Chapter 11- Ancient Star

Fanglie sucked in air sharply and his hands shook the instant he heard her voice. Her words sunk in deep.

They had a son? Fanglie felt a lot of mixed emotions rising in him. He felt hurt, anger and the feeling of loss, for he had not been there for Yin Su and their son.

How could she had kept it from him for so long, after all they had been married for about a month now.

He also felt great joy for the fact that he had a little offspring. The last emotion Fanglie felt was fear. Yin Su had said that he was to save their son, what exactly could be wrong with their son.

Fanglie moved his head up, as if trying to find the perfect direction Yin Su was seated from him.

"Susu, what is wrong with our son?"

His words carried so much affection and attachment that Yin Su glanced at him. She thought that when he heard it, he would be upset or withdrawn, Yin Su didn't expect him to quickly accept it.

"Truth is, before I got pregnant, I was already injured and couldn't bear children so it was a miracle to have gotten pregnant."

His ears perked up and he moved his head slightly, "You couldn't get pregnant?"

Her hands were already sweaty. If one thing led to another, she might mistakenly reveal her past. Yin Su didn't want him to know the truths of her past.

"Susu, talk to me, I won't judge you," his voice was firm unlike the calm and gentleness, there was a bit of nervousness and tension.

"Fanglie, I... I."

The carriage stopped and a voice came from outside. "Young Master, Young Madam, we have arrived at Sundew town, Jingyu has gone to ask for the best inn."

The voice belonged to one of the young skilled soldiers from the Fu army.

Yin Su glanced at Fanglie who remained quiet then she turned her head in the opposite direction and raised her voice.

"No need to find a fancy inn, a comfortable one would do best," Yin Su replied and glanced back at Fanglie for approval.

Fanglie nodded as if feeling and understanding her gaze.

Soon, Jingyu was back and mounted his horse before leading the way to a crowded inn. It was said to be the best in Sundew town.

Once they arrived, Yin Su and Fanglie got down from the carriage with the help of the other young soldier whose name was Fuyi.

Fanglie held Yin Su for support as Fuyi led the way to enter the inn.

Bi huo who had been quiet all this while, stepped forward to assist her master to walk when Wan Li stepped in between.

"Bi huo, we have luggages to carry from the carriage," Wan Li's voice was soft and sugary.

Bi huo frowned and tried to push Wan Li away but Wan Li had very strong stamina. Jingyu was watching all this from afar and called both of them.

Both young soldiers were tall and muscular although Jingyu was slimmer than Fuyi and had more delicate features.

Jingyu also seemed more intimidating than Fuyi although he was silent, his gaze was fierce like a tiger. Fuyi looked strong, his body was enough to intimidate anyone.

Fuyi was charming in face for a young brute. He had sharp masculine facial features unlike Jingyu who had delicate facial features like a woman.

Wan Li scoffed at Bi Huo before walking back to the carriage. Before leaving, her royal highness had specially told her to guard against Bi Huo who might have ulterior motives.

For her masters, she must keep Yin Su safe.

Since Yin Su was in charge of the accounts, she cleverly calculated their expenses. They paid for three rooms.

One for her and her husband, another for Wan Li and Bi Huo and the last one from Jingyu and Fuyi.

Yin Su and Fanglie didn't go down to eat dinner, instead Wan Li brought it for them in their room while Bi Huo prepared a hot bowl of water to wash their feet.

Soon it was time to sleep and Wan Li and Bi Huo withdrew while Jingyu and Fuyi agreed to take turns in guarding their room.

Yin Su sat at the table, studying the map. Six months, three cities, five towns and eight villages. It was a long journey.

A small fire lamp sat next to the map on the table, illuminating the smooth texture of her white silk undergarments. Yin Su leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table, thinking deeply.

"A'lie, starting from tomorrow, we should buy commoners clothing and change our carriage, this way, we would most likely not attract bandits," Yin Su stated.

But there was no response. Yin Su waited a while and thought to herself, "It has been a tiring day, Fanglie is most probably fast asleep."

The room was dark so Yin Su didn't bother turn around. Yin Su stretched and rose to her feet before walking to the window.

She had so much on her mind and didn't dare think about it. Fanglie also had secrets and she didn't force him to tell. Couldn't they be a couple who wasn't intrigued with each other?

Yin Su opened the window and a gush of wind flew in. It was a nice season with enough breeze, enough warmth and enough rain but when winter comes, would they survive?

Yin Su remembered what Royal Princess Zhao had advised her. To be careful, to not trust a soul and to be watchful.

Yin Su could only hope that the Fu family would survive the crisis awaiting them.

A strong pair of arm wrapped itself around her waist and Yin Su sucked in deep breath.

"Xiao Yin?"

"Xiao Yin?" Fanglie's voice rang out in her ears and Yin Su immediately regretted her words.

Fanglie slowly withdrew his arms as if registering her words. She turned around immediately to face him and to explain.

The moonlight reflected on his handsome face and all Yin Su could see in his eyes was confusion. "Who is Xiao Yin?"

Yin Su also noticed that his vision was focused and he wasn't blind anymore. Could it have something to do with the time of the day? In the day, he could not see but in the night he could see.

"General Yin?" Fanglie's gaze became more intense and he looked angry.

Yin Su felt her heart skip a beat. What was she supposed to say?

"A'lie, I meant..." Why wasn't her brain coming up with any excuse?

"Were you expecting someone other than me?" His voice was firm, filled with tension.

"Of course not," Yin Su forced a smile and stepped away. "It was just a slip of tongue."

"It's late, let's go to sleep," Yin Su continually reminded herself to act calm.

Fanglie caught hold of her hand,"Who is he to you?"

Yin Su pulled her hand away from his grip, "Nobody."

She walked away towards the bed and didn't expect Fanglie to catch up with her in two strides. He caught hold of her hand again.

Yin Su wondered how he could even see in the dark. She could barely see the way to the bed.

"Susu, it won't do any one of us good if you keep it from me, who is he to you?" His voice shook from anger and fear.

His grip wasn't tight and Yin Su pulled her hand away from his. "He is someone I have a grudge against," Yin Su finally gave in.

Fanglie could not believe her words, "A grudge?"

Yin Su walked to the bed and sat down. "We both have secrets, let's keep our secrets to ourselves and..."

"Susu, I am blind, I keep no secrets from you." There was a pleading tone in his voice but Yin Su couldn't believe it.

"Fanglie but you can see me," Yin Su replied.

Fanglie stepped forward and knelt infront of her on one knee, he place his hand on her knee.

"I can but I can't," he answered.

Yin Su waited for a while but he said nothing. It was dark and Yin Su could barely see his face, "A'lie, you can see but at the same time you can't see? How is that possible?"

"I don't know how to explain it to you, Susu but trust me that I would never lie to you, when we get to your uncle, he would be able to explain it to you better," Fanglie explained.

His hand reached out and held hers, "Now tell me all about your past with this Xiao Yin, is it General Yin?"

Yin Su thought of the many lies to feed him. When it came with turning black to white and cleverly wiggling out a solution, it was a skill Yin Su had learnt from travelling in jianghu.

"Yes, it is General Yin..." Yin Su began the story and left nothing out of it. From when she met the Yin and Yang generals to when Xiao Yin manhandled her at Fu Manor.

Fanglie just had an aura that made her want to spill out everything. It was the same six years ago and now.

His grip on her hand tightened some point but when she shifted her hand uncomfortably, he lightened his grip.

By the time she was done, the room was much more darker and Yin Su could not see his expression. Fear arose in her heart, would he look down on her?

Would he hate her? Would he be disgusted with her?

There was silence in the entire room and Yin Su felt Fanglie remove his hand from hers. She sucked in air sharply, feeling a cut in her heart. Why did you remove his hand?

"A'lie, I promise that after I met Xiao Yin at the Fu manor, I never..." Before Yin Su could complete her words, she felt warmth on her lips.

Fanglie pressed his lips firmly against hers for only a few seconds.