Chapter 10- Ancient Star

Yin Su smiled, this Wan Li had a silver tongue and just knew the right words to say.

Before Yin Su could say anything, she spotted Xiao Yin, the Yin General standing under the shade of a tree, as if waiting for her.

Yin Su had not seen him in ages and had forgotten about such bad egg. She walked towards his direction and applied a formal smile on her face.

"What a coincidence, General Yin," Yin Su smiled, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Xiao Yin bowed, "Greetings to Third Young Madam."

Yin Su nodded, "Drop the formalities."

"Wan Li, the air is fresh and the wind is cold," Yin Su turned her head to the side slightly.

Understanding her words, Wan Li curtsied and nodded, "I will go and bring Young Madam's coat."

Wan Li turned around and left, leaving only Yin Su and Xiao Yin. Xiao Yin raised his head, "Susu, why have you been ignoring me?"

"I gave you a week grace to enjoy your marriage but I didn't expect your wings to grow this big only after two weeks," Xiao Yin stated, his tone harsh and aggressive.

"General Yin should mind his words, I, Yin Su have nothing to do with you anymore, you poisoned me and I paid you and your brother back, now I don't..."

Before she could complete her words, he grabbed hold of her and roughly slammed her against the bark of the tree.

Yin Su felt pain. Before she could register anything, Xiao Yin had pressed himself against her.

"You lost your skills?" There was a tone of delight but suprise in his voice.

"Thanks to the poison you and your brother gave me," Yin Su gritted her teeth as her back hurt from the rough handling.

Xiao Yin brought his face closer but she turned her face away. "Let me tell you, I am now the Third Young Madam, if you try anything with me, you would suffer it!"

Xiao Yin smiled, "Suffer what, your husband is an invalid, let me help him."

Yin Su was infuriated. Her past feelings of hatred began to rise. "Xiao Yin, it seems like you haven't forgotten the pain of losing a finger."

A smile of satisfaction was plastered on his face but when he heard her words, his smile wavered and anger flashed in his eyes.

"You dare!"

If Yin Su was an ordinary person who had not once taken the martial art world with a storm, she might have been scared of Xiao Yin but she wasn't.

"I dare," She threatened in a low but deep tone.

Seeing that she was gaining the upper hand, Xiao Yin felt anger.

He reached out to hold her chin in his hand but she turned her face away.

Xiao Yin placed his finger on her cheek, "You don't know that you walked into the tiger's den this time, even her royal highness cannot save herself, talk less of you."

His words struck her immediately, Yin Su glanced up. "Xiao Yin, what do you mean by that?!"

Seeing that she had voluntarily turned to him, Xiao Yin gripped her chin and moved his face closer to her.

"By that time, you would be mine and I would pay you in a thousand folds the pain you gave me," Xiao Yin whispered.

Yin Su glared at him before he finally let her go and bowed. "Farewell, Third Young Madam," Xiao Yin said before taking his leave.

Yin Su stood there as his words sunk in. Weren't the yin and yang generals loyal to her Royal Highness Zhao? What did his words mean? Was the Fu family going to face a calamity?

Yin Su adjusted her clothing when she saw Wan Li approaching with a large coat. It was one of the things gifted by her mother-in-law.

That night, Yin Su couldn't sleep and just laid flat on her back. When she first entered the mansion, Yin Su could never had guessed that there were so many complicated matters in the mansion.

And that she had entered into a maze web.

"My wife, what is wrong?" Fanglie laid beside her, his eyes still closed and his voice hoarse.


"Hmm?" He replied sleepily.

"If one day, Fu mansion is in trouble, what would you do?" Yin Su asked. She lost her mother in a young age and couldn't help but feel the warmth and care Royal Princess Zhao showed her.

Yin Su didn't want anything bad to happen to the Fu Manor.

"If that day comes, I will protect you with my life," Fanglie replied and placed his arm over her to cuddle.

Yin Su turned to her side and faced Fanglie, staring at him. His eyes were closed but his eyebrows were carved so handsomely.

"A'lie, when that time comes, I hope nothing happens to mother, brother in laws, their wives and father," Yin Su stated.

Gone were the days that Yin Su disregarded life. Now, she wished even her past enemies life, even if it was to suffer for their crimes but they should be alive to do so.

Fanglie opened his eyes, not surprised at the close proximity between them and the look in her eyes.

"Susu, I will always protect you."

Yin Su glanced away, his gaze focused on her. Now Yin Su was sure that her husband was pretending to be blind and that there was nothing wrong with his eyesight.

"Who are you?" She asked, raising her sight back to him and they locked eyes.

Fanglie smiled and slowly closed in the distance between them before whispering, "Your husband."

Blood rushed upwards and Yin Su felt her cheeks burning up. The distance between them was just a kiss away.

Yin Su turned to her other side, avoiding whatever was coming next. She closed her eyes shut, memories of that night appearing in her mind.

That night, Yin Su had been broken and needed comfort but now confronting Fanglie, not as someone that she would meet only once but as her husband, Yin Su dared not do anything.

He was kind to her but Yin Su didn't love him. The last man she loved was the man she hated so much now— Xiao Yin.

2 Weeks Later

The servants of Fu family were busier than ever because this particular day was the day the Third Young Master and Third Young Madam were leaving to the Third Young Madam family's home at the border town.

The reason was not known to many, only very few people knew why. It was time to bid them farewell and all the important ranking servants lined up in five rows at the entrance compound of the Fu mansion.

Infront of the servants were ten people; General Fu, Royal Princess Zhao, First Young Master Fangwu, his wife and his five year old son.

Second Young Master Fangwu, his wife and his first concubine and lastly, the only daughter of the Fu family, Fang Ying.

Standing opposite them was Fanglie being held by his maid, Bi Huo, Yin Su and her maid, Wan Li and two young skilled soldiers from the Fu Army.

Yin Su had noticed for a while that the yin and yang general had not been in the front scenes. She could only guess that her royal highness had become suspicious of them since their return.

Royal Princess Zhao stepped forward and took Fanglie's hand. Fanglie looked up but his vision remained unfocused.

"A'lie, the last time you left, it took you two years to return back home, now I don't know when next you would be back, you must take care."

Fanglie nodded, "Yes, Mother. I have Yin Su by my side, nothing can go wrong."

Everyone smiled. General Fu scowled, "A man takes care of his family, not the other way round."

Fangyi, the first young master smiled and stepped forward, "Third Brother, Third Sister-in-law, you must take care."

Yin Su smiled and nodded. Everyone went forward one at a time to bid farewells except from General Fu and the servants.

When Royal Princess Zhao took Yin Su's hand, Yin Su held it for a second later and gave her a meaningful gaze.

Royal Princess Zhao blinked in understanding and patted Yin Su's hand with her second hand.

Finally, Yin Su and Fanglie mounted their carriage. Wan Li and Bi Huo sat infront of the carriage while the two soldiers mounted on their horses.

There was silence for a very long time between the couple who had been married for about a month.

Fanglie shifted uncomfortably and thought of something to say.

"Before tonight, we will arrive at an inn in the next town," Fanglie mentioned.

Yin Su nodded and looked at him, his vision unfocused.

"How long will it take us to get to our destination?" Fanglie asked.

Yin Su leaned back against the walls of the carriage, "Six months, with the speed we are going."

"How long did it take you to get to the capital?" He asked.

Yin Su tilted her head and glanced away from him, "About three and a half, my journey were fast and smooth because someone made it easy."

She looked back at him. "Fanglie, how long would you lie to me and pretend?"

Fanglie smiled, "I have never lied about my love for you."

"Why are you pretending to be blind?" Yin Su had thought long and hard, how could he act to be blind so perfectly.

"I do not pretend Susu, I am a blind man."

Fanglie turned his head to her direction, "What about you, Susu? How long would you lie to me?"

Yin Su rolled her eyes with his first words. How could a blind man see and still be blind but his second words struck her.

"What do you mean?" Her heart skipped a beat. Did he know about her past with Xiao Yin?

"I searched and waited for you because I love you but what about you? Why do you come searching for me?"

Yin Su sighed in relief. "I didn't know that you were so important a person, I came because I needed your help."

"About what?"

"I need you to save someone."

Fanglie turned his head slightly, thinking deeply. "Who can I possibly save?"

Yin Su took a deep breath and looked away. "To be honest, I thought that my mission to find you would be impossible."

"So I decided to search for you from where last I saw you, at the cave."

"When I got to the cave, it was empty and I could not see any sign of a living person after all it has been six long years."

"So I went around the mountain, who knew that I would find an hut not far away from the cave. It was an old medical doctor who had lived there for more than ten years."

"I asked the doctor about you and he told me the town to go, from there, I kept on being directed till I reached the capital."

"And met you..."

Fanglie said nothing, already aware of this. He was waiting for what he wanted to hear, why did she need his help?

"Our son, I need to save our son."

Fanglie sucked in air sharply and his hands shook the instant he heard her words.