Chapter 9- Ancient Star

The grand wedding of the Third Young Master left a good impression in everyone's mind both masters and servants.

The word spread round the capital about how the third young master's wedding was more grand than any of his elder brothers.

Some gossiped that it was because of the third young master's special condition. Rumors are that when the young master was young, he followed his mother —Royal Princess Zhao — to the palace.

Third Young Master Fu had felt tired while his mother was meeting with the late Empress Dowager.

A palace had been prepared for him and Third Young Master went there to rest. It was then that a consort, the most favored of his Majesty then had visited and gave the third young master a bunch of pastries for his mother.

Being a child, the third young master was tempted by the delicious pastry and ate it before his mother came.

Rumors said that from that time onwards, the third young master became very ill. Many doctors were brought but he couldn't be healed.

Finally a doctor appeared and the third young master was cured, the only adverse effect was that the third young master became blind.

Her Royal Highness Zhao was so furious that she caused the doctor to be executed by his Majesty, the Emperor.

Don't ask me how a wisp of a star knows all this. Ofcourse, then I was not a wisp of a star but a little star cultivating to be a deity.

My self perished long ago alongside the grandeur dynasty but I remain to narrate this beautiful story to you.

Back to the story.

Servants bustled excitedly, whispering about how the wedding was and about the prestigious people they saw.

At the main hall, the newly wed couple paid their greetings to the family to fulfill the wedding customs. Before Fu Fanglie and the new Third Young Madam had made their appearance.

The Royal Princess had sent her personal maid to check the white sheets. In the Fu family, it was a tradition to display the sheets to the family before the arrival of the couple.

Hence, it would be known to all if the woman was chaste or not. If not, the woman would be sent to the ancestral temple to pray for three years to atone for her sins of not being chaste.

Royal Princess Zhao had her suspicions but was very pleased to see that even though Yin Su was not a simple bred girl and was a traveler, she had managed to keep herself chaste even at such a mature age.

Hence, her respect increased. Not only the Royal Princess but everyone in the family too.

"Greetings Mother, Greetings Father," Yin Su curtesied elegantly with her maid behind her.

"Greetings Father, Greetings Mother," Fanglie bowed his head slightly while Bi Huo held him for support.

Royal Princess Zhao smiled and nodded. Her gaze moved to her son then the maid holding him. Only a fool would not see this maid's interest in her son.

Royal Princess Zhao felt uncomfortable inside. If not for the pending matters that she had to attend to, she would find a way to take care of this maid who would definitely be a threat to Yin Su.

The family greetings ended rather quickly and the day flew by. Soon enough, it was lunch time.Fanglie and Yin Su sat together at a table while their foods were being served.

Yin Su carefully watched as a maid servant helped feed Fanglie who was supposedly blind. Was he pretending? Could a person really pretend to be blind?

"Leave us!" Yin Su commanded.

The maid servant who served Fanglie alongside Bi huo was surprised and glanced at Bi Huo who seemed a bit unsatisfied.

Bi huo's lips tightened and she felt an unpleasant feeling rise up her chest. She felt contempt and envy towards this woman that suddenly appeared and married her master.

If she was the daughter of a noble family, maybe Bi huo would not have felt so wronged but this hag was also from a common birth too.

"Yes," Wan Li curtsied and gave a sharp glare at the reluctant maid servant and Bi Huo who was reluctant to leave.

Not too long after, it remained only Yin Su and Fanglie. All this while, Fanglie had said nothing so Yin Su moved herself closer to him to feed him.

"Master..." Yin Su placed a piece of meat on the full spoon of rice he held.

"A'lie, I would prefer you address me as that," Fanglie replied almost immediately, reminding her.

He hadn't said so when they were infront of all the servants but wanted to remind her now that they were alone.

Yin Su was taken aback by his sudden response and nodded, "A'Lie, who are you?"

Fanglie raised his hand and ate the food, chewing slowly.

"Are you really blind?" Yin Su asked.

Fanglie swallowed very slowly and placed his spoon down. "My wife, what is your definition of being blind?"

Yin Su thought for a second before replying, "When a person can't see."

Fanglie nodded before glancing up and looking straight at her, locking eyes with her.

"That is right."

Her hand shook slightly as they locked eyes. He truly wasn't blind! How could he manage to deceive everyone?

"Who...who are you?!" Yin Su asked, in all her journey round the martial art world, she had never seen a person pretend to be blind like this.

"Your husband."

Yin Su had no response to his words and kept quiet for a long time. Finally she spoke out, "Since you are not blind, why did you allow me to marry you?"

Fanglie smiled softly like he always did, "Who said I am not blind?"

He looked away and continued eating, without help.

Yin Su couldn't help but continue to stare at him. Was he a normal person? Was she running mad?

Yin Su reached out for the sharpest hairpin in her hair and placed the tip against Fanglie's neck in a second.

Although her skills were gone, a shadow of it was left.

"Tell me now! Who are you! Are you really blind or not!"

Fanglie placed his hand down calmly and glanced straight at the wall infront of them, shaking his head. "Susu, Susu, why are you in such a hurry to kill your husband?"

"I don't believe a person's personality can change so much, who are you!"

Fanglie turned his head to face her and reached out to hold her hand —the one pressing the hairpin against his neck.

"Susu, don't be impatient, you have an entire lifetime to find out who I am," his words were soft and gentle.

She pulled back her hand to avoid hurting him but he held her firmly, gazing into her eyes intensely.

Yin Su looked away and released her grip on the hairpin. The hairpin fell to the floor and Fanglie released her hand.

"Let's eat," Fanglie picked up a food piece and placed it in her bowl but Yin Su was too disturbed to eat.

She had thought that it would be easy to get to know him but now, seeing how mysterious and difficult he was, Yin Su had to be on guard.

Night time came and the couple retired to bed. Fanglie laid on his back, staring at the ceiling when Yin Su came to join him on the bed.

She laid down on her side and covered herself with the quilt when she felt warmth from behind. Fanglie wrapped his arm over her and buried his head in her neck.

Yin Su froze, "Fanglie, what are you doing?!"

"Embracing my beloved wife," he raised his head and replied.

"Last night, I was not sober but now that I am sober, we can consummate our marriage," Fanglie added.

Yin Su removed his arm and sat up immediately, "I call to defer."

Fanglie sat up alongside and glanced at her in surprise, "You don't want to consummate our marriage?"

Yin Su thought for a while before turning to Fanglie, "I am nervous."

Nodding slowly, he understood, "Then I will wait till you are ready."


Fanglie glanced at her in response with a questioning look.

"Tell me, are you really blind?"

A smile covered his eyes, "Still on that matter?"

"When we meet your uncle, he would have the right questions to your answer," Fanglie replied.

Yin Su nodded before taking a quick glance at him. Soon, they would be leaving to the Ghost Sect which really didn't exist anymore.

Her mother in law has prepared everything accordingly and in a month's time, they would be leaving the capital.

"Let's sleep," Fanglie embraced her.

Two Weeks Later(2wks later)

The air was fresh was was filled with the scent of the blooming flowers. Yin Su took a stroll through the garden planted in Fanglie's courtyard.

Towards the end of the garden, there was a forest with tall and thick trees. Wan Li walked behind her steadily, "I have to compliment Young Madam for easily blending to this life."

Yin Su smiled, "Ofcourse, when I was younger, my grandfather from my mother's side was born from a declined noble family of the former dynasty hence I learnt some etiquettes then."

"If not, I am afraid it would not have been so easy to learn the noble women etiquettes in such a short time."

"Young Madam is from a noble birth after all," Wan Li commented.

Yin Su smiled, this Wan Li had a silver tongue and just knew the right words to say.

Before Yin Su could say anything, she spotted Xiao Yin, the Yin general standing under the shade of a tree, as if waiting for her.