Chapter 27 : Don't study me; you won't graduate me

As she waited for a response, her room was quieter than ever. The silence was almost suffocating, amplifying the weight of her worries and fears. Just then, Jisoo's voice broke through the stillness. "YN, come down for dinner," she called from the kitchen.

YN sighed, the sound of her friend's voice a small comfort in the midst of her turmoil. She knew she couldn't burden them with the horrific video she had just seen. Taehyung's suffering was her cross to bear for now. She needed to stay strong and focused.

Reluctantly, YN put her phone down and made her way downstairs. As she entered the kitchen, the familiar warmth and smells of a home-cooked meal greeted her. Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, and Jisoo were already seated at the table, their faces lighting up as she joined them.

"Hey, YN. You okay?" Jennie asked, concern evident in her eyes.

YN forced a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, just a bit tired."

"Come on, eat something. You need your strength," Lisa said, pushing a plate of food towards her.

YN sat down, trying to focus on the meal. Lisa, ever the jokester, decided to lighten the mood. "So, I tried to cook today," she began, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"Oh no, what did you do this time?" Rosé teased, rolling her eyes playfully.

Lisa feigned hurt. "I'll have you know, I made the best attempt at an omelette. It was... somewhat edible."

Jisoo laughed. "Somewhat edible? That's a new low, even for you."

"Hey, at least it wasn't on fire this time!" Lisa retorted, making everyone at the table chuckle.

YN couldn't help but smile at Lisa's antics. The lighthearted banter was exactly what she needed to momentarily distract her from the darkness of the situation. She took a bite of her food, feeling a small sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.

"Lisa, you're like our personal comedian," YN said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"That's my job, keeping spirits high," Lisa replied with a wink.

"Do you remember that time Lisa tried to boil water and ended up setting off the fire alarm?" Jisoo asked, grinning.

"Oh my gosh, yes! The whole building thought there was an actual fire," Rosé said, giggling.

Lisa pouted. "Hey, that was one time! And who knew you could burn water?"

"Only you, Lisa," Jennie said, laughing.

"At least I didn't almost blow up the microwave with metal like Jisoo did," Lisa retorted, making everyone burst into laughter.

"Hey, I thought it would make the food heat up faster!" Jisoo defended herself, her face turning red from laughter.

"You two are a disaster in the kitchen," YN said, shaking her head but smiling. "Good thing we've got Jennie and Rosé to save us from starving."

"Yeah, we're the real heroes here," Jennie said, pretending to puff out her chest.

"Super Jennie and Wonder Rosé to the rescue!" Rosé added, striking a superhero pose.

The room was filled with laughter and teasing as they enjoyed their meal together. YN felt a surge of affection for her friends. Despite the storm brewing outside, in this moment, she was surrounded by love and support. It gave her the strength she needed to keep fighting, not just for Taehyung, but for all of them.

After dinner, YN excused herself and headed back to her room, her heart a little lighter thanks to her friends. She was scrolling through her phone, still no response. Taking a deep breath, she noticed a familiar fragrance in the air. It was a scent she knew well. Her heart skipped a beat.

Looking up from her phone, she saw him: Jungkook. He was half lying on her bed, his shoes still on, looking as casual as ever.

Before YN could speak, he motioned her to be quiet. "Didn't you say you wanted to meet me?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"How did you get in here?" YN demanded, her mind racing.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "You know I have my ways. And besides, we have unfinished business."

"YN, Alex is here to meet you," Lisa said from outside and knocked on the door

Her eyes locked into his,

Jungkook bent a little and whispered in her ear, "You have two options: come with me or let them all die in vain," and gently rubbed her cheek with the back of his hand.

YN's heart pounded as she felt the cold, cruel touch of his hand on her cheek. , her mind racing, calculating the risk, assessing the situation. She knew Jungkook was serious, and the threat to her friends was real.

"Don't study me; you won't graduate me," she muttered through clenched teeth.

"Fine," she said, her voice steady despite the fear churning inside her. "I'll go with you. But leave Taehyung first."

"Do you think you're in a position to make deals?" Jungkook replied with a mocking tone.

YN opened the door slightly, just enough to let Lisa know she was okay. "Hey, Lisa, I'll be out in a bit. Just need a moment."

"Okay, we'll be downstairs," Lisa replied, her voice cheerful and unsuspecting.

Jungkook's smirk widened as soon as Lisa's footsteps faded away. He grabbed YN's arm and pulled her out of the room. They moved quickly and silently through the house, avoiding any encounters with her friends. Once outside, Jungkook led her to a sleek black car parked discreetly nearby.

"You'll regret this," YN whispered fiercely as he opened the car door for her.

Jungkook chuckled softly. "I doubt it. Now get in."

YN climbed into the car, her mind already working on a plan to outsmart Jungkook and save Taehyung. As the car sped away, she glanced back at the house, her heart aching for the friends she had to leave behind.

Alex was driving ,after what seemed like an eternity of silence, YN's voice broke the stillness, low and controlled. "Why are you doing this, Jungkook? What do you want?"

Jungkook leaned back in his seat, his demeanor calm yet tinged with a hint of amusement. A faint smile played on his lips as he regarded her, his eyes glinting with a mixture of mystery and calculation. "Isn't it obvious?" he replied cryptically, his voice smooth like velvet.

"Then why don't you just kill me? What are you waiting for?" YN pressed, her voice steady despite the rising tension.

Jungkook chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down YN's spine. "YN, I'd love to kill you right now, but I'm not in the mood to make a mess in my car," he replied, his tone casual yet laced with underlying threat.

YN's jaw clenched as she processed his words, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival. She knew challenging Jungkook was risky, but she needed to buy time, to find a way out of this deadly game he was orchestrating.

Alex glanced nervously at YN through the rearview mirror, sensing the rising tension between her and Jungkook.