Chapter 3- Ancient Star

Fu Manor was a very large and lively residence. General Fu and Royal Princess Zhao's love story was a well known story in the capital.

Then Royal Princess Zhao was interested in martial arts and intentionally snuck into the barracks as a recruit. It was then she met General Fu who was then a leader of a small unit.

Although the Fu Family was not too noble but General Fu made many accomplishments and defeated the Great Western troops as a way to ask for the Royal Princess Zhao for marriage.

Of course, my fellow audience, I suppose you have not forgotten my presence here as the story teller.

You might be wondering what could be so unique about this people's story that intrigued my attention.

Although stars are not humans but it happens that for some reason, one becomes fond of some things for absolutely no reason.

Back to the story, my fellow audience and don't mind this wisp of a star.

Everyone in the Fu family awaited to welcome Fu Fanglie in the receiving hall and the servants stood in uniform and greeted the young master.

Fanglie walked with his maid assisting him, Yin Su walked slightly behind them and the yin and yang generals behind her.

Yin Su placed her face down to avoid suspicion from Xiao Yin and Xiao Yang although XiaoYin has been staring at her. Then Yin Su had more entanglements with Xiao Yin than Xiao Yang.

Inside the hall, General Fu sat at the head seat with a stoic expression on his face. He looked between his forties and fifties and had aged with grace as his eyes shone like that of a youth. Beside him was Royal Princess Zhao.

Royal Princess Zhao sat in an upright manner befitting of the etiquette of someone from the palace.

Her face aged not and she looked like Fanglie's younger sister. On the left was Fangyi alongside his wife from the noble Su family.

Opposite Fangyi was Fangwu and his wife from the noble Xie family. Seated next to Fangwu's wife was the only official born daughter in the Fu family, Fang Ying.

"Bi huo greets Master, Her royal highness, Young Masters, Young Madams and Young Lady Ying," the maid beside Fanglie bowed in etiquette.

The Yin and Yang General did the same and bowed, only Yin Su was left standing awkwardly. Royal Princess Zhao looked at Yin Su and in that instant knew that she was a young lady.

"Third Brother, we have really missed you, take a seat," Fangyi, the first young master said to remove everyone's attention from this unfamiliar person standing behind the young master.

"Mother, Father," Fanglie withdrew himself from Bi huo and turned around, reaching out his hand to Yin Su.

Yin Su had gone to many places in her live but nothing was more intimidating than the piercing gaze of those born in the noble circle. She held her head up high and took his hand.

"A'Lie, what does this mean?" His mother asked, her voice slightly high pitched and crossed.

Fanglie went on his feet and Yin Su went along. "I, this unfilial son has held back my marriage for so many years and fought with parents on this matter, finally I have found whom I have been searching for…"

Yin Su glanced at Fanglie in surprise, his words drowning in the background. Had he really been waiting for her all this years?

It had been six good years since she last saw him. If she meant something to him then why did he leave her then?

"Imprudent!" General Fu slammed his fist against the table which brought Yin Su out of her thoughts. She realized that all this while, she had been staring at Fanglie.

"A'Lie, how could you want to marry a bizarre young woman who dresses as a man and who has unknown backgrounds? Not only that, you want to move away from the capital, quickly apologize to Mother and Father," Xie Meng, the wife of his second brother spoke up immediately.

Fangwu nodded in support, "Father, please calm down, Third Brother is still very young and doesn't know the consequences of his words."

"Second brother, Second Sister-in-law, I am grateful but my words are nothing but true, parental consent is important but I can do without it," Fanglie replied firmly which took Yin Su by surprise.

She had always seen him as a soft and reserved person but his personality was surprisingly strong and resilient. A thought fell through, if he was weak, how would he a blind person go all by his own on a dangerous mountain path.

"A'Lie, I have had enough of your troubles, from all my other sons, only you are a wastrel, blind and useless!" General Fu spoke out angrily.

Bi huo winced at the hurtful words. Ever since her young master was young, he had always had friction with his father while he was his mother's favourite. General Fu did to soften to him even after the incident that he became blind.

Yin Su felt like she was slapped in the face. How could a father say such to his son? In a second, Yin Su glanced at everyone's expression.

Everyone's expression was sour except from the Second Madam Xie Meng who had a smug look on her face.

"Yes, this son is…"

"General Fu, Royal Highness Zhao, Yin Su greets," Yin Su removed her hand from Fanglie and kowtowed.

"Yin Su, daughter of Yin Xiao, Ghost King from Ghost Sect greets her royal highness and your lord."

Fanglie turned his head slightly in surprise but his surprise was not as much as Xiao Yin and Xiao Yang.

Both of them turned and looked at each other in shock initially. Xiao Yang's shocked look turned into deep hatred whilst Xiao Yin's shocked look turned into a longing look.

Royal Princess Zhao's look of disgust changed into surprise at that moment, pleasant surprise. "Ghost Princess?"

"Yes, your highness. Many years back, I met the Yin and Yang generals with the young lord during my travels around Jianghu. He helped me in a desperate moment so I promised to find the Divine Ghost Doctor to heal young master."

"After the assassination of the Ghost King of Ghost Sect many years ago, many of our members have been separated so it took me many years to gather the remaining members to rebuild our Ghost Sect."

As Yin Su stopped, the room was dead silent. Fanglie held his breath, he had never once thought that the woman he had dreamt of day and night was actually the one who could heal him.

Truly, only the Ghost Sect could heal him.

Every where they went in jianghu, they were referred back to the Ghost Divine Doctor who had gone into hiding.

Six good years, Fanglie had lost hope from travelling all the corners of the empire. Whether the imperial doctors, normal doctors, jianghu doctors or cultivating doctors, only Ghost Divine Doctor could heal them.

"Ghost Princess, go on," General Fu's voice had softened and he was anxious to hear her say more.

"After I, Yin Su was able to gather members of the Ghost Sect back with the help of Ghost Prince- my father's only disciple, I appealed with my uncle, Ghost Divine Doctor to treat third young master."

"But we, Ghost Sect have a rule for generations. The only way to treat third young master requires unveiling the secrets of our sect hence third young master must earn a high-ranking position in the sect."

"Hence, the shortest way is to marry the Ghost Princess," Fangyi completed and sighed.

"That is right, First Young Master. We from the Ghost Sect always keep our promises so I came to the capital to find Third Young Master, I only didn't expect to meet Young Master in such a dramatic way, hence my clothing, Yin Su apologizes for a bad first impression."

Xiao Yang snorted inwardly, she had truly not changed. Having the ability to convince people with her words, even if it meant turning black to white was very much like the Ghost Princess.

"So it was this, it was us who misunderstood your intentions, please rise," Royal Princess Zhao was touched deep down.

It had always been her regret that A'Lie was blind. If she had been more careful and not let A'Lie eat the pastries in her stead, she would have been the one blind and A'Lie would not suffer this much.

Bi huo helped her third young master up who thereafter assisted Yin Su to her feet.

"A'Lie, why didn't you inform us of this? Making us misunderstand you and think that you wanted to detach yourself from our family but instead, you wanted to leave to be treated at Ghost Sect," Xie Meng said softly.

Fangwu nodded in support of his wife. General Fu sighed, guilt glistening in his eyes. "Forget it, Miss Yin Su has nothing but good intentions, I grant this marriage."

"But to keep this a secret, Miss Yin Su must take on the identity of a distant cousin of my wife. The wedding would be three months from now to complete all the customs."

Fanglie froze in happiness and could not speak till Bi huo whispered to him to remind him that his father expecting his response.

"Many thanks Father! Many Thanks Mother!"