Chapter 6

Startled by a knock on her door, Angel opened her eyes. Feeling wetness on her chin, she wiped her chin with the back of her hand.

She yawned and looked out of the window, it was already day. For weeks, Angel had been writing a book on webnovel but she couldn't go any further because of writers' block.

The door opened and an older woman walked in. She had a striking resemblance to Angel and in one glance, it was obvious.

"Angel, have you forgotten that you are supposed to return to school today," her mother frowned.

Angel sighed and nodded. School again... Being in her third year, Angel had enough of school and wanted to free herself from the bondage.

"I will be back in twenty minutes, you should have gone down to your actual and packed your things, had your bath..."

Angel jumped to her feet and ran towards the door, "Mummy, don't be mad at me, I am am going now."

She ran out of the door and down the stairs into her room. Angel shared a room with her elder sister and had cleared out the attic as her own personal space.

Ofcourse, her mother was not to happy to find a new place for storage but Angel was able to convince her mother and her whole family.


In the midst of a large crowd of people, pushing to make their order, a young lady struggled to get out of the crowd.

Angel pushed her way out before getting to the exit of the food eatery. She held a polythene bag with a covered bowl and spoon and smiled in achievement.

Angel was back in school, back to standing in the line in the cafeteria or coming to Mama Put to buy good and cheap food.

Maybe if she was making a few bucks from writing, Angel could visit those expensive restaurants in school.

She sighed and started her long walk journey back to her hostel. It was already evening and the sky was dark. Angel glanced at the sky thinking of a new story to start on webnovel.

Her Ancient Star was not getting her anywhere. The sky was not clustered with stars unlike when she was home. Angel surveyed and could only count five stars in far distances from each other.

A white star that twinkled caught her attention. It was the farthest from all the other stars.

Angel gripped her polythene bag, looking away from the sky and muttered to herself, "What a lonely star."