Chapter 23 : A New Dawn

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in YN's bedroom. She stirred awake, the persistent ringing of the doorbell pulling her from her dreams. With a soft yawn, she stretched and pushed herself out of bed, her bare feet padding across the cool floor.

"Coming," she mumbled, her voice still groggy from sleep. She reached the door and opened it, expecting to see a delivery person or a neighbor. Instead, she found only a bouquet of flowers and a card lying on the doorstep. She glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever had left them, but the corridor was empty.

With a sigh, she picked up the bouquet and card, closing the door behind her. She set the flowers on the kitchen counter and opened the card, her eyes narrowing as she read the familiar, neatly written message: "Welcome back home ~J."

"Here he goes again," she muttered, her frustration evident in her voice. She placed the card on the counter next to the flowers and went about her morning routine.

After a refreshing shower, she dressed in a crisp white blouse and a tailored skirt, tying her hair back into a sleek ponytail. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen as she prepared her breakfast—scrambled eggs, toast, and a side of fruit. She ate quickly, her mind already racing with the tasks ahead at the office.

As she finished her meal and cleaned up, she couldn't help to think about the last night encounter again. Jungkook's actions were unpredictable, and while part of her was infuriated by his constant reminders of their connection, another part of her couldn't ignore the lingering emotions his gestures stirred within her.

She grabbed her bag and keys, heading out the door. The elevator ride down was uneventful, but her thoughts were anything but calm. Jungkook's reappearance in her life brought a whirlwind of emotions and complications she wasn't sure she was ready to face.

At the office, YN tried to focus on her work, but her thoughts kept drifting back to the previous night's encounter with Jungkook. She replayed their conversation over and over in her mind, analyzing every word, every gesture. The intensity of his anger, the pain in his eyes—it all haunted her." every thing will be fine" said to her self.


Her desk phone rang, snapping her back to the present. She answered it with a professional tone. "YN speaking."

"Good morning, Agent Apex," the voice on the other end greeted her. It was her superior, Director park. "I trust you had a restful night."

"Yes, Director. How can I assist you today?" she replied, masking any hint of the turmoil she felt inside.

"We have a situation that requires your immediate attention. A high-priority target has resurfaced, and we need your expertise to track them down. Meet me in the conference room in ten minutes for a briefing."

"Understood, Director. I'll be there shortly." She hung up and took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Work was her sanctuary, a place where she could lose herself in the mission and forget about the complexities of her personal life.

As she made her way to the conference room, she couldn't shake the feeling that her past and present were on a collision course. Jungkook's relentless pursuit, her duty to the agency, and the tangled web of emotions in between—it was all becoming increasingly difficult to manage.

The conference room was bustling with activity when she arrived. Director park stood at the head of the table, a large map displayed on the screen behind him. Several agents were already seated, reviewing files and preparing for the briefing.

"Good morning, everyone," Director park began, his voice commanding attention. "Our target, known as the Black Wolf, was spotted in the city last night. We have reason to believe he is planning a significant operation, and we need to act swiftly to prevent it."

YN's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the Black Wolf. She knew all too well who that was—Jungkook. Her professional demeanor remained intact, but inside, a storm was brewing.

"We will be dividing into teams," Director park continued. "Agent Apex, you will lead the team responsible for gathering intelligence on his movements. Your knowledge and experience with this target are invaluable. And allow me to introduce a senior agent who will assist you in this mission until Spector is handling the Yeji case—Agent Elrod."

The door opened to reveal a muscular figure in a sharp suit. "Morning, everyone," he said with a confident smile. "I'm Jackson Wang also Elrode, and together we will soon complete this mission... Miss YN, I look forward to our cooperation." He extended his hand, and YN shook it firmly, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Flirty," she mumbled to herself. a slight smile appears on jackson's lips.

"Understood, Director," she replied, her voice steady. She couldn't afford to let her personal feelings interfere with her duty. She had a job to do, and she would see it through.

As the briefing continued, YN's mind raced with strategies and plans. She would have to stay one step ahead of Jungkook, anticipate his moves, and outmaneuver him at every turn. It was a dangerous game they were playing, one that would test her resolve and push her to her limits.

But she was determined to succeed. For the sake of her mission, her team, and herself. The Black Wolf might be a formidable opponent, but Agent Apex was ready to face whatever came her way. 

The meeting concluded, and everyone began to file out of the conference room. YN was deep in thought, going over the briefing in her mind, when suddenly, the shrill sound of alarms began to echo through the office. Instantly, the atmosphere shifted from orderly to chaotic.

Agents rushed from their stations, the urgency palpable. YN grabbed the arm of a passing colleague, her eyes wide with concern. "What's happening?" she demanded.

The agent, a young tech specialist named Minji, looked panicked. "Our systems are down! Someone is trying to hack into our servers and steal our information."

YN's heart sank. If their servers were compromised, it could jeopardize not only their mission but also the safety of all the agents in the field. She needed to act fast.

"Director park, what's our plan?" YN called out, pushing her way through the throng of agents to where the director was standing, his face grim.

Director park turned to her, his expression serious. "We're locking down the building and initiating countermeasures, but we need to find the source of the breach and stop it immediately."

YN nodded, her mind racing. "I'll head to the server room. Jackson, can you come with me? We might need backup."

Jackson Wang, who had been calmly assessing the situation, nodded and followed her. "Lead the way, Agent Apex."

Together, they made their way to the server room, navigating through the bustling office. As they approached, YN's phone buzzed. She glanced at it to see a message from Jungkook: "do you like it, huh? This is just the beginning."

Anger flared within her, but she forced herself to stay focused. They reached the server room to find it already crowded with IT specialists frantically working to contain the breach.

"What's the status?" YN asked the lead technician, a seasoned agent named Park Soo-jin.

Soo-jin looked up, sweat beading on his forehead. "It's bad, Miss YN. The hacker is using a sophisticated program to infiltrate our systems. We've managed to isolate some of the servers, but we need to identify the source to shut it down completely."

Jackson stepped forward, his eyes scanning the monitors. "Can you trace the IP address?"

"We're trying," Soo-jin replied. "But the hacker is using multiple proxies. It's like chasing a ghost."

YN's mind raced. Jungkook's message suggested he was behind this, but she couldn't let her personal feelings cloud her judgment. "Soo-jin, focus on tracing the IP. "Jackson, let's double-check all access points and make sure no one slipped through. If this is an external attack, we need to be prepare for every situation."

Jackson nodded in agreement. "No one gets in or out without clearance."

As they worked to secure the room, YN couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. Jungkook's reappearance, the breach in their systems—it all felt like part of a larger plan. She needed to stay sharp and one step ahead.