Chapter 22 : Don't die to early Miss Yn

The penthouse was unusually quiet, the tension palpable. In the spacious living room, Jungkook's trusted allies gathered, each lost in their thoughts. Jungkook was in gym, venting his anger. His mind replayed the events of the ambush and YN's betrayal over and over, fueling his rage.

Alex sat on the edge of the couch, his face a mask of worry. He broke the silence, his voice tinged with disbelief. "I still can't believe it. She... she's an agent. Agent Apex, one of the top agents." He turned to Jin, his voice rising with shock. "And Jin hyung, I bet you already knew about it, didn't you?"

Jin nodded solemnly, the weight of his knowledge evident in his eyes. "I had my suspicions. I didn't have solid proof until Yeji confirmed it recently."

J-Hope sat quietly, staring at the floor. The usually energetic member was subdued, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on him. Suga, on the other hand, was reclined comfortably, seemingly indifferent, but his words betrayed his true feelings. "My blood is still in her... by the way, J-Hope, your beauty queen was quite daring," he muttered.

RM glared at Suga, his voice stern. "She was just doing her job."

Jimin, sitting beside RM, spoke hesitantly, his eyes downcast and his face reflecting sadness. He had grown so attached to her in these past few months.

J-Hope looked up, his expression a mix of frustration and understanding. "So that's the reason you didn't tell Tae about Apex and all this?" he asked Jin.

Jin nodded again, his face serious. "I couldn't risk it. If Taehyung knew, they would plan something big against us. It was for our safety and... Jungkook also told me not to tell you guys."

The room fell silent once more, the weight of Jin's words sinking in. Each of them felt the sting of betrayal and the complexity of their situation. They had trusted Taehyung, considered him their brother, and welcomed YN into their lives, only to discover she was an agent working against them.

Alex broke the silence again, his voice trembling. "What's our next move? We can't just sit here and do nothing."

Jungkook emerged from gym , his face a mask of fury ,sweat and determination. "We go after her. She betrayed us, and we can't let that slide."

J-Hope looked up, concern etched on his face. "But hyung, she's one of the top agents. This isn't just some random enemy we're dealing with."

 Jungkook growled. "She played us all. She used us. And now, they will pay."

Suga leaned forward, his usual nonchalance replaced by a rare intensity. "What's the plan, then?"

Jungkook took a deep breath, his mind already formulating a strategy. "We hit them where it hurts. We disrupt their operations, expose their weaknesses. And we find YN. She can't hide from us."

RM nodded, his expression resolute. "We'll need to be careful. They're expecting us to retaliate. We need to be smart about this."

Jin placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, his voice calm but firm. "We'll get through this. Together."

The group nodded in agreement, their resolve solidifying. They knew the road ahead would be dangerous, but they were ready to face it head-on. The betrayal they felt had forged a new determination within them, one that would drive them to reclaim their freedom and exact their vengeance.

As the night deepened, the members of the team began preparing for the battles to come. The Black Wolf was back on the prowl, and with his trusted allies by his side, he intended to take down anyone who stood in their way, no matter the cost.


The night was dense with anticipation as the team began to strategize. The penthouse, usually a place of camaraderie and relaxation, now felt like a war room. Maps, blueprints, and laptops were spread out across the living room table, the glow of screens illuminating the determined faces of Jungkook and his allies.

Jungkook stood at the head of the table, his eyes scanning the room. "First, we need to secure our communications. If YN, tae and the CIA know our moves before we make them, we're done for."

RM nodded, pulling up a secure communication app on his laptop. "I'm working on encrypting our lines. We'll be able to communicate without fear of interception."

Jin pointed to a map of the city pinned to the wall. "We need to establish safe houses and fallback points. Places where we can regroup if things go south."

Suga, leaning back in his chair with a thoughtful expression, added, "And we need to hit their supply lines. Disrupt their resources. Make it harder for them to track us or mount an offensive."

Jimin, still processing his feelings but trying to stay focused, looked up. "And what about Taehyung? Do we bring him in on this?and will.... Will you kill him?"


Jungkook's jaw tightened. "No. He might be able to predict YN's moves."


J-Hope pointed towards YN's photo on the table, "alex, He also knows YN better than any of us. He might be able to predict her moves."


Alex, pacing nervously, agreed. "We need every advantage we can get."

Just then, Yeji entered the room, a look of grim determination on her face. "I've managed to intercept some of their communications. They're planning a sweep of the area around the penthouse. We need to move, and fast."

"Where do we go?" Alex asked, his voice edged with urgency.

Jin quickly folded up the map. "We have a safe house across town. It's well-hidden and stocked with supplies. We can regroup there."

The team moved swiftly, packing up their gear and preparing to leave. Jungkook, standing at the window and looking out at the city, took a deep breath. "May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won't. See you soon, my dear YN."


They left the penthouse under the cover of darkness, moving quickly and quietly through the city. As they navigated the alleyways and backstreets, their senses were heightened, every sound and shadow a potential threat.


Arriving at the safe house, they quickly secured the perimeter and settled in. The atmosphere was tense but focused. They knew the stakes were high, and there was no room for error.


Jungkook gathered them around a makeshift command center. "Our first target is their surveillance network. We need to blind them before we make any big moves. Suga, J-Hope, you'll handle that. RM, Jimin, and Jin, I need you to gather intel on their operations and find any weaknesses we can exploit. Alex, you're with me—it's been four days since I last saw her."


As they set their plans into motion, Jungkook's mind lingered on YN. Her betrayal had cut deep, but he couldn't let it cloud his judgment. He had to stay focused, for the sake of his team and their mission.

The Black Wolf was on the hunt, and this time, there would be no mercy.


YN was in her night suit, her hair cascading down her shoulders as she sat on her bed, working on her laptop. The cool night breeze played with her soft, silky hair, and the moonlight bathed the room in a serene glow. Suddenly, she became alert at the sound of a knock on the balcony door. She looked up to see a muscular figure standing against the wall, one hand in his pocket, dressed in a black shirt with the top two buttons open. His hair was perfectly set with gel, exuding a magnetic charm that could easily make anyone fall for him.

"Who's there?" YN asked, her voice steady but laced with a hint of unease, as she got up from the bed.

"Long time no see, Miss YN," the figure appear from dark and said, his voice unmistakable.

She knew that voice. "Jungkook," she whispered, her heart racing.

Jungkook stepped out of the shadows, his expression a mix of anger and something else—hurt, perhaps? "Surprised to see me?" he asked, his tone cutting but his eyes searching hers.

YN's mind raced. She had expected many things, but not a confrontation with Jungkook tonight. "What do you want?" she demanded, trying to maintain her composure.

He moved closer, the moonlight casting a sharp contrast on his chiseled features. "Answers," he replied. "Why did you betray us? Betray me?"

YN took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "I was doing my job, Jungkook. Just like you."

"Your job?" he scoffed, his voice rising. "Was it your job to gain our trust, become part of our lives, just to stab us in the back?"

"You think this was easy for me?" she shot back, her eyes flashing with anger. "I had to choose between my duty and my feelings. Do you know how hard that was?"

Jungkook's gaze softened momentarily, but the anger quickly returned. "Feelings? Was any of it real, YN? Or was it all just part of your mission?"

YN looked away, unable to meet his intense stare. "It wasn't all a lie," she whispered. "But I had a job to do. And so did you."

He took another step closer, now standing directly in front of her. "So, what now? Are you going to arrest me? Turn me in?"

She shook her head, . "No, Jungkook. I don't want that.

"Then what do you want, YN?" he asked, his voice softer but still edged with pain. He moved even closer, pressing her against the wall. "That day you asked me something, and my response was harsh. If someone betrayed me for the sake of their job, it would depend on the severity of their actions. But betrayal is betrayal. I wouldn't hesitate to kill someone who betrayed me." Anger burned in his eyes like fire.

YN met his intense gaze with defiance. "Is that a threat?" she challenged, her voice steady despite her fear.

He hesitated for a moment, his expression conflicted. "Did it sound like a compliment?" he countered, his voice quieter now, searching her face for a response.

She swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. "No," she admitted softly. "It sounded like... a threat."

They stood there in the moonlit room, the tension between them palpable. For a moment, neither spoke, each lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Finally, Jungkook reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her face with a gentleness that surprised her.

"It's not over yet, Miss YN, Don't die early, I'd like to do it with my own hands."" Jungkook said quietly, his voice tinged with unresolved emotions. He turned away and walked out onto the balcony, disappearing into the night. Alex was waiting in his car below.

"Drive," Jungkook said as he climbed in beside Alex. They drove off towards their safe house, leaving behind a room filled with unspoken words and lingering regrets.