Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 115

Author: Jiushijiu

Have a chat? What do you want to talk about?

The real estate agent looked at Chairman Sakayanagi and said it was impossible to say he wasn't nervous.

After all, I do feel guilty.

Chairman Sakayanagi couldn't let go when he saw the real estate agent, and he also knew that the status difference between him and himself was too big, so he did not continue to hold up the airs, but poured him a cup of tea himself.

"Thank you, Chairman."

Seeing the chairman pouring tea for him personally, the real estate agent became more sure that the evidence was not conclusive to arrest him.

He picked up the tea and took a slight sip: "Good tea."

"Can you taste it?"

"I can't taste it, but I've had good tea, so I can compare it."

After learning that the chairman was not here to arrest him, he relaxed.

Seeing the real estate agent relax, the chairman also nodded slightly. As long as the other party is not nervous and has no resistance, then this conversation will be very easy.

At least he didn't intend to force anyone, he just asked a question.

"Fang Fang classmate, how have you been at school recently?"

"It's not bad. It's more interesting than I expected in high school."

"Really? It seems like you're very satisfied. Is there a lot of pressure in studying?"

"This is not a big deal. Basically, you can still pass the test."

"Really? Have you joined any clubs recently?"

"A club? No, I'm not someone who likes to join a club. What's more, my daily life is still a little...busy."


"Well, after all, we have to play with friends, so we still have to do a good job of socializing."

"Haha, that's true. It's normal to be busy."

A Ying once said that you can only have two out of the three in college: academics, social interaction, and sleep. Not to mention that in Japan, interpersonal communication is very important. Some small circles will be established quickly. If not handled properly, the problem will be serious.

"So overall you are satisfied with life here?"

"Yeah, it would be better if there were no S points."

"Do you know S points?"

"Well, I once asked Mr. Sakagami and he told me."

"Did he take the initiative?"

"I noticed something wrong and asked him, so I found out."

"Then you are not simple."

At this time, Chairman Sakayanagi almost understood why this X would find a housing agency. His power of observation is not simple.

Generally speaking, there are only a handful of students who can discover this kind of thing every semester, and sometimes there may be only one or two or even none at all.

"No, no, I just happened to notice the problem."

The real estate agent smiled slightly and didn't say anything more.

He felt as if the other party was inspecting him, but what exactly he was inspecting, he couldn't say.

So he planned to see what Chairman Sakayanagi was trying to do.

"I see... By the way, have any strange people contacted you recently?"

It was only at this time that Chairman Sakayanagi had no idea.

After listening to these words, the housing agent understood why the chairman came to find him.

He remembered that after he got the mobile phone, he entertained himself for a while.

The reason... I'm worried that someone will investigate the message records.


The real estate agent seemed to recall something, and his expression changed slightly.

He vaguely remembered... He seemed to have sent a message to his senior sister about washing points, right?

Wouldn't this be exposed?

"Huh? What's wrong? You look so bad?"

"It's nothing, I just remembered that there was indeed a strange person. He told me that he wanted to earn points together, but I didn't agree."

"Oh why?"

"I don't know him, and I don't understand him. He used an account full of garbled characters to send messages to me. I was worried that I would be deceived, so I didn't agree... What, something happened?"

"Well... I understand this. Don't worry, Fangfang-san, I just want to understand the situation. You don't have to be so nervous."

Although Chairman Sakayanagi said this, he still squinted at the real estate agent, and the real estate agent asked nervously: "Then Chairman, that is to say... have you seen the records of messages sent on my mobile phone? ?"

"That's not true. What, do you have anything to worry about, Fang Fang-san?"

"No, no."

The real estate agent waved his hands slightly, pretending that nothing was wrong. But the panic in his eyes was clearly exposed.

So Chairman Sakayanagi chatted with the housing agent for a while, comforted him, and then let him leave.

"Chairman, what do you say?"

"Let's check it out. There may be something wrong with his cell phone records."


"In addition, no matter what information is in the information record, you are not allowed to tell it. This is the privacy of the other party after all. In addition, if possible, leave this matter to one person so that he does not know as much as possible about Fang Fang. He may have nothing to do with this incident, but there must be something fishy in his news records."

Chairman Sakayanagi wanted to know why this young man was so flustered.

The real estate agent waited for the get out of class to end and ran away immediately. Shiina, who originally wanted to ask the real estate agent what happened, watched blankly as the real estate agent left like the wind. She didn't understand what happened.

Is there anything going on, Mr. Fang? So anxious?

Chapter 202: Drinking will make things worse, wait a minute

So where are the housing agents?

Of course I'm going to find Mayu Himuro.

He had to ask Himuro Mayu how to deal with the chat history with her.

He no longer dared to ask Himuro Moyu. Now that the chat records would obviously be investigated, he naturally had no choice but to ask in person what to do.

"What did I think was going on? Do you really think I would keep this kind of thing?"

Mayu Himuro looked at the panting real estate agent in her room and snorted: "Don't worry, I will erase the message records from the school program after the conversation, and they won't be able to find out. "

"Really? That would be great."

The real estate agent breathed a sigh of relief. He slumped in his chair. After learning the good news, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hey, what, the guy who plays with people's hearts knows how to be afraid now?"

Mayu Himuro turned her chair, and she was looking at the real estate agent with a smile.

The forum has exploded, and the fragrant leaves alone are a big enough melon for them to enjoy.

So now they are all quarreling fiercely, as if they all have inside information.

But the housing agent knew that they had no messy information. Basically, he was responsible for the show, and the actors also ended the show brilliantly.

Afterwards, Koda Yoshiko will definitely be expelled from the school, and Nagyunya will not be able to be the student council president for the time being because of this incident.

But it's one thing that he can't be the student council president. As for whether he will take action against Saku Maon and the bad gang because of this, the real estate agency probably will.

Why do you say that eight million points are gone? For a student, losing eight million points is the same as losing eight million yen. What's more, these are the points he has worked hard to earn for a year. What's the result? It's all wasted.

He thought that the school could easily trace this number back, but what happened? No, they can't get this point back.

"These points are Xiangtian leaves that he believes in. What does they have to do with us?"

In the board of directors, Chairman Sakayanagi was discussing with these directors based on Nagumoya's incident.

This eight million is not too much, but not too much. But suddenly he had to give eight million more points to Nagyunya. Sakayanagi himself couldn't say that he would give it casually.

After all, points are linked to money. These eight million points can be spent in the school, but these expenses are brought to the school from outside and cost real money.

Eight million yen, no one present could afford this price, but no one wanted to hand over eight million points to Nagumo Ya.

First of all, these eight million have come from some shady sources. Where do ordinary students get so many points? How do you save two months' expenses for a class of 40 people? Do you think this can be serious?

Another point is, why are these eight million missing? It's not like I was deceived by a scammer. Has there ever been a situation where people were deceived by scammers and got subsidies from the state? No.

You can only consider yourself unlucky.

Therefore, among the few votes in the board of directors who agreed, Chairman Sakayanagi also understood that this time, Nagumoya would not be able to get his points back.

He could only say that he gave Nayunya 100,000 points as a subsidy.

"Asshole! One hundred thousand points? Where are you sending the beggars?"

In the dormitory, Nan Yunya kicked the table away, and his room was already a mess. The loss of eight million made his mentality collapse.

For these eight million, he turned his grade upside down. Eight million was already a point he had earned through hard work, but what happened now? Gone.

It would be difficult for him to earn such a large amount again.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the angrier he became, the more he thought about it. Nayun Ya kicked the table further away angrily.

He not only hated that X, but also Chairman Sakayanagi.

I believe that the school will say that the eight million will be given to Xiangtian Zizi. What will be the result? You just can't find any clues?

What's the use of S points, thanks to your efforts? A bunch of trash.

He also hates Xiang Tian Zi. It was this bastard who transferred his points away, but now he can't see Xiang Tian Zi at all.

Xiangtian Ziye has suicidal tendencies and must be dealt with alone. Nagyun Ya can almost guess that she will never come back to this school.

So what should I do? what do I do?

Nayunya kicked him several times angrily, and angrily looked at the messages on his phone.

His class teacher has received information that there are several people involved in this operation. In addition to that X, there are also Saku Maone and Ippon Akemi.

The chat records between Saku Maone and

Only then did he realize that originally X only planned to ask for 100,000 points. What was the result? This greedy bastard wants more!

"Saku Maone..."

Squeezing out the name through her teeth, Nayunya picked up her cell phone and started dialing the phone numbers of her subordinates.

"Find Saku Mayon for me and capture her. I want to ask her carefully what she wants to do."

Nan Yunya had a hunch that the person responsible for this action must be in this school.

Very good, if you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust.

The real estate agent didn't know what Nayuna planned to do. He was currently lying on the bed looking at the ceiling.

Today's mood is really like a roller coaster. I was very happy at first, but then I was called over by the chairman to talk about it and I was worried for two lessons. When I came back and learned that there was no problem, the real estate agent couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Relieved, he actually felt a little sleepy, so he lay down on the bed.

But he couldn't lie down for long, because someone was banging on the door at this time.

"Hey, real estate agent, open the door, it's me."

It's Longbinjiang.

What are these girls doing here?

The housing agent reluctantly put on his slippers, opened the door, and saw Long Binjiang in an extremely good mood.

She was still holding a bag of things in her hand. When she saw the real estate agent opening the door, she walked in directly.

"Senior, what are you here for? And what is this bag?"

"Eat, you kid can do it, make such a scene in your freshman year. Now the forum is crazy with chatter, especially our second graders, everyone is making a fuss there. So I'm in a good mood, and plan to come to your place to have a good time Have a meal."

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