into a trap. Now we are all grasshoppers on the same rope."

"Senior sister, please take your time and work here. I'll come back after school."

"What are you doing here again?"

"How about we come over and talk about the accomplices?"

"Heh, okay, how about I buy some wine then?"

"Um...forget it, I drank a little too much yesterday and I'm still feeling a little uncomfortable now."

After the real estate agent recalled what happened yesterday, he did not plan to drink alcohol today.

That's right, I don't plan on it at all. This wine is really ignored sometimes.

He hasn't figured out his relationship with Long Binjiang yet, and he really can't bear the addition of another senior.

"Tch, you can't bear it after drinking some wine? Forget it, then don't come. It's boring."

"Okay, okay, then I'll come in two days. I'll come in two days. When I can drink, I'll come see my senior."

After the housing agent finished speaking, he directly said goodbye and left Himuro Mayu's dormitory.

Even if he has a big job, he is still a student who needs to go to school. Just like the heroes who save the world, after saving the world, they still need to go to work and go to school.

Those heroes need to do this, let alone an evil villain like him?

Well, the person who did such bad things must not be a good person, he is naturally a villain.

Back in the classroom, the real estate agent saw the lunch box placed on his desk.

"Didn't you go buy food? Why did you ask Yamada to bring you food again?"

Long Yuan, who was crossing her arms, looked at the housing agent. Did she think that the housing agent had started to act behind her back recently?

He needs to be shown who is the boss tonight.

"Ahem, I delayed something on the way and went to take care of it briefly, so I asked Albert to help bring food. Albert, how many points are there? I'll forward them to you."

"It's okay, military advisor, this little number is nothing."

"Don't talk nonsense. Just tell me a few points. I'm not short of this few points."

Although the real estate agent said so, Long Yuan couldn't bear to look at the ten thousand points in his mobile phone.

Where did he spend all his points...

If she hadn't known the character of the real estate agent, she would have suspected that the real estate agent was secretly keeping a woman outside.

In a way, the real estate agent really took care of Kushida. Kushida followed him. We can't say that we eat meat and drink together. It's just that if the real estate agent has a mouth, Kushida will definitely have a mouth.

By the way, she may not have many points left? Then let Himuro secretly send her points when the time comes.

Anyway, there is a limit to how many laundering points can be issued to an individual, but overall it is not difficult.

Then let Himuro give some to Ryuuen? I have more than six million saved, and I will definitely not be able to withdraw it all in the past three years. I can just use it to pay "salaries" to others.

Chapter 200: Don't worry, just play with him

Suddenly there was an extra six million yuan, and the real estate agent was very happy.

He is already rubbing his little hands and thinking about how to use this point.

To be honest, if you want to enter Class A, you need 20 million. This amount is naturally very large, but it is difficult for him to come up with it.

At least you can't use the more than six million to collect them. After all, they are now 'black points', and all it takes to clear them is time. But after three years, the points that can be laundered are less than three million, so the real estate agent must have said that he wants to use these points for other things.

For example... give points to Kushida and Karuizawa.

Yes, since these points can be washed, it is very convenient to give more people. After all, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope as him, so they must die together no matter what.

That being said, the real estate agent estimates that no one except Nagyunya would care that much about this point, and Nagyunya... he knows shit.

He didn't know that he had taken it away.

So where is Nagumoya now?

He is in the chairman's office now.

"Trace found."

At this time, in the chairman's office, in addition to Chairman Sakayanagi and Nagumo Masaru, there was also a teacher who was reporting the situation.

He is now holding a walkie-talkie and talking to the staff.

Nagyun Ya is still calm now, so what if Xiangtian Ziye destroys the phone? The school can track each student's mobile phone records, so he thinks it is not difficult for the school to get back the eight million points.

"Really? Then can you give the eight million to Nagyun-san?"

"This... we can't do it for the time being, because Xiangtian classmate transferred the points to a very strange account."

"Weird account?"

"Yes, it is the account of Tianming, who graduated from school nine years ago. We have already recovered this account, and logically it should not appear again."

"In other words, someone used Tianming's account to withdraw points?"

"And now the points are not in Tianming's account. Instead, they were immediately dispersed and transferred to other accounts, and then subdivided and transferred. These accounts are all former students' accounts."

"So where exactly is this point?"

"Right now... we are still auditing. The progress is very slow right now. There are nearly two hundred scattering and merging transfers in one minute. This operation is very complicated for us to track."


The teacher's face turned livid. He thought this was nothing troublesome, but it looked like...

The other party came prepared.

"So what's going on with my points now? Can I get them back?"

Nayunya also heard the words on the walkie-talkie, and his expression changed.

I thought it would be an easy thing, but now it seems... he may be in a lot of trouble.

"Huh, Nanyun-san, you should go back to class first. Regarding this matter, we will find a way to give an answer."

Chairman Sakayanagi looked at this scene and rubbed his head helplessly.

This thing is really a headache.

Nagumo Masato left the chairman's office with a livid face, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

I hope the school can be useful.

Watching Nagyunya leave, Chairman Sakayanagi looked at the teacher again: "Let's investigate Tianming's account again. Who has it communicated with?"

"This is also under investigation... It has been found that that account has exchanged information with four classmates, and now they are sorting out the conversation information and will send it to them soon."

"Which four classmates?"

"Saku Maone, Koda Yoko, Ippon Akemi and the housing agency."

"Are they all sophomores?"

"No, the real estate agent is a first-year student."

"Huh? Why would you send a message to a first grader?"

"This is also being verified... They have exported the information and will send it over now."


Soon, a teacher brought a stack of chat records to Chairman Sakayanagi's office.

Looking at the chat records, they all firmly believed that this operation was rehearsed in advance.

This mysterious person, let's call him X. According to this situation, X originally planned to cheat Nagumoya for 100,000 points, so he directly made a deal with Saku Maon and asked her to persuade Koda Yoko to do something like jumping off a building.

Then she sent a message to Ichimoto Akemi asking her to trap Asahina Nagi, so that Nagumoya could rush to see Asahina's situation so that she could quickly hand over the points to Koda Yoko at that time.

As for Xiangtian Ziye himself, he had no news with X, it was just a transfer record.

What about real estate agents?

Before X communicated with Saku Maon, he took the lead in looking for a housing agency.

This is a record of the messages they recorded.

'Are you interested in doing a deal? '

'Who are you? '

'This is not important, I'm just asking you, are you interested in earning some points? '

'I'm not interested. There's no way I'm interested in a guy who hides his head and shows his tail. '

'Yeah? What about thirty thousand points? '

'I repeat, I'm not interested in you. If you really want to discuss cooperation, don't be so secretive and come to me directly. '

'Yeah? That's a shame. Originally, I quite admired your brain. '

There are only so many messages recorded, and it can basically be seen that the housing agency did not intend to communicate with the other party, and the two of them never contacted each other again.

"Let's investigate the real estate agent's account information."

Chairman Sakayanagi sighed: "Forget it, let's ask him to come over first and ask him about the situation this time."

"Then check him?"

"There's no rush, let him come over first, there's no rush to investigate and record the information."

Chairman Sakayanagi gave up the matter of investigating his account information. After all, the two of them may not have a conversation by sending messages. It is more likely to be face-to-face communication.

So just call him over and ask him. Just an ordinary high school student. How good can he be in acting?

Sae Chabashira was in class at this time, but a teacher knocked on the door.

"Sorry, Mr. Chabashira, the chairman came over and wanted to call a classmate to inquire about the situation."


Chabashira Sae didn't care that her teaching was interrupted. She watched the teacher call the housing agent and leave the class before continuing her teaching.

If a classmate leaves, what does that have to do with her?

The real estate agent asked the teacher in front of him in confusion: "Teacher, what did the chairman call me for?"

"It's nothing, it's just that something big happened recently, and I wanted to ask you if you know any news."

Chapter 201: Let's check it out

To be honest, the real estate agent was panicked after being called into the office like this.

It was very similar to when he was taken to the backstage of a convenience store in junior high school.

At that time, I was saying that I wanted to ask him something, but the evidence turned out to be conclusive.

So what should he do now?

Licking his lips slightly, the real estate agent was panicking, but he didn't show it on the surface.

After all, he had experienced this kind of thing, and he felt a little unsure.

And...he also believed in Himuro-senpai.

He still remembered the scene he saw in Himuro-senpai's dormitory. The speed of her coding made him feel that Himuro-senpai was very strong.

When he was brought into the office, he was slightly relieved when he saw that Chairman Sakayanagi was the only one in the office.

But Chairman Sakayanagi should have no problem, it seems like a normal conversation.

If there is a circle of teachers around here, something big may have happened, but if there is only one chairman, these are two different concepts.

"Chairman, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, we have something here that we would like to consult with you on."

Chairman Sakayanagi smiled slightly, and he was not too young. He looked like a kind old man with a smile on his face.

But his ability to sit in this position is definitely not as simple as it seems.

"Okay, any questions?"

The housing agent asked seriously, while Sakayanagi waved his hand with a smile: "Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous. Sit down first. I just plan to chat with the housing classmate."

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