His Family

[Good Day, My Lord.]

When a sudden voice resonated in his ears, Theron couldn't help but look around. When he saw that there was no reaction from the others, he realized that it was only he who could hear and see the holographic screen in front. 

"Uwahhhh!" (What the fuck is happening?) 

Another cry came out of Theron's lips as he instinctively said the words out loud. Being an emperor, he was used to talking, not crying. 

Speaking of which, Theron's curiosity was piqued when he remembered the family he had been reborn to. It was his first time seeing the people around, so he had no clue about their background.


[Information about your current family is loading…] 

The holographic screen displayed the words in bold letters. Theron waited patiently. Because of it, he heard what his parents were talking about. 

"The baby is crying again. Do you think he's hungry already?" Alloza expressed her worry as Theron momentarily cried out loud. 

"Is he?" Worry flashed in Tyron's eyes. He looked around and asked the maids, who were initially guarding Theron to come out for the meantime. 

"Should I feed him?" Alice questioned as she slowly sat on the bed. She was still swaying her arms from left to right, hoping that it would make Theron fall asleep. 

The midwife told them that it was important to feed and put Theron to sleep, to help with his growth. 

"I think you should," Tyron agreed before gently taking Theron out of Allyza's arms. 

With a deep breath, Allyza loosened up her top. When she was done, she took Theron and placed him carefully in her arms, near her chest part. She then guided Theron's lips to drink some of her milk. 

Theron was about to protest, but it was already too late. 

"Uwaaa—" (Noooo!)

Theron's eyes widened when he felt the surge of hot liquid in his mouth. It was creamy and tasty. When he looked in front, he noticed that he was very close to his mother's body.

This was totally normal for a baby, right?


[Information done loading.]


Year 3392, Spring.

Current Surname: Xion, a noble family of lower rank. 

Title: Baron/Baroness (Year 3281) 

Mother: Allyza Marie Xion; A commoner who became a baroness by marrying your father. She has a good reputation in the high society, well-known for her kind heart.

Father: Tyron Luis Xion; Your father inherited the title of a Baron, since he was of age. He had been running the state for almost a decade. Your father is a skilled swordsman. 

Sister: Acacia Charlize Xion; Your sister is 3 years older than you. She's well-behaved and an active child. 



Theron became speechless as he read the information in silence. 500 years had already passed since his death? What the...

'Oh right, where did you come from?' Theron questioned out of pure curiosity as his eyes blankly stared at the holographic screen in front. 

[I am the Goddess's Nania's creation, My Lord. I am called "Path-to-life", a system designated to help you achieve what you want to bein your second life. Now that I have been gifted to you, you are now my lord, My Lord.] 


Theron could only say minimal reaction when he felt his body being frozen in place. Despite his body being still, his mouth kept on moving, drinking more milk that came from his mother. 

Everything was so sudden for Theron that it took him a while to process everything. 

'What do you call the page that appeared earlier, containing my name and those random words?' 

New to everything, Theron currently had a lot of questions running through his mind. It was forcefully making him awake, despite the fact that his eyes wanted to close already. 

[That is called 'Status Page', My Lord. You will see anything related to you on that page.]

'What about the letters on each attribute?' 

[The letters next to your attributes are called 'Grades.' The grades represent your current standing or skill in a particular attribute. The lowest grade given is F, while the highest is S+. You can upgrade your grades when you finish a task or manually train.]

With the system's answer, Theron slowly understood everything that was happening in his current life. He realized that the life he had now wasn't bad at all. 

The fact that he had this system was a huge advantage already. However, he still lacked the on-hand knowledge regarding the system, so he wanted to see how it really work. 

On the other hand, what matters to him right now was to know more about his family. Currently, his family was of lower rank. He has a sister too, something that he didn't have in the past. 

[Before all of that, My Lord. Here's a list of tasks you need to accomplish. One task will you to upgrade one attribute. Take note that the task will only reset once you finish all of them.]


- Make the whole Xion Household like you.

- Make your mother cry.

- Say your first word.

This is doomed. 

Theron's mouth hung wide open as he saw the tasks he needed to accomplish. He was only a day old. How will he even do this done quickly, when this needs some time? 

"Ohh? Are you already full, my dear son?" Allyza lightly chuckled when she felt Theron's mouth moving away from her chest. She chuckled when she saw that he was only staring at her with an open mouth. 

Just seeing Theron made her feel pure joy.

"Give me our son first, my dear wife. Go and take a rest first. I'll put him to sleep." Tyron initiated when he saw tiredness in Allyza's eyes. 

Agreeing with it silently, Allyza gently placed Theron on Tyron's arms. She tightened the ribbon of her top before lying down on the bed. A smile stretched out to her lips when she saw how Tyron danced their son to sleep. 

It was a nice sight to see. 

'I guess my mom is tired," Theron, took a quick glance at Allyza before staring at his father's eyes. 

He remained silent, still problematic about how the tasks given by the system. However, before he could even delve into the topic more, Tyron's slow movement partnered with a soft hum, put him in a state of drowsiness 

Accepting his fate, Theron slowly closed his eyes 

He'd just sleep for the meantime and worry about things once he woke up.