Chapter 4 - Ancient Star

Yhat same night, a side hall was prepared for Yin Su to reside in. A warm bath was prepared for her and a table full of delicacies. After taking the warm bath, Yin Su felt very sleepy and slept till a maid that was newly assigned to her came in the evening to wake her up for evening meal.

Yin Su had skipped afternoon meal and was very hungry but she kept her stance. Her mind was weaving up a plan. Everything she had said in the meeting hall was partially true and partially false.

Yin Su never thought that third young master was the one she met many years ago when she was just sixteen.

The maid assigned to her had a gentle deposition and treated her with respect. Her name was Wan Li and she looked around Yin Su's age.

After the conclusion made by General Fu, everyone in Fu mansion except the ones present in the hall think that Yin Su was a distant cousin of her Royal Highness Zhao.

"My Lady, dinner would be at Spring hall with Third Young Master," Wan Li mentioned as she helped her comb her hair.

Yin Su nodded. She truly needed some time with this certain young master to discuss some matters.

The wind blew strongly against the window of the inner chambers suddenly and Yin Su sensed a presence. Yin Su raised her hand slightly,

"Wan Li, I am afraid that I am not familiar with the customs of the capital after growing up in the northern regions for so long, I would prefer to change into a dress with a simple outlook."

Wan Li looked at the exquisite light purple dress bestowed on the young lady by her royal highness which hung by the side of room. Yin Su noticed Wan Li's expression from the mirror and sighed, "It is just for tonight, don't worry much."

"If young miss insists," Wan Li nodded and excused herself.

Yin Su rose to her feet in her white undergarments and turned to the window, "Who is there!"

The window opened and in an instant, Xiao Yin flew in dressed in black. Yin Su took a step back in defense, "Xiao Yin! You actually dared to come and find me here?!"

It was just past sun set and it was not yet night time.

Xiao Yin smiled and took huge strides before getting to her, "Do you think that you can get away with your actions?"

Yin Su snickered and turned away from him, "Xiao Yin, I simply paid you and Xiao Yang back, we owe each other nothing any more."

Yin Su stood there waiting for his outburst when a strong pair of arm wrapped itself around her waist from behind, pulling her to him.

She struggled out of his embrace but between the yin and yang generals, Xiao Yin was the strongest while Xiao Yang was the smartest.

"Susu, I have so longed for you," he whispered from behind.

Yin Su felt a shiver down her spine as he whispered in her ears. She struggled from his embrace but the more Yin Su fought, the firmer he held her.

"Do you remember, when me and Yangyang first saw you as Susu? I fell in love with you then and could not let go ever since. At first, I despised and hated you but after all this years, all I want is to be with you again, six years… six good years Susu…" Xiao Yin whispered as he trailed his lips down her neck.

Clenching her fist, Yin Su steeled herself from making any reaction. "Xiao Yin, then I only approached you and Xiao Yang for revenge, if you want to fight me then fight me for deceiving you but don't come to me like this!"

His ears perked up and he released her from his grip. Yin Su stepped away from him and spun around to face him when she saw the look of satisfaction on his face.

Xiao Yin smirked, "Of course, I will certainly revenge for the past no matter what your identity is now, I will surely make you mine illegally or secretly."

"You wish!" Yin Su glared at him.

Xiao Yin blew a kiss to her and in a split second jumped out of the window. That same moment, Wan Li entered with another servant carrying a plain light pink dress.

After dressing up, Yin Su arrived at Spring hall. The Third Young Master's maid, Bi huo was there to receive them and led them to meet Fanglie. Seated on a stool by a circular table filled with dishes, Fanglie rose his head at their arrival.

Yin Su greeted him before sitting opposite him. The servant tested the food and before they were about to start eating, Fanglie excused all the servants including Bi huo and Wan li. The residing hall was silent as it contained only Yin Su and Fanglie.

"Miss Yin Su, thank you for helping me earlier today," Fanglie broke the silence first and used his chopsticks to try to carry food.

Unfortunately, he placed the chopsticks into a bowl of soup. Yin Su picked up a piece of meat and placed it on his chopsticks.

"Young Master."

"Miss Yin Su, please address me as A'Lie," he corrected softly.

Yin Su nodded, "You… A'lie should please address me as Susu." Like he did in the past.

This brought a shy smile to his face and he turned to the side to hide it but Yin Su had already seen it. "A'Lie, I lied today at the hall."

"Many years ago, when we met, we did not share each other's identity and I didn't know the cause of your blindness then," Yin Su explained.

"There is also no more Ghost Sect, neither is there a disciple of my father still alive but if you promise to help me, I can guarantee that my uncle – Ghost Divine Doctor would treat you."

Fanglie was taken aback, not only was she very straightforward but she also was not hiding the truth from him. Fanglie nodded, wishing deep in his heart that he could see her face.

He nodded, "Actually Susu, I have not been able to forget you since then and it is divine that I found you again and able to make you my wife."

"I, Fu Fanglie would do anything in my power to help you."

Yin Su nodded. The memory of that day had long been buried deep in her heart and Yin Su dared not think of it.

Six years was an awful long time and it surprised Yin Su that both Fanglie still remembered her like she remembered him.

The dinner didn't take time and not long after, Yin Su returned to have a night rest. It was almost midnight but Yin Su could not sleep.

The events of six years ago whirled in her mind and Yin Su knew it was time to release the painful memories.

Many years ago when Yin Su was just twelve, Ghost sect was exterminated and her father was killed. Susu escaped with her uncle, Ghost Divine Doctor and the sect manual which she practiced diligently.

Her uncle usually travelled the world disguised as a fortune teller and her as his niece. When Susu was fourteen, she ran away from her uncle in an attempt to make a name for herself in the martial art world and revive the reputation of the Ghost Sect.

Then Yin Su was so proud and arrogant because of her talented skills and defeated many heroes. To make her face unknown so that her uncle would not find her, Yin Su covered her face with a white veil at all time.

Then when she clocked sixteen, Yin Su attended a martial art competition to win back her mother's ancestral sword, Flying Qiln Sword.

Putting all her effort, Yin Su made it to the final round and was to fight one of the yin and yang generals.

Before that, Yin Su had already befriended Xiao Yang and met Xiao Yin from Xiao Yang. She had developed a feelings for Xiao Yin during the competition.

Who knew that the night before the final round, Xiao Yin would ask her out for a drink and poison her drink.

The next day, Yin Su fought with Xiao Yang and lost bitterly. It didn't end there because Yin Su was unaware of the poison till she overheard both brothers laugh over it.

It was then Yin Su found out that the reason she lost was because of the slow spread poison given to her.

The poison would not kill her immediately but she would slowly lose all her inner energy and the ability to ever conceive. As time passes, she would lose her five senses before bleeding to death.

Knowing that the two brothers had used her feelings to deceive her and poison her, Yin Su started planning for revenge.

Originally, Xiao Yang had told her that the reason they needed the sword was to exchange it with the infamous doctor called Double Faced Yuan Ji to treat someone important to them.

He was known to wield a sword in one hand and poison in the other and rumored to have two personalities in one body.

On their way to that doctor, Yin Su schemed carefully and made them approach her whilst thinking that she was a doctor. Yin Su uncovered her face and with some of the healing skills she learnt from her uncle, she convinced them that she was a doctor.

Without her veil, they didn't know her true identity which worked well for her plan.

Yin Su travelled with them for a while and began to cause a rift between both brothers. Xiao Yin loved women with a strong personalities while Xiao Yang loved docile and weak women.

There was not much Yin Su could act to Xiao Yang but she was able to get the affection of both brothers at different times. Xiao Yin was more aggressive in love and demanded many things from her.

Although she once had feelings for him, Yin Su was filled with bitterness and hated for both of them and did many shameful things with Xiao Yin to make him think she loved him.

Through that, she was able to plant misunderstandings and rifts between both brothers.

It was then she learnt about their mission to find a doctor to heal the third son of General Fu. Yin Su also learnt that the case of the young master was unique and only her uncle could heal him.

Deep down, Yin Su felt ashamed for her actions then, driven by hated and revenge. After causing a big misunderstanding and letting both brothers fight against each other.

She drugged them one day and tied them up. It was then she revealed her identity as the Ghost Princess and took her revenge by slicing off both their pinky fingers.

The drug took few hours to wear off but intensified ones five senses so that pain would be very unbearable.

Yin Su didn't know how they survived because she left them there with a medicine bottle for them to use after the drug effects wore off.

After her revenge plan had been implemented, Yin Su didn't feel the need to live anymore. She wanted to find some where to kill herself and decided to climb the mountain where her father's sect once resided.

Ghost Sect once resided in a valley hidden by five giant mountains. Yin Su hadn't gone over the first mountain when she witnessed some bandits hitting a young man about her age.

Yin Su had gone to the young man's rescue. After exchanging some moves with the bandits, they ran away leaving her with the young man.

His face was bloodied from all the beating and Yin Su tried to help him stand, it was then she noticed that his vision was focused but at the same time unfocused.

"Mister, did the bandits poison your eyes?" Yin Su asked with concern. If so, then she needed to demand the antidote from them.

The young man shook his head and smiled, revealing a pair of bloodied teeth. "Miss, I am a blind person, it is not the bandits."

Yin Su was taken aback, not only by his words but with the way he said it with absolute confidence.

"If so, I advice young mister to leave this dangerous place before the sun sets," Yin Su adviced.

The young man nodded and bowed respectfully, "I really appreciate your kindness but I don't know the way out of the mountain."

Yin Su nodded with understanding. Her question was how he got here in the first place. It seemed like he was abandoned.

Pity filled her heart for him. "What about this, we find somewhere to stay soon because it would be night soon then tomorrow, I will lead you out of the mountain."

Relief filled his heart but he shook his head, "I would hate to disturb, Miss."

"Forget the formalities and let's find some where to stay," Yin Su shook it off and walked ahead expecting him to follow.

She stopped and turned around, seeing him still standing there. Yin Su walked back to him, "Young Mister, do you mind if I... I hold you to direct you?"

Flustered by her words, he shook his head frantically, "Ofcourse not, it is young miss reputation I worry about."

Yin Su smiled and took his arm before they began to walk, "My reputation is not one for you to worry about."

The young man nodded quietly. Apart from his mother and personal maid, Bi huo— no other woman had been this close to him before.

"If I recall clearly, there is a stream nearby so that we can wash away the blood and tend to your injuries," Yin Su thought out loud.

Touched, the young master felt his face heat up. "Young Miss is so thoughtful, can I ask of young miss name and age?"

Yin Su was surprised he asked for her age but guessed that maybe he wanted to visualize her in his mind.

"I am Yin Susu and I will clock sixteen this year."

The young man blushed, she was younger than him and had probably not yet gotten married.

"I am Fanglie, eighteen years old," Fanglie said.

Yin Su peeked over a big stone and a smile spread over her face, "I see a stream, let's go there."

When they arrived at the stream, Yin Su brought out her hanky and used it to wipe the blood off his face. Thereafter, she placed an healing ointment on the bruises of his face.

After washing his face, Yin Su could see a glimpse of handsomeness unlike Fanglie who blushed all the time she tended to him.

"Your face must hurt, it is really red," Yin Su sighed out of concern and wiped his red cheeks over and over again gently.

Unknown to her the reason behind his reddened face.

After leaving the river, not long after the sun set, they found a cave to stay in. Yin Su picked some branches and started a fire.

She gave him some food that she had bought from the village at the foot of the mountain.

After eating, they both sat by the fire in silence for a while.

"Fanglie, I am curious to what you are doing here?" Yin Su said in an attempt to end the awkward silence.

"I was waiting for someone who went to get food for us when the bandit attacked, I fought at first but ran away, they caught up with me to rob but I didn't have anything with me so..."

"So they wanted to beat you to death?" Yin Su completed.

Fanglie nodded, "Fortunately Heroine Susu came to my rescue."

Yin Su chuckled. Everyone called her a bad person but he actually called her an heroine.

Fanglie smiled when he heard her laugh.

"What about you, Susu?" He asked.

Her smile disappeared, "I am just a passerby in this world..."

Fanglie heard the sadness in her voice and felt pain in his heart, "What happened Susu?"

Yin Su smiled sadly and looked at the hem of her dress.